Vous pouvez télécharger la version d'évaluation de Skype for Business Server 2015 valable pour 180 jours ici: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/evalcenter/evaluate-skype-for-business-server
Vous pouvez télécharger la version d'évaluation de Skype for Business Server 2015 valable pour 180 jours ici: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/evalcenter/evaluate-skype-for-business-server
Microsoft avait annoncé le retrait des certifications suivantes pour le 31 juillet 2015:
Nouvelle annonce, vous avez encore jusqu'au 30 novembre 2015 pour les réussir: https://borntolearn.mslearn.net/b/weblog/archive/2015/06/25/microsoft-lync-2013-exams-extended-to-november-2015
A few weeks back I announced the retirement of Lync 2013 exams. See the post here. I want to let you know that we are moving the retirement date of Lync exams (335, 336, 337, and 338) to November 30, 2015. We’re updating the retirement dates on our web pages to reflect this.
Remember, the new Skype for Business exams will count toward MCSE: Communication certification like Lync exams 336 and 337 currently do.
Stay tuned for more information on the new Skype for Business exams!
Q: Should I hold off on taking exams until the Skype for Business exams are available?
A: Not at all. Skype for Business builds on Lync’s features and functionality. The Lync exams provide you with a solid foundation for your Skype for Business implementation. See what’s new in Skype for Business.
Q: Will there be an upgrade exam for those who have completed both Lync exams and want to move to Skype for Business?
A: No. Once you’ve earned your MCSE: Communication certification you cannot re-earn it. You can, however, keep it current through recertification. If you’re not ready to recertify but want to gain some Skype for Business skills, check out this training video.
Q: What about recertification?
A: Holders of the MCSE: Communication credential must recertify every three years. Recertification is a great way to ensure that you stay current in the latest technology, such as Skype for Business. We’ll be providing more information about recertification options for MCSE: Communication this summer.
Q: I’m a partner with the Microsoft Partner Network. I have the Communications Competency and just took the Lync exams to qualify. Do I still qualify?
A: Retirement of an exam from Microsoft learning does not retire it as a qualifying exam for a Competency. Lync Exams for the Communications Competency will still qualify for a period of time. Always check the Microsoft Partner Network competency requirements. You can view the current Communications Competency requirements here.
Microsoft a publié hier l'outil SEFAUtil pour Skype for Business 2015.
Skype for Business Server 2015, SEFAUtil (Secondary Extension Feature Activation Utility) is a command-line tool that enables Skype for Business Server 2015 administrators and helpdesk agents to configure delegate-ringing, call-forwarding, simultaneous ringing, team-call settings, and group call pickup on behalf of a Skype for Business user. This tool also allows administrators to query the call-routing settings that are published for a particular user.
Téléchargement ici: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=47704
Annoncé pour le mois de juillet, vous pouvez voir sur ce lien les fonctionnalités qui vont être disponible pour la version Skype for Business sur Windows Phone:https://support.office.com/en-us/article/See-whats-new-in-Skype-for-Business-for-Windows-Phone-1e242ddc-3414-4101-ae34-4aca0c14f489?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US
Le premier cumulative update pour Skype for Business est disponible depuis samedi: http://microsofttouch.fr/default/b/christophe/archive/2015/06/21/skype-for-business-cumulative-update-juin-2015-cumulative-update
Voici un step by step d'installation des mises à jours Skype for Business Server 2015 en version Entreprise:
C'est pour bientôt!
This evolution combines the ease and familiarity of Skype with the communication and collaboration features of Lync and enables you to conduct your business through an enterprise-grade secure platform using the devices you already have.
Skype for Business for Windows Phone includes a new look and feel, new emoticons, and other improvements. And, if your organization uses Skype for Business Server 2015, the ability to communicate with your Skype contacts using IM, audio call, and video call. We've spelled out all the details in Lync for Windows Phone is now Skype for Business—see what's new. See that article for the full story.
Skype for Business runs on Windows Phone 8.1 and later. If you're using Lync on an earlier version of Windows Phone, continue to use it and we won't send you the update.
You'll receive the update to Skype for Business if your Windows Phone is version 8.1 or later. The update will be automatic unless you've disabled automatic updates in your Settings menu. Once updated, your Skype for Business contacts and meetings will still be there and will work just like they did in Lync. If you're using an earlier version of Windows Phone, you'll continue to use Lync 2013.
