Le Cloud de Christophe BOUCETTA

Voici le blog sur les communications unifiées et la collaboration Microsoft par un MVP nominé depuis 11 ans
  • [Skype for Business] Skype For Business Call Forwarding Information Tool

    Anthony Caragol a publié dans les galeries technet un nouvel outil: Skype For Business Call Forwarding Information Tool


    The purpose of this tool is to give you an easy front end GUI to review your user's call forwarding settings. Information such as Call Via Work settings, who's a delegate of who, who's got simultaneous ring set, etc. can be difficult to retrieve without a utility such as sefautil, which itself can be difficult. This tool allows you to review this information for all users in a pool in a GUI format that's easily searchable, sortable, and filterable (Out-Gridview). It also allows you to save the information to a CSV file. The information is gaterhed by parsing data pulled using Export-CSUserData. No SQL calls are made and no data is written back into Skype.

    Because this tool uses Export-CSUserData, please be patient during the loading process. If you have difficulty using this utility, first ensure you can run Export-CSUserData successfully. If there is any corrupted user information in a pool, this can cause issues and that corruption will need to be resolved first.

    If you would like to see the information in a different format, say an PowerShell command such as Get-CSUserForwardingInfo that can run for a single user or pool for speed, let me know as well. If there's interest I can write it.  Interestingly, if you are in a Skype for Business/Lync 2013 mixed environment, Call Via Work settings may still be populated in Lync pools

    Téléchargement ici: https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/lync/Skype-For-Business-Call-21cfbc3d

  • [Skype for Business] Sonus - firmware 4.1.2

    Sonus vient de publier un nouveau firmware pour les modèles 1000/2000: 4.1.2


    Les mises à jours et corrections de ce nouveau firmware sont listées ci-dessous:

    SYM-19686 Avoid passing Allow-Event header if Signaling Group is in B2BUA mode
    SYM-19677 SBC may not bring the Signaling Group up when changing mode to Local Registrar
    SYM-19642 Add reboot recommendation dialog upon new License application
    SYM-19687 Caller hears only one ring back tone when S4B/Lync set to simring to PSTN/FXS/SIP end point
    SYM-19671 Transfer failure error messages on LPE (PolyCom CX500)
    SYM-19696 Correct SMM rule read-only pop-out views
    SYM-19697 Credential table match logic enhancement
    SYM-19538 Web Server memory leak
    SYM-19543 PSTN audio issue observed in both blind and consultative transfers from Tenor FXS port
    SYM-19535 Partial configuration upload fails
    SYM-19541 RegisterKeepAlive in SIP Signaling Group should be displayed only if AgentType=B2BUA
    SYM-19428 Remove support for SHA1 in Monitor Applet
    SYM-19545 Change alarm "SIP Overload detected" text to "System CPU Overload detected"
    SYM-19472 Potential incorrect routing of ISDN calls with no called number IE
    SYM-19475 Download dialog blank while loading boot code
    SYM-19522 Disable AGC for forked calls
    SYM-19621 Add thread ID to ActiveDirectory debug level log messages
    SYM-19637 CVE-2015-4024: PHP 5.5 Denial of Service via Multipart Form
    SYM-19628 No audio may occur after a failed blind transfer attempt
    SYM-19590 Enhance memory handling for session timer refresh
    SYM-19476 SBC does not play the tone on Microsoft Lync on trying to complete the attended Transfer before answer
    SYM-19440 Add delay between Registrations in non-Stagger mode
    SYM-19516 Unable to login user to child or grandchild ActiveDirectory domain
    SYM-19504 SBC doesn't pass through the Music on Hold generated from Microsoft Lync
    SYM-19491 Accept new call on default TCP/TLS ports if INVITE has no port in targeturi
    SYM-19416 SIP stability improvement
    SYM-19368 MediaStreamController stability improvement
    SYM-19407 Wrong port may be used when transport configuration changed from TLS to UDP
    SYM-19423 SBC may not bring Signaling Group down if outstanding Register and Options request
    SYM-19397 SIP stability improvement
    SYM-19501 ActiveDirectory Domain Controllers which are down causes call route lookup request to time out and call fails
    SYM-19442 One way audio may occur in Microsoft Lync call forward or call transfer to TDM endpoint
    SYM-19254 T.38 ReINVITE with authentication may fail
    SYM-19298 SBC 1000 Ready LED not correctly reflecting system status
    SYM-19244 FQDN in Contact header parameter not working with Register request
    SYM-19091 Correct CSR file/directory creation
    SYM-19050 Call disconnected after hold 30s (DCD enabled and RTCP enabled)
    SYM-19299 Call routing ActiveDirectory query occasionally fail
    SYM-19172 No Audio/Video when a 3PCC transfer is between Audio Only and Audio/Video call
    SYM-19203 Populated To and From header with active and plugged in Ethernet interface IP address
    SYM-19342 Fax tone detect algorithm enhancement
    SYM-19359 SBC disconnects SIP call within 3 minutes after receiving INVITE with replaces
    SYM-19323 Intermittent MWI issue with Office 365
    SYM-19348 SIP "SUBSCRIBE" request handling
    SYM-19316 Incorrect RTCP statistics reported on 2nd IP leg to be disconnected
    SYM-19322 Partition table does not refresh after upgrade completes
    SYM-19313 Web server 'url.access-deny' rule disallows /robots.txt
    SYM-18999 Monitor fails to display Signaling Group if easy config scenario description has "->" characters
    SYM-19206 Port leak during ISDN-SIP Overlap Sending/Receiving Performance testing
    SYM-19196 CVE-2015-2348: PHP move_uploaded_file() allows NULL in middle of path
  • [Skype for Business] SDN Interface 2.2

