Microsoft a publié le 11 aout 2 mises a jours de sécurité pour les clients Lync 2010 et 2013:
Microsoft a publié le 11 aout 2 mises a jours de sécurité pour les clients Lync 2010 et 2013:
Lors de la phase de recherche de l'iso de l'application cible à utilisation dans le processus de migration ou upgrade avec Cisco Prime Collaboration Deployment, vous avez l'erreur suivante:
La documentation Cisco annonce l'information suivante:
Platform Administrative Web Services (PAWS)
Error messages:
"The Platform Administrative Web Services (PAWS) is not available."
" Unable to access node {0} via the Platform Administrative Web Services (PAWS) interface."
Possible actions to correct issues:
Ensure that the server is reachable, and that the PAWS service is active on the node. When you use Cisco Prime Collaboration Deployment to perform an upgrade, switch version, or restart task on an application server (for example, to upgrade a Unified Communications Manager server), the Platform Administrative Web Service on the application must be active. Otherwise, the Cisco Prime Collaboration Deployment server cannot communicate with the Unified Communications Manager application server.
Option 1: Activate from Serviceability GUI
Listed under Database and Admin Services
PAWS service can be activated, started and stopped
Activez Platform SOAP Services.
Option 2: Activate from the Command Line Interface (CLI):
utils service activate Platform Administrative Web Service
utils service deactivate Platform Administrative Web Service
To start and stop an already activated PAWS service from the CLI:
utils service start Platform Administrative Web Service
utils service stop Platform Administrative Web Service
Microsoft vient d'annoncer aujourd'hui la disponibilité en preview de la version mobile de Skype for business pour iOS et Android
Une introduction est accessible ici:
Pour essayer l'application, enregistrez vous ici:
Il y a quelques mois, j'ai eu la chance de voir les portes s'ouvrir pour publier des articles pour le The Microsoft MVP Award Program Blog.
Le premier article est publié depuis aujourd'hui: Exploring Skype Meeting Broadcast
Accessible ici:
Avec la nouvelle release 8.6 de la solution Expressway, Cisco maintenant le partage de bureau avec Lync:
The Expressway now supports desktop or application sharing from Lync clients with conference participants using Cisco Collaboration endpoints.
The Expressway does the transcoding of the Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), originating from the Lync client, into the Binary Floor Control Protocol (BFCP) used by many standards-based endpoints. The Expressway does not perform the reverse
Plus d'informations ici:
Comment mettre a niveau le micrologiciel d'une passerelle Sonus SBC 1000/2000?
En tant qu'intégrateur, cela est une tâche courant, pour une organisation devant supporter toutes une multitudes de systèmes différents, c'est un point important a aborder dans le cadre d'un transfert de compétence.
1- Téléchargement du micrologiciel
Depuis le portail sonus (, procéder à la demande d'accès au téléchargement de la version de mise à niveau souhaitée:
Choisir "Request Download"
Préciser vos informations d'entreprises:
Apres un temps assez court, vous devriez recevoir la confirmation d'acces par courriel:
L'accès obtenu, de retour sur le portail, sélectionnez l'applicatif nécessaire à la mise à niveau, sbc1000-release-5.0.0.build395.img dans le cas de cet exemple:
2/ Mise à niveau du micrologiciel:
Dans Tasks, Firmware upgrade, il est nécessaire de faire un backup avant de procéder à la mise à niveau:
Sélectionner le fichier télécharger sbc1000-release-5.0.0.build395.img et faire Upgrade:
Le processus en 5 étapes commence:
Redémarrage automatique de la passerelle:
Dès le retour en activité de la passerelle, vérifiez la version du micrologiciel:
Parfait pour la préparation du lab du CCIE Collaboration, la vidéo suivante explique le fonctionnement et la configuration du serveur IM et présence
Matt Landis a partagé un super document orienté utilisateur: Skype for Business User Tips & Tricks for Anyone
Téléchargement ici:
La technologie AVC (Application Visibility and Control) permet de classifier et prioriser le flux des différents clients lync dans un WLAN
Technologie utilisant NBAR2 (Based Application Recognition) classifie le flux applicative via une base de signatures, vous pouvez identifier la version de Lync 2013 et également sous-classer les différents trafic (video, audio,...) et appliquer la stratégie adéquate.