You'll receive the update to Skype for Business if your Windows Phone is version 8.1 or later. The update will be automatic unless you've disabled automatic updates in your Settings menu. Once updated, your Skype for Business contacts and meetings will still be there and will work just like they did in Lync. If you're using an earlier version of Windows Phone, you'll continue to use Lync 2013.
You will not receive the update to Skype for Business.
To use Skype for Business for Windows Phone you need a Skype for Business or Lync account—typically the same user name and password you use when signing in at work or school. If you're already using the desktop version of Skype for Business, then you have a Skype for Business account. You can download the app from the Windows Phone store. See Download, install, and sign in to Skype for Business for Windows Phone 8.1 for more information.
Not yet, but check back often. Skype for Business for Android and iOS is coming soon. In the meantime, if you have Skype for Business on your desktop, you can continue to use the Lync 2013 app on your iOS or Android phone until the new Skype for Business app is available.
Voici la première cumulative update pour Skype for Business!
Version: 6.0.9319.45
KB: KB3061064
La cumulative update corrige les problèmes suivants:
Les KB sont les suivants:
Vous pouvez télécharger SkypeServerUpdateInstaller.exe ici:
Microsoft vient de publier une mise à jour de l'indispensable Network Planning, Monitoring, and Troubleshooting with Lync Server guide.
Microsoft vient de publié un nouvel article: Lync Mobile users cannot sign in after they update to client version 5.4
Lien: https://support2.microsoft.com/kb/2965499/en-us?sd=rss&spid=924
After Lync users update to the latest Microsoft Lync Mobile 2013 client (5.4), they cannot sign in, and they receive the following error message:
Additionally, users may see the following entry or entries in the logs if the issue occurred on an iOS device:
Microsoft vient de publier un nouvel article: How to remove the LastActive attribute from the aggregation state category in Lync Server 2010, Lync Server 2013, Skype for Business Server 2015, and Skype for Business Online
Lien: https://support2.microsoft.com/kb/2684128/en-us?sd=rss&spid=924
his article describes how to remove the LastActive attribute from the aggregation state category in Microsoft Lync Server 2010, Lync Server 2013, Skype for Business Server 2015, and Skype for Business Online.
Note The Lync Server presence schema includes a method for calculating and displaying how long a user is away or offline. This is known as "Last Active." The LastActive attribute returns presence inquiries only from users who have the "Colleagues," "Workgroup," and "Friends and Family" privacy relationships. For more information about presence information in Lync Server, see the "References" section.
Lync Server always calculates the Last Active time stamp during presence aggregation for each user and stores it in a database. Last Active presence information is retrieved to satisfy individual presence inquiries and subscriptions by other users. This occurs according to the access level that the users were assigned. The design of the Last Active presence information has changed for the following reasons:
Note The aggregate presence data that's calculated by Lync Server contains the status history of each user's endpoints if a user is signed to multiple endpoints. The status of each endpoint changes automatically in response to system events (such as logon, logoff, workstation lock and unlock, and network connectivity events), configured timeouts, scheduled meetings, and user activity. The status of each endpoint can also be changed manually by the user. In this situation, Last Active presence information should not be considered an accurate measure of the user's presence. Last Active presence information is intended only to provide additional information about the user’s availability and willingness to communicate.
For Lync Server 2010, to remove the LastActive attribute from the aggregation state category, you must install the following update:
To remove the LastActive attribute, add a configuration entry in the configuration file on each instance of the server for which you want to remove the LastActive attribute. To do this, follow these steps:
<configuration> <appSettings> <add key="PublishLastActive" value="false" /> </appSettings> </configuration>
Note This resolution affects only new data that's published after the update is applied. It does not fix old data. Users must change their presence manually or by signing in for the LastActive attribute to be removed.
Skype for Business Online provides tenant administrators to remove the LastActiveattribute through tenant Remote PowerShell. To do this, follow these steps:
PS C:\Users\TenantAdmin> Get-CsUserServicesPolicy Identity : Global UcsAllowed : False MigrationDelayInDays : 0 EnableAwaySinceIndication : True
Set-CsUserServicesPolicy -EnableAwaySinceIndication:$false
PS C:\Users\bdeakyne> Get-CsUserServicesPolicy Identity : Global UcsAllowed : False MigrationDelayInDays : 0 EnableAwaySinceIndication : False
Ayant eu quelques questions sur le sujet récemment, qu'en est-il de cette fonctionnalité si attendu (Shared Line Apparence)?