    Microsoft vient de publier une mise à jour pour l'interface SDN.


    The Skype for Business, SDN (Software-Defined Networking) Interface allows developers to build applications and services that can monitor, isolate and correct issues on the network that affect Skype for Business quality of experience. The installer application also provides customers with the ability to interface with qualified 3rd party applications built on the Skype for Business, SDN API.

    Skype for Business Server and Lync Server provide customers with an unmatched unified communications and collaboration experience. Since both Skype for Business and Lync rely on the underlying network, sometimes the quality of experience can be affected by underperforming or improperly configured network elements. Applications built on the Skype for Business, SDN Interface provide the ability to quickly detect quality-affecting issues on the network, and deliver prescriptive resolutions and traffic prioritization.

    A qualified 3rd party Skype for Business, SDN Interface solution is required for this download. You can find qualified solutions built on the Skype for Business, SDN Interface at this list of qualified Skype for Business, SDN Interface solution providers on TechNet.

    Téléchargement: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=44274

  • [Skype for Business] Skype for Business pour Windows Phone est disponible

    Skype for Business pour Windows Phone est disponible depuis aujourd'hui.

    Plus d'informations ici: https://blogs.office.com/2015/07/06/skype-for-business-windows-phone-app-is-here/

    How you can upgrade today

    Most people who have the Lync 2013 app on their Windows Phone will be automatically updated to the new Skype for Business app, but here are the particulars depending on which version of Windows Phone you use:

    • If you have a Windows Phone 8.1 and higher but do not have the Lync 2013 app, you can download the new Skype for Business app in the Windows Store.
    • If you have Windows Phone 8.1 and higher and currently have the Lync 2013 mobile app, the new Skype for Business app will replace your existing app and tile automatically.
    • If you have Windows Phone 8.0, you will continue to use Lync 2013 or Lync 2010, which remains compatible even if your organization is running the new Skype for Business Server.
  • [Skype for Business] Skype for Business Address Book Normalisation Tool

    James Cussen a publié un nouvel outil: Skype for Business Address Book Normalisation Tool

    Son site étant déjà une mine d'or en termes d'outils.