Le trafic sans fil Wi-Fi est identifié par un identificateur d'ensemble de services (SSID). Dans la définition d'un SSID particulier, il ya une plage de classes de priorité d'utilisateur WMM (0-7) qui correspondent à peu près au classe de priorités 802.1Q.
AVC DSCP marque seulement les paquets originaux dans le controlêur dans les deux directions (upstream and downstream).
Description (source cisco):
1. Packet comes with or without inner DSCP from wireless side (wireless client).
2. AP will add DSCP in the CAPWAP header that is configured on WLAN (QoS based configuration).
3. WLC will remove CAPWAP header.
4. AVC module on the controller will overwrite the DSCP to the configured marked value in the AVC profile and send it out.
1. Packet comes from switch with or without inner DSCP wired side value.
2. AVC module will overwrite the inner DSCP value.
3. Controller will compare WLAN QoS configuration (as per 802.1p value that is actually 802.11e) with inner DSCP value that NBAR had overwritten. WLC will choose the lesser value and put it into CAPWAP header for DSCP.
4. WLC will send out the packet to AP with QoS WLAN setting on the outer CAPWAP and AVC inner DSCP setting.
5. AP strips the CAPWAP header and sends the packet on air with AVC DSCP setting; if AVC was not applied to an application then that application will adopt the QoS setting of the WLAN.
Depuis la version 7.6, des applications AVC sont disponibles pour Lync, vous pouvez les trouver dans Wireless - Application Visibility and Control - Profil AVC:
La configuration est rapide:
1/ Créer un AVC Profiles et lier les applications AVC suivantes:
2/ Lier le profil AVC au
Microsoft vient de publier une cumulative update pour Lync Serveur 2013.
Composant:UCMA 3.0 Workflow APIs
Version: 5.0.8308.920
Date: 30 juillet 2015
To apply this cumulative update, install the UcmaWorkflowRuntime.msp package on computers that are running the following server roles:
Microsoft vient de publier une mise à jour du package KHI pour Lync Server 2013 et Skype for Business Server 2015.
Version: 2.0
File Name:
Sonus a publié un nouveau firmware pour les versions SBC 1000/2000:
Version: 5.0.0
Nouvelles fonctionnalités:
ASM Enhancements: The ASM now supports images based on Microsoft Windows Server 2012R2.
Skype for Business: Sonus SBC 1000/2000 is now certified for Microsoft's Skype for Business. All existing Sonus 1000/2000 features and Lync 2010/2013 features interoperate with Skype for Business. Also, all features released in Skype for Business are compatible with Sonus SBC 1000/2000.
Third Party Skype/Lync Presence: The Third Party Skype/Lync Presence feature enables the status of non-Lync endpoints to be communicated on behalf of Lync Clients. Presence will be updated when a call is connected to indicate “On-the-Phone/Busy”. At the end of a call, Presence will be updated to clear the Busy status.
NTTCom Support: Several enhancements are now included for NTTCom certifications.
NFS Storage: The Sonus 1000/2000 provides storage for the Sonus SBC 1000/2000's internal files. This feature is applicable only if the Sonus SBC 1000/2000 has an ASM module installed.
NAT Traversal/NTP Latching: The NAT Traversal/NTP Latching feature enables SIP endpoints that are behind NAT routers to register and communicate with the Sonus SBC 1000/2000. This feature handles NAT Traversal for both signaling (SIP) and media (RTP).
Split DNS: The SBC1000/2000 can now be configured to use a Primary DNS Server, a Secondary DNS Server, and a Domain Specific DNS Server (Split-DNS) to resolve FQDNs.
Direct Media: Direct Media support for SIP-to-SIP calls enables SIP Signaling to go through the SBC 1000/2000 without media being passed through the SBC. Endpoints on either side are reachable directly and negotiates the codecs and media capabilities, without any need for the SBC support for the media path (audio streams run directly between the endpoints).