Basé sur du MSPL, cette application devrait être disponible pour cet automne.
Actuellement supporté seulement par certains modèles de la série VVX de Polycom.
On trouve quelques éléments de réponses dans la présentation durant le dernier Ignite de Jamie.
Microsoft a publié le 9 juin une mise à jour pour Office Web Apps 2013
KB: KB3054863
Lien: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3054863
Fixes the following issue:
Greg partage sur son site un outil intéressant aussi pour vos documentations: Convert-SonusSbcConfigToWord.ps1
The name’s a bit of a mouthful, but “Convert-SonusSbcConfigToWord.ps1” takes the backup file from your Sonus SBC/UX 1000 or 2000 gateway and creates a new Word document, with all of the important(?) configuration information captured in tables.
Plus d'informations ici: https://greiginsydney.com/uxbuilder/
Guy Bachar vient de partager dans les galeries Technet un outil intéressant: Lync/Skype4B top reported users with Poor Calls
Lien: https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/Reported-Users-with-Poor-d5a15f63
Poor Call Definition:
Runnign from a Lync / Skype for Business Server:
Runnign from a Lync / Skype for Business Server and sending email with the results:
Runnign from any client and connect remotely to the Front End Services:
Anthony Caragol a partagé un script intéressant dans les galeries Technet: Lync 2013 Call Forwarding Information Tool
The purpose of this tool is to give you an easy front end GUI to review your user's call forwarding settings. Information such as who's a delegate of who, who's got simultaneous ring set, who's forwarding where, etc. can be difficult to retrieve without a utility such as sefautil, which itself can be difficult. This tool allows you to review this information for all users in a pool in a GUI format that's easily searchable, sortable, and filterable (Out-Gridview). It also allows you to save the information to a CSV file. The information is gaterhed by parsing data pulled using Export-CSUserData. No SQL calls are made and no data is written back into Lync.
Because this tool uses Export-CSUserData, please be patient during the loading process. If you have difficulty using this utility, first ensure you can run Export-CSUserData successfully. If there is any corrupted user information in a pool, this can cause issues and that corruption will need to be resolved first.
If you would like to see the information in a different format, say an PowerShell command such as Get-CSUserForwardingInfo that can run for a single user or pool for speed, let me know as well. If there's interest I can write it. Though it runs fine on Skype for Business, a separate Skype for Business utility will be released as well with additional information related to Call Via Work.
Finally, the question that I imagine will be asked is: If you can pull this data as read-only, why not give the ability to modify and write it back and avoid sefautil all together? The quick answer is, I have another utility for this that I have not yet released, and reading the data is much simpler than writing it. I am still putting it through it's paces for quality and will decide if it should be released later.
Téléchargement: https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/Lync-2013-Forwarding-80525eb7
Plus d'informations ici: http://www.skypeadmin.com/?p=1208
Microsoft vient d'annoncer aujourd'hui plus d'informations concernant le surface hub.
Microsoft announced this morning that its Windows 10-based Surface Hub will be available for order starting on July 1, with the devices shipping to customers in September. As you might expect, Surface Hub comes with a heady price tag: about $20,000 for the 84-inch 4K version, and $7000 for the 55-inch 1080p unit. But Microsoft can accurately claim this is aggressive pricing for the market Surface Hub targets.
Le groupe des Usages Communication Unifiée Microsoft de Montréal se réunira le lundi le 15 juin 2015 à 17h dans les bureaux Microsoft de Montréal (2000 McGill College Avenue accueil au 5ieme étage - H3A 3H3 , Montréal, QC)
L'infrastructure serveur Skype for Business est disponible au téléchargement depuis le 1er mai 2015.
Nous sommes heureux d'avoir la chance d'acceuillir pour cette session le MVP Lync/Skype for Business Jeff Schertz de Polycom.