    Tool Features:
    • Import Existing “Company_Phone_Number_Normalization_Rules.txt” files into the system.
    • Add/Edit address book rules to the system. If the rule you are setting has a name that matches an existing rule, then the existing rule will be edited. If the rule’s name does not match an existing rule then it will be added as a new rule to the list.
    • Delete rules from the system.
    • Create new Site based Address Book Normalisation Rules policies.
    • Change the priority of rules.
    • Custom written rule testing code for testing pattern and translation matches as well as the resultant number.
    • Export rules back into a “Company_Phone_Number_Normalization_Rules.txt” file format.
    • Test the rules! Skype for Business currently (at the time of writing this) doesn’t have Address Book Normalisation testing capabilities. So I wrote a custom testing engine into the tool providing this feature. By entering a number into the Test textbox and pressing the Test Number button, the tool will highlight all of the rules that match in the currently selected Global/Site level Policy patterns in blue. The rule that has the highest priority and matches the tested number will be highlighted in red. The pattern and translation of the highest priority match (the one highlighted in red) will be used to do the translation on the Test Number and the resultant translated number will be displayed by the Test Result label.

    Informations ici: http://www.myskypelab.com/2015/07/skype-for-business-address-book.html

    Téléchargement ici: http://1drv.ms/1gctIhN

  • [Skype for Business] Skype for Business 2015 Protocol Workloads Poster - Mise à jour -

    Étant en vacances la semaine dernière, j'ai un peu de retard, mais Microsoft a publié le 30 juin une mise à jour des diagrammes de flux pour Skype for Business 2015.


    Download this poster to better understand requirements of Skype for Business 2015 servers and clients under different levels of service complexity.




  • [Skype for Business] Skype for Business webcasts

    Microsoft organise toute une série de webcasts Skype for Business cet été:

    July 6

    What's New?

    Level 200 – Intermediate

    July 8

    Reference Architectures and Design

    Level 200 – Intermediate

    July 13

    Upgrade to Skype for Business, What Should I Know?

    Level 200 – Intermediate

    July 15

    Meeting and Video

    Level 300 – Advanced

    July 20

    Server Core & Voice Improvements

    Level 300 – Advanced

    July 22

    Hybrid Deep Dive

    Level 300 – Advanced

    July 27

    Edge Architectures and Configuration

    Level 300 – Advanced

    July 29

    Drive Skype for Business Adoption

    Level 300 – Advanced

    Plus d'informations ici: http://blogs.technet.com/b/uspartner_learning/archive/2015/06/04/skype-for-business-webcasts-summer-schedule.aspx#0_8_1038_3407_377_10538028

  • [Skype for Business] Polycom UC Software 5.4.0

    Polycom a publié une nouvelle version logiciel UC Software 5.4.0.


    Polycom UC Software 5.4.0 supports the following Polycom endpoints:
    ● VVX 101/201 business media phones (new phones supported in this release)
    ● VVX 300/310 business media phones
    ● VVX 400/410 business media phones
    ● VVX 500 business media phones
    ● VVX 600 business media phones
    ● VVX 1500 business media phones
    ● SoundStructure VoIP Interface
    Polycom UC Software 5.4.0 supports the following Polycom accessories:
    ● VVX Camera
    ● VVX Expansion Module

    Nouvelles fonctionnalités:

    • Advanced Conference (Alcatel-Lucent CTS)
    • Barge In for Busy Lamp Field Lines (Alcatel-Lucent CTS)
    • Bridge In for Shared Call Appearance (Alcatel-Lucent CTS)
    • Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) Relay (Alcatel-Lucent CTS)
    • Shared Call Appearance (Alcatel-Lucent CTS)
    • Visitor Desk Phone (Alcatel-Lucent CTS)
    • SIP Instance Support – The SIP Instance Support feature provides support for using +sip.instance, a parameter used in the contact header, to identify individual phones instead of using IP addresses.
    • Comfort Noise – Previously, when Voice Activity Detection was enabled, Comfort Noise was sent using the default payload type of 13, which was not advertised in SDP. Now, when enabled, the Comfort Noise payload type is negotiated in SDP with the default of 13 for 8 KHz codecs and a configurable value between 96 and 127 for 16 KHz codecs
    • Opus Codec Support (supported on VVX 500 and 600 phones only) – Opus is an adaptive, lossy audio coding format that is suitable for interactive real-time applications over the Internet. This feature also simplifies internetworking between mobile and fixed line networks.
    • DNS Server Address Override – Previously, any DNS server address provided by DHCP is given the highest precedence even if an administrator manually enters a DNS server address.
    • Global Directory Synchronization – The Polycom Contact Directory available on Polycom phones uses two files to generate and maintain a directory
    • Basic Menu Lock – This feature enables administrators to lock the Basic menu under Settings and prevent users from customizing the phones on the network.


  • [Skype for Business] Announcing preview of new Skype for Business services in Office 365

    Importante annonce cette semaine, la preview est là: https://blogs.office.com/2015/07/01/announcing-preview-of-new-skype-for-business-services-in-office-365/

    Frequently asked questions:

    Q. What are the eligibility requirements to participate in the preview?

    A. The Skype Meeting Broadcast preview is available worldwide to customers with an Office 365 enterprise plan or Skype for Business Plan 2. The previews of PSTN Conferencing and Cloud PBX with PSTN Calling are available in the U.S. to customers with an Office 365 enterprise plan or Skype for Business Plan 2.

    Q. Can end users sign up for the trial?

    A. No, the trial must be provisioned for the customer tenant by an Office 365 administrator. End users interested in trying the new services should contact their Office 365 administrator.

    Q. Are interested Office 365 customers required to trial all of the services currently in preview, or can they choose to preview only a subset?

    A. Eligible Office 365 enterprise customers may choose to trial any or all of the services now in preview according to the geographies where each preview is available.

    Q. When will these services be generally available, and how will they be priced?

    A. We expect to make these services generally available before the end of this year.  We will share pricing and licensing details when we are closer to general availability.

  • [Skype for Business] Skype Feedback

    Vous avez du feedback a échanger concernant skype pour entreprise?

    Ce site est pour vous: http://www.skypefeedback.com/


    This site is related to feedback on the Skype for Business client, for Skype consumer, please provide you feedback on our Skype Community.

    * We've partnered with UserVoice, a third-party service, to host customer suggestions on SkypeFeedback.com. When you post an idea to our feedback forum, others will be able to subscribe, vote and make comments on it. This site is hosted by UserVoice. To learn more, please read the UserVoice Terms of Service.

  • [Microsoft Lync 2013 ] Microsoft Lync 2013 Exams Extended to November 2015

    Microsoft avait annoncé le retrait des certifications suivantes pour le 31 juillet 2015:

    • 74-322: Microsoft Lync Server 2010—Advanced Design and Deployment
    • 74-335: Lync Network Readiness Assessment
    • 70-336: Core Solutions of Microsoft Lync Server 2013
    • 70-337: Enterprise Voice Online Services with Microsoft Lync Server 2013
    • 74-338: Lync 2013 Depth Support Engineer


    Nouvelle annonce, vous avez encore jusqu'au 30 novembre 2015 pour les réussir: https://borntolearn.mslearn.net/b/weblog/archive/2015/06/25/microsoft-lync-2013-exams-extended-to-november-2015

    A few weeks back I announced the retirement of Lync 2013 exams. See the post here. I want to let you know that we are moving the retirement date of Lync exams (335, 336, 337, and 338) to November 30, 2015. We’re updating the retirement dates on our web pages to reflect this.

    Remember, the new Skype for Business exams will count toward MCSE: Communication certification like Lync exams 336 and 337 currently do.

    Stay tuned for more information on the new Skype for Business exams!



    Q: Should I hold off on taking exams until the Skype for Business exams are available?
    Not at all. Skype for Business builds on Lync’s features and functionality. The Lync exams provide you with a solid foundation for your Skype for Business implementation. See what’s new in Skype for Business.

    Q: Will there be an upgrade exam for those who have completed both Lync exams and want to move to Skype for Business?
    No. Once you’ve earned your MCSE: Communication certification you cannot re-earn it. You can, however, keep it current through recertification. If you’re not ready to recertify but want to gain some Skype for Business skills, check out this training video.  

    Q: What about recertification?
    Holders of the MCSE: Communication credential must recertify every three years. Recertification is a great way to ensure that you stay current in the latest technology, such as Skype for Business. We’ll be providing more information about recertification options for MCSE: Communication this summer.

    Q: I’m a partner with the Microsoft Partner Network. I have the Communications Competency and just took the Lync exams to qualify. Do I still qualify?
    A: Retirement of an exam from Microsoft learning does not retire it as a qualifying exam for a Competency. Lync Exams for the Communications Competency will still qualify for a period of time. Always check the Microsoft Partner Network competency requirements. You can view the current Communications Competency requirements here.

  • [Skype for Business] SEFAUtil disponible

    Microsoft a publié hier l'outil SEFAUtil pour Skype for Business 2015.


    Skype for Business Server 2015, SEFAUtil (Secondary Extension Feature Activation Utility) is a command-line tool that enables Skype for Business Server 2015 administrators and helpdesk agents to configure delegate-ringing, call-forwarding, simultaneous ringing, team-call settings, and group call pickup on behalf of a Skype for Business user. This tool also allows administrators to query the call-routing settings that are published for a particular user.

    Téléchargement ici: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=47704

  • [Skype for Business] Skype for Business is coming to Windows Phone

    C'est pour bientôt!



    Why the change?

    This evolution combines the ease and familiarity of Skype with the communication and collaboration features of Lync and enables you to conduct your business through an enterprise-grade secure platform using the devices you already have.

    What's new in Skype for Business for Windows Phone?

    Skype for Business for Windows Phone includes a new look and feel, new emoticons, and other improvements. And, if your organization uses Skype for Business Server 2015, the ability to communicate with your Skype contacts using IM, audio call, and video call. We've spelled out all the details in Lync for Windows Phone is now Skype for Business—see what's new. See that article for the full story.

    Does Skype for Business run on all versions of Windows Phone?

    Skype for Business runs on Windows Phone 8.1 and later. If you're using Lync on an earlier version of Windows Phone, continue to use it and we won't send you the update.

    I'm using Lync 2013 for Windows Phone but my desktop has Skype for Business

    You'll receive the update to Skype for Business if your Windows Phone is version 8.1 or later. The update will be automatic unless you've disabled automatic updates in your Settings menu. Once updated, your Skype for Business contacts and meetings will still be there and will work just like they did in Lync. If you're using an earlier version of Windows Phone, you'll continue to use Lync 2013.

    I'm using Lync 2013 for Windows Phone and my desktop also has Lync 2013

    You'll receive the update to Skype for Business if your Windows Phone is version 8.1 or later. The update will be automatic unless you've disabled automatic updates in your Settings menu. Once updated, your Skype for Business contacts and meetings will still be there and will work just like they did in Lync. If you're using an earlier version of Windows Phone, you'll continue to use Lync 2013.

    I'm using Lync 2010 for Windows Phone and my desktop also has Lync 2010

    You will not receive the update to Skype for Business.

    I've never used Lync or Skype for Business on my Windows Phone. Where do I get it?

    To use Skype for Business for Windows Phone you need a Skype for Business or Lync account—typically the same user name and password you use when signing in at work or school. If you're already using the desktop version of Skype for Business, then you have a Skype for Business account. You can download the app from the Windows Phone store. See Download, install, and sign in to Skype for Business for Windows Phone 8.1 for more information.

    I don't have a Windows Phone. Is Skype for Business available for Android or iOS?

    Not yet, but check back often. Skype for Business for Android and iOS is coming soon. In the meantime, if you have Skype for Business on your desktop, you can continue to use the Lync 2013 app on your iOS or Android phone until the new Skype for Business app is available.

  • [Skype for Business] Cumulative update Juin 2015 - cumulative update

    Voici la première cumulative update pour Skype for Business!

    Version: 6.0.9319.45

    KB: KB3061064

    La cumulative update corrige les problèmes suivants:

    Les KB sont les suivants:

    Vous pouvez télécharger SkypeServerUpdateInstaller.exe ici:


  • [Skype for Business] Network Planning, Monitoring, and Troubleshooting with Lync Server - Mise à jour Juin 2015

    Microsoft vient de publier une mise à jour de l'indispensable Network Planning, Monitoring, and Troubleshooting with Lync Server guide.

    Version: June '15 Update
    File Name: Lync_Server_Networking_Guide_v2.3.zip
    Date Published: 6/10/2015
    File Size: 2.7 MB
    Updated June 2015 to replace Call Quality Methodology and Key Health Indicators information with links to the new published content. Lync Server is a real-time unified communications application that relies on an optimized network infrastructure to deliver high-quality media sessions. This guide provides a model for managing the network infrastructure for Lync Server 2010 and Lync Server 2013.
  • [Skype for Business] Lync Mobile users cannot sign in after they update to client version 5.4

    Microsoft vient de publié un nouvel article: Lync Mobile users cannot sign in after they update to client version 5.4

    Lien: https://support2.microsoft.com/kb/2965499/en-us?sd=rss&spid=924


    After Lync users update to the latest Microsoft Lync Mobile 2013 client (5.4), they cannot sign in, and they receive the following error message:

    Can't verify the certificate from the server. Please contact your support team.

    Additionally, users may see the following entry or entries in the logs if the issue occurred on an iOS device:

    2014-04-23 15:18:31.230 Lync[247:6975000] INFO TRANSPORT CHttpRequestProcessor.cpp/173:Received response of request(UcwaAutoDiscoveryRequest) with status = 0x22020002
    2014-04-23 15:18:31.230 Lync[247:6975000] INFO TRANSPORT CHttpRequestProcessor.cpp/201:Request UcwaAutoDiscoveryRequest resulted in E_SslError (E2-2-2). The retry counter is: 0
    2014-04-23 15:18:31.230 Lync[247:6975000] INFO TRANSPORT CHttpRequestProcessor.cpp/266:Sending event to main thread for request(0x13dede8)
    2014-04-23 15:18:31.230 Lync[247:3b2ae18c] INFO APPLICATION CTransportRequestRetrialQueue.cpp/822:Req. completed, Stopping timer.
    2014-04-23 15:18:31.230 Lync[247:3b2ae18c] ERROR APPLICATION CUcwaAutoDiscoveryGetUserUrlOperation.cpp/325:Request failed. Error - E_SslError (E2-2-2)
    2014-04-23 15:18:31.351 Lync[247:3b2ae18c] INFO UI CMUIUtil.mm/409:Mapping error code = 0x22020002, context = , type = 201
    2014-04-23 15:18:31.351 Lync[247:3b2ae18c] INFO UI CMUIUtil.mm/1722:Mapped error message is 'We can’t verify the certificate from the server. Please contact your support team.
    To resolve this issue, install your Enterprise Root CA Certificate on the iOS Device. You can do this manually or by using the Apple Configurator.
  • [Skype for Business] How to remove the LastActive attribute from the aggregation state category

    Microsoft vient de publier un nouvel article: How to remove the LastActive attribute from the aggregation state category in Lync Server 2010, Lync Server 2013, Skype for Business Server 2015, and Skype for Business Online

    Lien: https://support2.microsoft.com/kb/2684128/en-us?sd=rss&spid=924


    his article describes how to remove the LastActive attribute from the aggregation state category in Microsoft Lync Server 2010, Lync Server 2013, Skype for Business Server 2015, and Skype for Business Online.