Connected Name Support: Connected Name is now supported in SIP and QSIG ISDN. The SIP Connected Name is derived from the To header.
Packet Capture: Packet Capture is a new diagnostic feature in the Sonus SBC 1000/2000, which captures IP traffic to troubleshoot problems, such as SIP, AD, etc. Through Packet Capture configuration, select what should be included in the packet capture, such as interface, protocols, media, and hosts.
Easy Configuration: The Sonus SBC 1000/2000 Web interface now includes a built-in step-by-step setup Easy Configuration wizard, which enables end-users to quickly deploy SBC1000/2000 within a couple of minutes. Depending on the scenario or application in which the SBC is deployed, the Easy Configuration Wizard configures the SBC, Skype for Business/Lync, IP Phones, or ISDN in a very easy manner.
Auto Configuration with BroadSoft Web Services: Sonus SBC 1000/2000 now enables configuration and and updating of SBC 1k/2k remotely from a BroadSoft Server, using SIP NOTIFY message. Configuring, firmware, and software updates are supported. This feature uses password authentication and HTTPS for accessing files, and updates are performed only if required.
SIP Registration and Subscription WebUI: A new feature has been added to the Sonus SBC 1000/2000 to monitor selected SIP register and subscribe sessions.
Initial Setup Enhancement: The Initial Setup Enhancement features provides the ability to configure Ethernet 2 in the Initial Setup, along with Additional Routes apart from the Default Route in the Initial Setup Page.
Alarm and Event History: The Alarm/Event History display provides diagnostics and troubleshooting capabilities for the Sonus SBC 1000/2000 by rendering the latest alarms/events in the system.
La release notes est disponible ici:
Avec la version de firmware, les controleurs sans-fil Cisco supporte le SDN Lync:
Cisco WLC integration with Lync SDN API —This feature enables a Cisco WLC to integrate with a Microsoft Lync Server. Using Microsoft Lync SDN API, the Lync Server sends a notification when a Lync event, such as a voice call, video call, file transfer, or Desktop sharing, occurs on the network. The Cisco WLC interprets the API message, to take the appropriate QoS actions, and provides more visibility (mean opinion score [MOS] or Lync Client Heath) into the Lync events on the wireless network using the Lync SDN dashboard.
In Cisco Wireless Release, Microsoft Lync SDN API 2.0 is supported (with backward compatibility flag set to “true”).
The Cisco WLC integration with Lync SDN API feature is not supported on Cisco 2504 Wireless Controller.
Release notes:
Microsoft vient de publier une mise à jour pour Mac 2011
Publication: 24 Juillet 2015
Version: 14.1.1
This update resolves the following issues:
Audiocodes vient d'annoncer la publication d'un nouveau firmware pour les modèles 400HD: AudioCodes 400HD IP Phone Generic SIP Software Version 2.2.2
The following information has been added to it:
• Exact model and Rev (added to the 420HD model running on DSP AC494 with a fast clock)
• AUDC-IPPhone/ (420HD-RevX; 00908F480AFC) (resistors information, added to the
420HD model)
• AUDC-IPPhone/ (420HD-RevX-AC494; 00908F480AFC) (added to the 420HD model)
Problèmes connus:
• When 'SIP Proxy' and 'Default Gateway' are configured with an IP address instead of a Hostname, the Blind Transfer feature does not function correctly.
• Feature Key Synchronization - the Call Forward and Do Not Disturb functionalities can be configured from the BroadSoft Server Web Interface or from the phone's LCD screen; however, they cannot be configured via the phone's Web interface.
• Shared Call Appearance - the user cannot toggle between two incoming calls using Programmable Key 1 and Programmable Key 2. Toggling can only be performed using the
Navigation Key.
• The SIP PUBLISH message doesn’t function correctly in a Conference call (Conference holder or remote parties).
• The SIP PUBLISH message doesn’t function correctly when two concurrent calls exist.
• A DNS A query is sent instead of an SRV query with priorities ignored.
• The Jitter buffer increases when Music On Hold is played.
Résolve les problèmes suivants:
• Automatic switching is now implemented by default, i.e., users do not need to press the 9 key, for example, in order to "get an external line", they dial directly the number of the party they want. To allow the feature, the ini file parameter 'voip/dialing/secondary_dial_tone/enabled' is by default now set to 0 and the Web interface parameter 'Secondary Dial Tone' to Disable. Manual switching is implemented if the default is changed, i.e., users will need to press the 9 key, for example, to get a line to outside the enterprise; after pressing the key, they'll hear a secondary tone, and then they'll dial the number they need.
• When using the new 'Populate the BLF List' feature, the phone couldn't acquire more than 12 extensions on the BLF Resource List, or couldn't acquire 12 or fewer extensions which were too long.
• Multiple lines configuration - only the first line could use Remote Conferencing. Other lines could only use Local Conferencing.
• When canceling a "Remote Conference" call, the phone continued to ring after the call had ended (Idle mode).
• Failover: Phone did not diagnose the 50x SIP message response as "timeout". This did not result in a retry as it should have.
Le marketing Skype for Business a publié sur youtube plusieurs vidéos faisant découvrir différents partenaires de l'écosystème
Partner Conversations with Verba:
Partner Conversations with IR Prognosis:
Partner Conversations with Avanade:
Partner Conversations with Unify Square:
Microsoft Consulting Services : Communications Enabled Business Scenarios:
Partner Conversations with Clarity:
Partner Conversations with Genesys:
Partner Conversations with InterMountain:
Partner Conversations with Luware:
Petit problème du jour, pas de réplication avec les serveur Edge.
Les serveurs FE présentent en permanence l'erreur suivante: (LS File Transfer Agent Service, 1047)
Skype for Business Server 2015, File Transfer Agent cannot get replication status from Replica Replicator Agent on Edge
Edge machine
Exception: System.ServiceModel.Security.MessageSecurityException: The HTTP request was forbidden with client authentication scheme 'Anonymous'. ---> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.HttpChannelFactory`1.HttpRequestChannel.HttpChannelRequest.WaitForReply(TimeSpan timeout)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
Server stack trace:
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.HttpChannelUtilities.ValidateAuthentication(HttpWebRequest request, HttpWebResponse response, WebException responseException, HttpChannelFactory`1 factory)
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.HttpChannelUtilities.ValidateRequestReplyResponse(HttpWebRequest request, HttpWebResponse response, HttpChannelFactory`1 factory, WebException responseException, ChannelBinding channelBinding)
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.HttpChannelFactory`1.HttpRequestChannel.HttpChannelRequest.WaitForReply(TimeSpan timeout)
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.RequestChannel.Request(Message message, TimeSpan timeout)
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.Call(String action, Boolean oneway, ProxyOperationRuntime operation, Object[] ins, Object[] outs, TimeSpan timeout)
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.InvokeService(IMethodCallMessage methodCall, ProxyOperationRuntime operation)
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.Invoke(IMessage message)
Exception rethrown at [0]:
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)
at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type)
at Microsoft.Rtc.Xds.Replication.Common.IReplicationWebService.DownloadFiles(String senderFqdn, String sourceDirPath, String tempDirPath)
at Microsoft.Rtc.Xds.Replication.FileTransfer.FileTransferTask.CopyFilesFromReplicaUsingWcf(String fromDir, String tmpDir, String toDir)
Cause: Service may be unavailable or Network connectivity may have been compromised.
Vérifiez la présence d'un certificat positionné dans le mauvais conteneur (exemple, un intermédiaire dans le conteneur root)
Supprime le.
Relancer le service Replica Replicator Agent sur les Edge
Sonus annonce le support de Skype for Business avec le firmware 5.0 pour ces modèles 1000/2000:
On May 4, 2015 Sonus introduced Release 5.0 for the Sonus SBC 1000 and the Sonus SBC 2000 Session Border Controllers (SBCs). The software update is designed to deliver a simple experience for enterprises as they migrate to Microsoft Skype for Business:
Key Features in Release 5.0 in support of Skype for Business deployments include:
Informations ici:
Un petit outil sympa vient d'être partagé dans les galeries technet: S4B DHCP Options generator
Was looking for a quick and easy way to generate recommended DHCP options without the need for DHCPutil.exe and/or access to a Lync/S4B server. This Excel script was borrowed from Alessio's DHCP tab on his awesome Detailed Design CalculatorThe usage is VERY simple.
Téléchargement ici:
Microsoft vient de publier une mise à jour pour le client Lync 2013.
Version: 15.0.4737.1001
Problèmes connus:
Quoi de nouveau dans les processus Skype for Business 2015?
Les tableaux ci-dessous résument les processus déployés, très similaire a ce que nous connaissions déjà avec Lync Server 2013 à part un seul, RTCHA, introduit avec cette nouvelle solution, qui est responsable de surveiller la santé du système, les routing group,...
Le WPC a commencé, première annonce pour Skype for Business, l'arrivée du plan E5 (Office 365 Enterprise Suite E5) incluant les fonctionnalités de PSTN Conferencing et cloud PBX:
I am also pleased to announce our plans to introduce a new premium Office 365 Enterprise Suite called E5 before the end of this calendar year. E5 will encompass the core value of the modern productivity and collaboration capabilities Office 365 provides today, as well as significant new capabilities including Skype for Business services for real-time communication such as Cloud PBX and PSTN Conferencing, new analytics features like Power BI Pro and Delve Organizational Analytics, and new advanced security features such as eDiscovery, Customer Lockbox, Data Loss Protection (DLP) and Safe Attachments.
Plus d'information ici:
Microsoft vient de publier une cumulative update pour la version Lync Server 2013 pour ce mois de juillet 2015.
Version: 5.0.8308.920
Téléchargement ici:
Mises à jours:
David Paulino vient de publier sur les galeries technet un tool intéressant: Remove Invalid Agents from Response Groups
Téléchargement ici:
This script checks and removes invalid Response Group agents. If we don’t delete them, we will have the following warning events:
Lync Server: Event 31137,31138 LS Response Group Service
La version 11 de Cisco Jabber est disponible pour Windows, ios et Mac, je n'ai pas encore eu le temps de la tester.
Cisco Jabber for Mac 11.0 release notes:
Cisco Jabber for Windows 11.0 release notes:
Cisco Jabber for iOS 11.0 release notes:
Vidéo introduction Cisco Jabber 11 pour Windows:
Vidéo introduction Cisco Jabber 11 pour Mac:
Vidéo introduction Cisco Jabber 11 pour iOS:
Nouveautés Cisco Jabber 11 pour windows:
Calling Features
Chat and Presence Features
Persistent Chat Features
Sharing Features
Platform Features
Security Features
For more information about your privacy rights and the Cisco Problem Reporting Tool (PRT), see the Jabber Supplement to the Cisco Privacy Statement at
Invalid Certificate Behavior—Configure how the client handles invalid certificate policies with the InvalidCertificateBehavior installation parameter.
Nouveautés Cisco Jabber 11 pour Mac:
There is a limitation on CMR Cloud join experience for attendees of scheduled CMR Cloud meetings. This limitation impacts Mac users and Windows users who have not enabled Outlook calendar integration. Due to a server limitation, we can only offer attendees for these deployment scenarios the option to join the meeting using Cisco WebEx. Hosts will enjoy the full experience, as will anyone invited to join ad hoc CMR Cloud meetings.
For more information about your privacy rights and the Cisco Problem Reporting Tool (PRT), see the Jabber Supplement to the Cisco Privacy Statement at
Nouveautés Cisco Jabber 11 pour iOS:
This section describes the new features and stability improvements for Cisco Jabber for iPhone and iPad 11.0 release.
For cloud deployments, adding enterprise group is already supported in the client.
Security Enhancement — Cisco Jabber for iPhone and iPad provides more secured solution for the credentials and adds administrative control to manage the invalid certificate policies.
Support for Jailbroken Devices — Cisco Jabber for iPhone and iPad does not work on all jailbroken iPhones and iPads. To use Cisco Jabber on jailbroken iPhones and iPads, you must ensure that it is jailbroken by a public jailbreak tool available at the time of Cisco Jabber release.