Le planning pour cette session est le suivant:
1- Présentation des enjeux de la migration d'un systeme téléphonique vers Lync/Skype for Business par Christophe Boucetta - 30 minutes
Break - 10 minutes
2- Présentation des fonctionnalités vidéos avec Skype for Business/Polycom par Jeff Schertz - 30 minutes
Break - 10 minutes
3- Démonstration d'une mise à jour d'un environnement Lync Serveur 2013 vers Skype for Business par Jean-Philippe Breton - 20 minutes
Q/A- périodes de questions prévues en fin de session - 15 minutes
Les sessions seront animées par les deux Microsoft MVP Lync/Skype for Business pour le Québec, Jean-Philippe Breton, Président de Akilon, et Christophe Boucetta, Directeur technique UC de Solulan.
La session est gratuite et accompagnée de boisson, nourriture offerte par le groupe des usages UC de Montréal.
Au plaisir de vous rencontrer.
Microsoft vient de publier une mise à jour pour Lync 2013/Skype for business.
KB: 3054791
Article: http://support2.microsoft.com/kb/3054791/en-us?sd=rss&spid=16924#issue
This update resolves the following issues:
After you install this update, you may experience the issues that are described in the following Microsoft Knowledge Base articles:
Microsoft vient de publier le Skype for Business Server 2015 Management Pack.
Skype for Business Server 2015, Management Pack contain comprehensive monitoring tools including:
Active Monitoring Management pack
Component and User Management Pack
Download: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=47364&WT.mc_id=rss_alldownloads_all
Microsoft vient de publier le Video Interop Server Synthetic Transaction Support Package.
This download includes support files needed to run Skype for Business Server 2015, VIS Synthetic Transactions. The package contains configuration files and media to support Video Interop Server Synthetic Transactions. These are needed in addition to the Synthetic Transactions that get installed through OCSCore.msi.
Officiel! Microsoft annonce ouvrir des centres de données à Toronto et Québec pour 2016 amenant donc localement Azure, Office 365 et Dynamics CRM Online
Annonce ici: http://reimagine.microsoft.ca/en-ca/
Toronto, June 2, 2015 – Microsoft today announced plans to deliver commercial cloud services from Canada. Azure, Office 365 and Dynamics CRM Online will be delivered from Toronto and Quebec City in 2016, further strengthening Microsoft’s footprint in Canada’s competitive cloud landscape.
“Soon, the Microsoft Cloud will be truly Canadian,” said Kevin Turner, Worldwide Chief Operating Officer, Microsoft, who travelled to Toronto to make the announcement. “This substantial investment in a Canadian cloud demonstrates how committed we are to bringing even more opportunity to Canadian businesses and government organizations, helping them fully realize the cost savings and flexibility of the cloud,” said Turner. According to IDC, total public cloud spend in Canada is projected to grow to $2.5B by next year. The fastest growth will be from Public cloud infrastructure with a strong 45 per cent increase by 2016.
These new locally deployed services will address data residency considerations for Microsoft customers and partners of all shapes and sizes who are embracing cloud computing to transform their businesses, better manage variable workloads and deliver new digital services and experiences to customers and employees. General availability of Azure is anticipated in early 2016, followed by Office 365 and Dynamics CRM Online later in 2016.
Janet Kennedy, President of Microsoft Canada, says delivering cloud services from data centres on Canadian soil opens up significant new cloud-based possibilities for organizations who must adhere to strict data storage compliance codes. “We’re very proud to be delivering the Microsoft Cloud right here in Canada, for the benefit of Canadian innovators, entrepreneurs, governments and small businesses. Delivering the flexibility of hyper-scale, enterprise grade, locally deployed public cloud services is the ultimate Canadian hat trick.”
Canadian customers of all sizes are already in the Microsoft Cloud. Even today, Microsoft delivers cloud-based email, Office 365, and CRM Online to more than 80,000 Canadian businesses. Companies like Air Canada, Quebecor and Hatch are saving money while empowering their employees to collaborate, be more productive and mobile with Office 365, Yammer, and Skype for Business. “Information systems and technology continue to be a differentiator for Hatch as it helps us to gain advantages in the marketplace – our use of Microsoft cloud is an integral part of this success. We are now able to focus on our business while benefiting from all the innovation Microsoft offers with a Service Level Agreement we can count on.” Christopher Taylor, Global Director, Hatch.