    Note The Lync Server presence schema includes a method for calculating and displaying how long a user is away or offline. This is known as "Last Active." The LastActive attribute returns presence inquiries only from users who have the "Colleagues," "Workgroup," and "Friends and Family" privacy relationships. For more information about presence information in Lync Server, see the "References" section.


    Lync Server always calculates the Last Active time stamp during presence aggregation for each user and stores it in a database. Last Active presence information is retrieved to satisfy individual presence inquiries and subscriptions by other users. This occurs according to the access level that the users were assigned. The design of the Last Active presence information has changed for the following reasons:

    • Last Active presence information may be incorrectly interpreted as reflecting the actual user's status at work. Therefore, users may rely on it to remotely monitor an employee's activity. However, this behavior is not enabled in some countries.
    • Last Active presence information that's provided to users should not disclose how long a user is away or offline for business reasons.

    Note The aggregate presence data that's calculated by Lync Server contains the status history of each user's endpoints if a user is signed to multiple endpoints. The status of each endpoint changes automatically in response to system events (such as logon, logoff, workstation lock and unlock, and network connectivity events), configured timeouts, scheduled meetings, and user activity. The status of each endpoint can also be changed manually by the user. In this situation, Last Active presence information should not be considered an accurate measure of the user's presence. Last Active presence information is intended only to provide additional information about the user’s availability and willingness to communicate.


    For Lync Server 2010, Lync Server 2013, or Skype for Business Server 2015

    For Lync Server 2010, to remove the LastActive attribute from the aggregation state category, you must install the following update:

    2701585 Description of the cumulative update for Lync Server 2010: June 2012

    To remove the LastActive attribute, add a configuration entry in the configuration file on each instance of the server for which you want to remove the LastActive attribute. To do this, follow these steps:

    1. Create a text file, name it Rtcaggregate.exe.config, and include the following configuration entry:

            <add key="PublishLastActive" value="false" />
    2. Save the file to the following folder:
      • Lync Server 2010: %Installation Folder%\Microsoft Lync Server 2010\Server\Core\
      • Lync Server 2013: %Installation Folder%\Microsoft Lync Server 2013\Server\Core\
      • Skype for Business Server 2015: %Installation Folder%\Skype for Business Server 2015\Server\Core\
    3. Copy this file to the path that's specified in step 2 on every front-end computer in the pool in which you want to remove the LastActive attribute.
    4. Restart the Front-End Server service (RtcSrv or RtcHost) to apply these changes.

    Note This resolution affects only new data that's published after the update is applied. It does not fix old data. Users must change their presence manually or by signing in for the LastActive attribute to be removed.

    For Skype for Business Online

    Skype for Business Online provides tenant administrators to remove the LastActiveattribute through tenant Remote PowerShell. To do this, follow these steps:

    1. Configure your computer for Skype for Business Online management. To do this, see Using Windows PowerShell to manage Skype for Business Online.
    2. Start a Skype for Business Online Windows PowerShell session.
    3. Check the current LastActive attribute policy that's assigned to your tenant. To do this, run the Get-CsUserServicesPolicy cmdlet. The result resembles the following: 
      PS C:\Users\TenantAdmin> Get-CsUserServicesPolicy
      Identity                  : Global
      UcsAllowed                : False
      MigrationDelayInDays      : 0
      EnableAwaySinceIndication : True
    4. Disable the LastActive attribute. To do this, run the following cmdlet: 
      Set-CsUserServicesPolicy -EnableAwaySinceIndication:$false
      Note you may see a warning about unified contact store. You can safely ignore this warning.
    5. Recheck the LastActiveattribute policy. The result resembles the following:
      PS C:\Users\bdeakyne> Get-CsUserServicesPolicy
      Identity                  : Global
      UcsAllowed                : False
      MigrationDelayInDays      : 0
      EnableAwaySinceIndication : False


    • The LastActive attribute will be disabled after some hours.
    • Users must restart (change presence manually or sign out and then sign back in again) before the LastActive attribute is removed from their presence.
    • After the publisher has republished, subscribers must sign out and then sign back in again before the LastActive attribute no longer appears.
    • There is also a known issue in Skype for Business Online (see the "Known issues" section) in which outdated or inaccurate LastActive information is occasionally displayed.
  • [Skype for Business] Shared Line Apparence

    Ayant eu quelques questions sur le sujet récemment, qu'en est-il de cette fonctionnalité si attendu (Shared Line Apparence)?

    Basé sur du MSPL, cette application devrait être disponible pour cet automne.
    Actuellement supporté seulement par certains modèles de la série VVX de Polycom.

    On trouve quelques éléments de réponses dans la présentation durant le dernier Ignite de Jamie.

  • [Office Web Apps 2013] Mise à jour Juin 2015 - KB3054863

    Microsoft a publié le 9 juin une mise à jour pour Office Web Apps 2013

    KB: KB3054863

    Lien: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3054863


    Fixes the following issue:

    The Decrease List Level and Increase List Level functions are unavailable in PowerPoint Web App in the Chrome web browser.
  • [Skype for Business] Convert-SonusSbcConfigToWord.ps1

    Greg partage sur son site un outil intéressant aussi pour vos documentations: Convert-SonusSbcConfigToWord.ps1


    The name’s a bit of a mouthful, but “Convert-SonusSbcConfigToWord.ps1” takes the backup file from your Sonus SBC/UX 1000 or 2000 gateway and creates a new Word document, with all of the important(?) configuration information captured in tables.


    • Decodes gateway versions up to 4.1.2
    • Converts and saves the config to a new Word document, and optionally makes a PDF of it too
    • Doesn’t need any Lync PowerShell modules – it’s fine on your Win 7 or Win 8 machine (which needs to have Word installed)
    • Tested on Word 2010 and 2013
    • Reasonably well debugged throughout (although time will tell of course!)
    • It’s easy enough to turn off an unwanted section if you’re only interested in a specific subset of the functionality, or are adapting to suit your environment
    • A “-SkipWrite” switch skips the relatively slow process of writing to Word. I added this for debugging and have left it in the released version to help anyone refining or enhancing the script
    • From v2 the script has been signed, so no longer requires you to drop your ExecutionPolicy to “Unrestricted”. This also means you can be confident the code’s not changed since it left here
    • Uses your existing Word document template for the formatting of the table headings and table of contents

    Plus d'informations ici: https://greiginsydney.com/uxbuilder/

  • [Skype for Business] Lync/Skype4B top reported users with Poor Calls

    Guy Bachar vient de partager dans les galeries Technet un outil intéressant: Lync/Skype4B top reported users with Poor Calls

    Lien: https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/Reported-Users-with-Poor-d5a15f63


    • This script will query the reporting services database for users that were reported having poor calls within the last week (more than one instance)
    • The script automatically pulls the QoEMetrics instance name from the topology and query the database for all reported calls within the last week.
    • The script can also be used as a scheduled tasks and send an email with the results instead of creating a temp html file 
    • Thanks for Yoav Barzilay for his help with the script

    Poor Call Definition:

    • PacketLossRate > 0.1
    • DegradationAvg > 1.0
    • RoundTrip > 500
    • JitterInterArrival > 30
    • RatioConcealedSamplesAvg > 0.07


    • Reporting Services Database
    • User with access to the QoEMetrics Database (Read Permissions)
    • PowerShell 3.0 and above


    Runnign from a Lync / Skype for Business Server:

    • ./ReportedUsersWithPoorCalls-v0.5

    Runnign from a Lync / Skype for Business Server and sending email with the results:

    • ./ReportedUsersWithPoorCalls-v0.5 -From <Mail> -To <Mail> -SmtpServer <Server Name>

    Runnign from any client and connect remotely to the Front End Services:

    • ./ReportedUsersWithPoorCalls-v0.5 -RemoteConnection