Diply.com is a great example of an Ontario-based start-up leveraging Microsoft Azure, the company’s cloud-based infrastructure. The company delivers 850M page views per month on Microsoft Azure and owns no servers. Diply.com is able to rent servers from Microsoft by the hour based simply on the demand they receive. “We only pay for what we use,” said Gary Manning, CTO and co-founder at Diply.com. “We estimate our cost per 1,000 users is only $0.07! We’d never be able to build that back-end infrastructure ourselves.”
Ontario’s Deputy Premier and President of Treasury Board, Deb Matthews, applauded Microsoft’s commitment to enabling Ontario businesses to compete globally.
“This commitment by Microsoft will further enhance the ability of Ontario’s innovative business sector to thrive and compete with the best in the world,” said Matthews. “To date more than 3,200 Canadian startups have benefited from joining the free BizSpark program, many of which are based in Ontario. By bringing the power of the cloud to Canada and providing free access through BizSpark, our entrepreneurs can truly compete with the best in the world.”
John Tory, Mayor of Toronto, praised the announcement as a significant boost to Toronto’s digital infrastructure.
“Together with Microsoft, we’re bringing Toronto into the 21st Century,” said Mayor John Tory. “Toronto is home to a skilled and talented work force that is ready to bring ideas to life. The City is committed to investing in state-of-the-art infrastructure that’s needed to attract good jobs and fuel innovation.”
Tory noted that it’s estimated that more than 14,000 jobs in Toronto are connected to cloud computing.
To learn more about Microsoft’s cloud touching down in Canada visit reimagine.microsoft.ca
“Microsoft gives us the high-performance infrastructure we need to handle major fluctuations in traffic and demand for a majority of our media websites,” said Richard Roy, Vice President of IT and Chief Technology Officer, Quebecor. “We only pay for what we use, eliminating the need for costly up-front investment in hardware. Microsoft has completely transformed the way we build new IT environments – what used to take days or weeks can now be done in a matter of minutes. Our move to Microsoft’s cloud with has enabled us to innovate rapidly in response to changing forces in our industry.”
“We decided to move to the cloud with the Office 365 suite because of the globalization of CDPQ’s investment activities and our need for simplified collaboration among our teams around the world”, said Pierre Miron, CDPQ’s Executive Vice-President, Operations and Information Technologies. “CDPQ also welcomes Microsoft’s decision to establish two data centers in Canada, one in Quebec City and the other in Toronto,” added Miron.
“The City of Regina partnered with Microsoft Canada in 2013 to become one of Canada’s first public sector organizations to embrace Office365,” said Chris Fisher, Director of IT, City of Regina. “That strategic decision, which raised eyebrows amongst our peers, continues to pay dividends as the product matures. It is helping the City find cost-effective ways for employees to efficiently communicate with each other and the public.”
“As proud Canadians and creators of the world’s first 100% cloud-based digital asset management system, we’re eagerly awaiting the new Canadian data centres coming online next year,” said David MacLaren, President & CEO of MediaValet. “Since launching the first version of MediaValet in late 2010, we’ve had opportunities to work with healthcare, government and higher education organizations in Canada, but been hampered by their rigorous data compliance needs. Microsoft’s investment in a Canadian cloud will open up doors to significant sectors of the Canadian market and help us grow our market share on home soil.”
Lorsque le service de recherche Intercluster (ILS) est configuré sur plusieurs clusters, ILS permet de conserver l'état actuel de clusters distants
Le service de découverte de cluster ILS permet d'échanger automatiquemnt de l'information entre les clusters
ILS supporte la fonctionnalité globale de réplication de plan de numérotation et ne fonctionne que sur le gestionnaire de noeud de publication de communications unifiées.
L'exemple ci-dessous montre la configuration entre deux clusters dun partage des informations de l'annuaire URI.
1/ Configuration du partage de l'annuaire URI pour chaque cluster:
Aller dans Advanced Features - ILS Configuration et activer: Exchange Global Dial Plan Replication Data with Remote Clusters
Cluster 1:
Cluster 2:
2/ Configuration du mode d'échange entre les clusters:
Configuration du cluster en 2 en mode hub.
Dans cette exemple, j'utilise un mot de passe.
Étant le premier hub, laisser le champ vide.
Configurer le cluster 1 en mode spoke.
Dans la fenetre "ILS Cluster Registration", préciser l'IP du Hub.
3/ Validation du bon fonctionnement:
Cluster 1:
Cluster 2: