Le Cloud de Christophe BOUCETTA

Voici le blog sur les communications unifiées et la collaboration Microsoft par un MVP nominé depuis 11 ans
  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] Mise à jour Lync Serveur 2013 5.0.8308.831 – Octobre 2014

    Microsoft vient d'annoncer une mise a jour pour Microsoft Lync Serveur 2013 pour ce mois d'Octobre 2014, la version est 5.0.8308.831.


    Mise à jour:

    • Update for Standard or Enterprise Edition server (Front End Servers and Edge Servers): 3001616 October 2014 Cumulative Update 5.0.8308.831 for Lync Server 2013 (Front End Server and Edge Server)

    The cumulative update resolves the following issues:

      • 3003346 Cannot see presence status or send instant messages when OWA is integrated with Lync Server 2013 instant messaging
      • 3003347 User cannot dial out to a PSTN number as a guest in an online meeting in a Lync Server 2013 environment
      • 3003350 Cannot search users by using a keyword that differs from Lync Server 2013 AD DS display name format in a Lync client
      • 3003347 User cannot dial out to a PSTN number as a guest in an online meeting in a Lync Server 2013 environment

    • Update for Core Components: 3003358 October 2014 Cumulative Update 5.0.8308.831 for Lync Server 2013 core components

    The cumulative update resolves the following issue:

      • 3008181 Centralized Logging Service Agent Service cannot start after you install a September 2014 update for Lync Server 2013

    Téléchargement:  http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=36820

    KB3001616: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/3001616

  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] Update client Lync pour Mac 14.0.10

    Microsoft vient d'annoncer la release Lync pour Mac 14.0.10

    Les principaux points de ce KB sont:

    • Support for Yosemite (OSX 10.10)
    • Conversation History now stored in Exchange
    • Media resiliency – Automatic resuming of calls/meeting when momentary network interruptions occur






    Lync for Mac



    MS download

    This update resolves the following issues:

    •     3007886 Update enables users to view call history in Lync for Mac 2011
    •     3007885 Update for Lync for Mac 2011 enables users to store conversation history on an Exchange server
    •     3007884 Location is not displayed in Lync for Mac 2011 when users join a wireless network
    •     3007883 Error "One or more selected contacts cannot receive your calls" when you forward calls in Lync for Mac 2011
    •     3007881 Delegation relationship is broken after a delegate signs in to Lync for Mac 2011
    •     3007879 Computer shutdown is not processed when Lync for Mac 2011 is running
    •     3007878 Update implements media resiliency mode in Lync for Mac 2011
    •     3007877 Dial pad disappears when a user who is not enabled for EV joins a video conference or a video call in Lync for Mac 2011
    •     2909659 Update enables users to interact with a contact from the call history in Lync for Mac 2011
  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] Magic Quadrant for Corporate Telephony 2014

    Microsoft est classé pour la première fois dans les leaders par le Magic Quadrant for Corporate Telephony paru le 21 octobre 2014:

    Le rapport est disponible ici: http://www.gartner.com/technology/reprints.do?id=1-23HXCI1&ct=141022&st=sb

    Comment fonctionne le quadrant: http://www.gartner.com/technology/research/methodologies/research_mq.jsp

    On note les points encourageants suivants:

    “Telephony platforms are migrating to software-based solutions that are tightly integrated within a UC suite.” 

    “Enterprises looking to upgrade legacy systems can use this research to decide whether to stay with an incumbent vendor or consider alternative suppliers.”

    Dans les “Cautions”, on retrouve des conclusions qui enfonces des portes ouvertes:

    ” Gartner clients report challenges in providing high availability with Microsoft Lync for basic telephony. Poor call quality, dropped calls and system outages plague some implementations that did not utilize a qualified Microsoft Lync integrator.”

    Je doute que les entreprises choisissant de déployer un système de communication unifiée Avaya ou Cisco choisissent un intégrateur spécialisé infrastructure (AD, Exchange, Sharepoint,...), ils font affaire avec des professionnels de la téléphonie, il doit en être de même avec Lync.

    Du chemin qui reflète l'intérêt croissant des entreprises pour Lync que l'on constate dans notre quotidien d'intégrateur.

    Belle évolution depuis les trois derniers rapports:




  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] Web Apps Server Removal from Download Center

    A partir du 24 novembre, microsoft vient d'annoncer que Office Web Apps ne sera plus disponible sur le centre de téléchargement Microsoft, l'application sera disponible pour les clients ayant un agrément Volume Licensing.

    Décision accessible ici: http://blogs.technet.com/b/office_sustained_engineering/archive/2014/10/22/web-apps-server-removal-from-download-center.aspx


    As of 11-24-2014 Office Web Apps Server will be removed from the Microsoft Download Center.  At that time it will only be available for download under Volume Licensing agreements.  For more information please read the FAQ below or visit the site Volume Licensing Service Center.


    Why is Web Apps Server being removed from the Microsoft Download Center?

    VLSC is best suited as the location from which to serve all customers according to their agreements with Microsoft.

    What about existing installations?  Do I need to re-license them?

    No.  Existing Web Apps Server installations will continue to be licensed for free viewing.

    Will there be an evaluation version for Developers and IT Pros?

    Evaluation availability will continue on MSDN for subscribers.  Additionally, Volume License agreements allow for product evaluation.

  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] Lync KHI importer

    Venant aussi des galleries Technet, un script intéressant est le Lync KHI importer de wilfried van oosterhout

    CQM est une méthodologie pour Lync 2013 et 2010 qui vous aide à trouver et éliminer les problèmes qui affectent la qualité de l'appel et l'expérience utilisateur dans les implémentations voix.

    Johan a fait un super boulot décrivant l'utilisation de cette méthodologie dans une série d'article disponible ici: http://blog.enowsoftware.com/solutions-engine/bid/186171/Lync-Call-Quality-Methodology-to-enhance-the-Call-Quality-and-User-Satisfaction-Part-I-CQM

    Lync KHI importer vous permet d'importer automatiquement les résultats du script “Create_KHI_Collection.ps1”

    L'outil est disponible ici: https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/Lync-KHI-importer-0c1dbfa5


    he script will read CSV files that are created with the Lync 2013 KHI script: Create_KHI_Collection.ps1

    It will process the CSV files and put the data in the by Microsoft supplied excel sheet: Lync_Server_2013_Key_Health_Indicators.xlsx

    A csv file is required for input. The csv file should contain all the files you want to process with the corresponding servertype.

    The servertype can be any off the following:

              1 Lync Front-End Server

              2 Lync Mediation Server

              4 Lync Front-End Server collocated with meditation server

              8 Lync Edge Server

            16 SQL Back-End Server


    For every CSV file a new entry is added to the sheets in the excel sheet Lync_Server_2013_Key_Health_Indicators.xlsx. Existing data is preserved.

    Some servers have multiple NICs, multiple drive letters etc. The script will calculate the maximum/average of each of the similar items
    e.g. NICs and will take the highest maximum/average value of these.


    Example how to use the script

                    import_khi_data.ps1 -CSVFile <csvfile> -KHIFile <excelfile>

                    Will run the script and only uses the servername from the csv files for identifying the servers in the Excel sheet

                    import_khi_data.ps1 -CSVFile <csvfile> -KHIFile <excelfile> -SingleServer

                    Will run the script and uses the servername + date section from the csv files for identifying the servers in the Excel sheet.

                    This is helpfull if you are doing an analysis over a period of time for a single server.


    Requirements on the system were the script is run:

       Excel 2010
       Lync_Server_2013_Key_Health_Indicators.xlsx (can be downloaded here: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=390677)

       How to setup KHI is well explained on the web for instance here:  http://guybachar.wordpress.com/2014/05/28/how-to-use-lync-key-health-indicators/

  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] Optimizing VVX deployment with pre configured configuration files

    Les gallery de technet sont une mine d'or pour les intégrateurs.

    Un partage intéressant fait par Thamara.Wijesinghe qui vous fourni les fichiers de configurations de bases pour un déploiement de masse Polycom VVX.

    Vous pouvez les télécharger ici: https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/Optimizing-VVX-deployment-83684920

    In this article, I have shared a set of pre configured and optimized .cfg files that can be used with any Lync server deployment. Granted that some of the parameters need to be changed according to the environment and I will explain what need to be changed and why.

    There are 6 configurations files all together which address different segment of the device configuration.

    Starting with Device.cfg. This configuration file set to configure following parameters in VVX device,

    • Set Device Base Profile as Lync
    • Change default administrator password (In version 5.1.1 Revision B, Device comes up with warning message if the Administrator password remains as default)
    • Enable Device update
    • Specify device update location
    • Time server configuration

    The Feature.cfg file specify the common set of features on the device such as, Call lists, Miss call alerts, Contact Directory. In this file, the specified parameters are below,

    • Removed the “Corporate Directory” option on the device. Within “Directory”, the device will have “Lync Directory” option so that the contacts can be searched and called. In many cases, I have seen users get confused with two different set of directory options hence removing the “Corporate Directory” option
    • URI Dialling disabled. VVX generally have URI dialling enabled. When this feature is enabled, all inbound and outbound calls display as the full SIP URI (sip:+6123456789@contoso.com.au). Users who are used to have legacy PBX end points does not like this at all. They want to see just the number or the name without any other information

    Sip-Interop.cfg is the most important one. This one controls the device registry intervals as well as the SIP Proxy server related parameters. In this configuration file, most of the parameters haven’t changed. But, the ones that were changed are below,

    • Device registration expiry interval. Default device registration expiry interval is 3600 seconds. If the devices is registered in an SBA, then if the SBA goes down, the devices still shows as signed in but, it actually be in an unknown condition till the registration expires. Have 3600 seconds is too much in that scenario. In this configuration file, the interval has changed to 120 seconds. This cannot be less than that. If it’s less, then users will experience the frequent device sign in and sign out.
    •   VOIP Server configuration. Here, the VOIP server interoperability is set to Lync 2010 and the transport method is set to TLS.
    • SDP early media disabled. I have noticed when this parameter is enabled, device sometimes does not provide a ringing tone to the end user. The dialled call will be blank till it get picks up.
    • Apply Digitmap Locally. Enabling this parameter will make the device to adhere to the Lync server normalization rules which are assigned to the user.

    The Site.cfg file is configured to set daylight saving time in to the device. If the daylight saving is applicable, the start and stop times need to be configured,

    • SNTP address of the time Server
    • Daylight saving enable or disable. If enabled, start and stop times

    Lync.cfg file configured to set BToE enabled. But, in version 5.1.1 Revision B, Polycom have set the BToE as disabled and given that the configuration file version is 5.2, this configuration file doesn’t really enable BToE on version 5.1.1 Revision B firmware. But, it can be used on Version 5.2.

    The Cer.cfg is set to import the root CA in to the device. 90% of the devices that I have deployed were able to get the certificate without uploading manually. In case the device fail to pick up the certificate, copy and paste the hash file of the CA certificate in to the configuration parameter.

    Finally, the Master configuration file 000000000000.cfg. All the above mentioned configuration files are specified in this master configuration file. When the device boots up, it will fetch the configuration mentioned on this files and get configured based on parameters which are configured on each sub configuration file.

  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] Audiocodes IP Phone - Firmware 2.0.7

    Avec la version 2.0.7 pour les modèles 400HD, 420HD et 440HD, Audiocodes supporte officiellement le BTOE.

    Les fonctionnalités disponibles dans cette version:

    - Boss Admin

    - Better Together over Ethernet

    - Automatic mass provisioning and management using the Audiocodes Element Management System

    - New Acoustic Echo Canceller

    - New ways of dialing

    Release notes et firmware disponible ici: http://www.audiocodes.com/downloads

    Un step by step pour le btoe est a venir très rapidement sur mon blog.

  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] Mise à jour Lync Basic 2013

    Une récente mise à jour de Microsoft, le KB2889929, ajoute des fonctionnalités au client Lync Basic 2013.


    This update adds the following features on Lync Basic 2013:

    • Users can record a conversation from the ... menu in a conversation window.
    • Users can use the gallery view to see all users' video instead of only the active speaker's in a video conversation that has more than two people.
    • Users can switch mode between gallery and speaker.

    Plus d'informations ici: http://support2.microsoft.com/kb/2998659

  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] Lync Phone Edition - Mise à jour October 2014

    Microsoft vient de publier des mises à jour pour la version Lync Phone Edition :




    Lync Phone Edition (for Aastra 6721ip and Aastra 6725ip)



    Lync Phone Edition (for HP 4110 and HP 4120)



    Lync Phone Edition (for Polycom CX500, Polycom CX600, and Polycom CX3000)




    This update adds the following new time zones for Lync Phone Edition telephones:

    • N/A (UTC+04:00) Izhevsk, Samara (RTZ3)
    • N/A (UTC+11:00) Chokurdakh (RTZ10)
    • Kamchatka Standard Time (obsolete) (UTC+12:00) Anadyr, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky

    This update also updates the following time zones:

    • Kaliningrad Standard Time (UTC+02:00) Kaliningrad (RTZ1)
    • Russian Standard Time (UTC+03:00) Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd (RTZ2)
    • Ekaterinburg Standard Time (UTC+05:00) Ekaterinburg (RTZ4)
    • N. Central Asia Standard Time (UTC+06:00) Novosibirsk (RTZ5)
    • North Asia Standard Time (UTC+07:00) Krasnoyarsk (RTZ6)
    • North Asia East Standard Time (UTC+08:00) Irkutsk (RTZ7)
    • Yakutsk Standard Time (UTC+09:00) Yakutsk (RTZ8)
    • Vladivostok Standard Time / Magadan Standard Time (UTC+10:00) Vladivostok, Magadan (RTZ9)

    This update removes the existing UI entry for (GMT+12:00) Magadan, because Magadan is already covered in Vladivostok Standard Time / Magadan Standard Time.

  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] Lync Online client devices report

    Microsoft vient d'annoncer la disponibilité d'un nouvel outil très pratique avec Office 365: Lync Online client devices report.

    Ces rapports vous indique le nombre d'utilisateurs de votre organisation ont utilisé un type spécifique de dispositif de participer à peer-to-peer ou une conférence dans un mois déterminé.

    Ces métriques sont accessibles par powershell ou par l'interface d'administration Office 365.



    Windows users

    Number of unique users who signed in to Lync and participated in at least one peer-to-peer session or conference during the reporting period with Lync client running on Windows PC device. It covers both Lync Windows desktop client and Lync Web App client on Windows.

    Windows Phone users

    Number of unique users who signed in to Lync and participated in at least one peer-to-peer session or conference during the reporting period with Lync client running on a Windows Phone.

    Android users

    Number of unique users who signed in to Lync and participated in at least one peer-to-peer session or conference during the reporting period, with Lync client running on an Android device.

    iPhone users

    Number of unique users who signed in to Lync and participated in at least one peer-to-peer session or conference during the reporting period, with Lync client running on an iPhone.

    iPad users

    Number of unique users who signed in to Lync and participated in at least one peer-to-peer session or conference during the reporting period, with Lync client running on an iPad.

    Plus d'informations ici: http://blogs.office.com/2014/10/17/announcing-lync-online-client-devices-report/

  • Microsoft Ignite 2015

    Microsoft vient de publier le site des Microsoft Ignite 2015 qui aura lieu à Chicago du 4 au 8 mai 2015.

    Les produits suivants seront couverts:

    • Azure
    • Exchange
    • Intune
    • Lync
    • Office 365
    • Project
    • SharePoint
    • SQL Server
    • Surface
    • System Center
    • Visual Studio
    • Windows
    • Windows Server
    • And more

    Le site officiel ici: http://ignite.microsoft.com/#fbid=7B-vaneZr6c

  • Directeur Technique des Communication Unifiées chez Solulan

    Nouveau poste, ayant accepté une nouvelle opportunité, me voilà maintenant Directeur Technique des Communication Unifiées chez Solulan.

    Cela ne changera en rien la rédaction des articles sur ce blog, mon poste fait que je reste sur le terrain pour les projets, mais j'ai aussi d'autres responsabilités ainsi que la possibilité de m'appuyer sur une équipe spécialisée dans Lync.

    La préparation du lab du CCIE Collaboration est toujours d'actualité aussi.

  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] Prepare Forest Active Directory settings execution failed on an unrecoverable error

    Petit problème de la semaine dernière pour le lancement de nouveau projet Lync Serveur 2013, la préparation de la fôret bloque avec l'erreur "Prepare Forest Active Directory settings execution failed on an unrecoverable error"


    Quelques années auparavant, des tests internes avaient été réalisé par l'équipe infra en essayant d'installer OCS 2007R1, aucun nettoyage d'environnement suite aux tests


    - Identifier le schema master

    - Executer la commande suivante:

    Enable-CsAdForest -GroupDomain admasterschemaster.nissarte.ca -GroupDomainController admasterschemaster.nissarte.ca -GobalCatalog admasterschemaster.nissarte.ca

  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] Nouveau livre

    Un nouveau livre sur le sujet de Microsoft Lync Serveur 2013 sera disponible à partir du mois de décembre 2014.

    Le titre est: Lync Server 2013 Cookbook écrit par Alessio Giombini, Antonio Vargas, Fabrizio Volpe et Lasse Nordvik Wedø


    • Customize and manage Lync security and authentication on cloud and mobile
    • Discover the best ways to integrate Lync with Exchange and explore resource forests
    • The book is designed to teach you how to select the best tools, debugging methods, and monitoring options to help you in your day-to-day work

    description ici: https://www.packtpub.com/networking-and-servers/lync-server-2013-cookbook

  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] Lync 2013: October Update 2014

    Microsoft vient de publier une nouvelle mise à jour pour le client Lync 2013:

    Product Update
    External KB
    Internal KB
    Lync 2013: October Update 2014 (15.0.4659.1001)
     This update resolves the issues that are described in the following Microsoft Knowledge Base articles:
    • 3001545 Issues occur when a user selects content in a history conversation window in Lync 2013
    • 2998659 Update to add recording and gallery view feature in a conversation in Lync 2013 basic
    • 2996298 Update adds a tab in the "Lync – Options" dialog box to manage instant message window related settings in Lync 2013
    • 2996296 Application sharing without audio or video is slow in Lync 2013 when bandwidth is low
    • 2996294 Recorded audio or video content is low-quality or incorrect in Lync 2013
    • 2996293 Update changes the default layout of a Lync 2013 instant message conversation window to narrow mode
    • 2996292 Unexpected time stamps appear when you paste messages from a conversation window in Lync 2013
    • 2996290 Memory leaks during a video call in Lync 2013 when camera's capture resolution is 720p or higher
    • 2996289 PSTN call is disconnected in Lync 2013 when you enable the media bypass setting
    • 2996288 Update enables viewers to automatically rejoin a desktop sharing session in a Lync 2013 conference
    • 2996287 Emoticons generated or typed text loses color or formatting when you paste text in an IM conversation in Lync 2013
    • 2996286 Update changes the format of an instant message that is copied from Lync 2013
    • 2996285 Error "Problem Event Name: APPCRASH, Application Name: lync.exe" when you view desktop sharing in Lync 2013
  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] Intégration skype avec un compte gmail

    Lors d'un projet récent, une des principal préoccupation du client étant la fédération Skype afin de pouvoir communiquer avec l'ensemble de ces interlocuteurs via Lync.

    Beaucoup de ces contacts utilisent une adresse gmail avec Skype.

    Voici les points à prendre en considération (outre la partie d'intégration Lync/Skype) pour communiquer avec ces utilisateurs:

    - Il est obligatoire d’avoir une adresse Microsoft (MSA) : Sign in to Skype. The Skype user must be logged into their Skype client with a Microsoft Account (MSA).

    Using Lync-Skype connectivity in Lync Server 2013 as an end user: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn440175.aspx

    - Si vous utilisez une adresse non-Microsoft pour authentification aux services live.com, vous devez valider la possession de cette adresse en suivant les instructions reçues par mail à l’adresse indiquée. Sans validation l’authentification est permise dans Skype mais la fédération avec Lync Server est bloquée:

    - L’adresse spécifiée dans Lync doit suivre le format EASI indique dans KB 2566829 : user(customDomain)@msn.com. Dans Lync, l’adresse sera visible comme user@customDomain (avant avoir obtenu le contact card) ou le nom de l’utilisateur. La différence est visible dans la carte de visite. Si le contact Skype est rajouté avec l’adresse gmail.com, Lync échouera a contacter correctement Skype, car le domaine gmail.com ne contient pas les enregistrements DNS de type SRV nécessaires pour la fédération avec Lync. Il faut noter que pour la communication avec Google Talk, Lync implémente le protocole XMPP. Dans le cas d’un compte Microsoft, le domaine SIP fédéré est en fait msn.com, visible uniquement dans le format EASI.

  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] New Office Visio Stencil

    Microsoft a publié récemment toute une série de nouveaux stencil pour faire des beaux diagrammes visio Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Exchange Server 2013, Microsoft Lync Server 2013, Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013,...

    Vous pouvez les télécharger ici: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35772


    This set of stencils contains more than 300 icons to help you create visual representations of Microsoft Office or Microsoft Office 365 deployments including Microsoft Exchange Server 2013, Microsoft Lync Server 2013, and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013

  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] Lync Meeting Reminder

    Vous pouvez télécharger gratuitement sur le site de orbitone.com une application sympa qui se nomme Lync Meeting Reminder


    Orbit One has made a handy plug-in for Lync 2013. This sends an instant messaging (IM) message or e-mail to the organiser of the meeting as soon as your guests have arrived to the online meeting. With a click of the button, you’re in the meeting straight away. You can also send an IM message to let your visitors know that you are on your way.

    With Lync Meeting Reminder, you as the organiser don’t have to wait until someone signs in, but you only go to the meeting once you receive the IM message that the first participant has arrived. Whether this is a little earlier or later than agreed is no longer important. What’s more, your guests don’t have to wait until you arrive either.

    Vous pouvez accéder a un article sur cette application directement sur ce blog ainsi que le lien de téléchargement: http://blog.orbitone.com/post/Never-be-late-for-an-online-meeting-again-CEBP

    L'application ne peut pas être colocalisé avec un rôle Lync existant, il faut ensuite la truster dans l'environnement.


    o MS Lync Server 2013 On-Premise
    o Lync Online/Office 365 is NOT supported
    (Microsoft does not yet offer support for UCMA in Lync Online)
    o The server must be a 64-bit computer
    o .NET Framework 4.5 (Full Profile) needs to be installed
    o Supported operating systems:
    o Windows 2012 Server
    o Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1
    o Windows 8
    o Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1) (64-bit) Home Premium, Professional, or Ultimate editions


    Is it compatible with Lync Online / Office 365?
    No, unfortunately Microsoft does not yet offer support for UCMA in Lync Online.

    Can I disable the Lync reminder solution for specific users?
    You need to specify the users (SIP addresses) for whom the system is enabled.

    Can I customize the message send to the meeting organizer?
    Yes, both the IM as the email can be customized

    Can I also send a notification to people who are not he meeting organizer?
    This is not foreseen in the current implementation. Orbit One can make a custom solution to your needs.

    When will the meeting organizer be notified that his guest have arrived?
    A few seconds after each guest/user enters the meeting, the meeting organizer will receive an IM or email alert
    This only happens if the meeting organizer is not yet in the meeting

    What if I schedule a meeting for next week, and a participant already tries to join as a test some days before?
    The reminder will not be sent. It's only active for 60 minutes before the meeting start hour until the meeting end
    hour. Configurable with setting processingMeetingsTimeFrame

    What happens if the meeting organizer replies to the IM/email?
    Currently this does nothing. We can add extra logic that would allow the meeting organize to inform his guests
    through a reply.

    Le guide de déploiement est fourni lors du téléchargement, je vais surement l'installer dans mon lab prochainement et faire un article sur le sujet.

  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] Deploying Lync in a Multi-Forest Architecture (Partner Hosted Lync with Exchange Hybrid)

    Microsoft vient de publier un document fort intéressant: Deploying Lync in a Multi-Forest Architecture (Partner Hosted Lync with Exchange Hybrid)

    Vous pouvez le télécharger ici: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=44276


    This document describes the configuration steps required for a multi-forest architecture in which Lync is delivered as part of a partner hosted private cloud deployment, Exchange online is delivered by Microsoft as part of Office 365, and the customer retains control of their Active Directory User forest. The multi-forest architecture enables the coordination of authentication and application interoperability between the customer’s user forest, the hosting partner’s service infrastructure and Office 365 and is ideal for those organizations that have made the strategic decision to move the complete range of communications services (Lync and Exchange) to the cloud.

  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] Application Test-IPV

    Je relaie un outil vraiment sympa developpé et partagé par Mickael LaMontagne, un collègue MVP.

    L'application se nomme Test-IPV (Internet Point of View).


    Test-IPV is a PowerShell script leveraging LyncValidator Web Services APIs to provides an Internet Point of View collection of tests. Commands run from console or GUI wrapper. Although leveraging the LyncValidator APIs, this tool is not exclusive to testing Lync.

    Vous pouvez trouver une description complète ici: http://realtimeuc.com/2014/09/test-ipv/

    Téléchargement ici: http://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/Test-IPV-Internet-Point-of-26b552a7

  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] This slide couldn’t be downloaded. Please contact your support team. Error reason: File not found.


    Dans le cadre d'un projet de migration Lync Serveur 2010 vers 2013, pendant la batterie de tests, il est constaté que les clients Lync 2010 ne sont pas capable de charger un powerpoint.

    Les fichiers powerpoint sont présent dans le file share, mais impossible de charger les présentations dans la conférence en cours.

    Le salut, après de longues recherches, vient du blog de Ken: http://ucken.blogspot.ca/2014/01/presentation-issues-after-moving-lync.html

    Effectivement, en début de projet, nous avions changé l'emplacement du file share.

    Bingo, après vérification dans IIS:

    Un des 3 serveurs de la ferme a effectivement l'ancien chemin du file share:

    Après modification du chemin et reset de IIS, les présentations ppt sont opérationnelles depuis un client Lync 2010.

  • [Microsoft Office Web Apps 2013] Add-WindowsFeature : The request to add or remove features on the specified server failed.


    Dans le cadre d'un projet Lync devant s'intégrer avec une ferme OWA 2013 existante, il s'avère que le .Net Framework 3.5 n'est pas installé.

    Impossible d'installer les packages avec la commande:

    Add-WindowsFeature NET-Framework-Features, NET-Framework-Core, NET-HTTP-Activation, NET-Non-HTTP-Activ, NET-WCF-HTTP-Activation45


    Add-WindowsFeature : The request to add or remove features on the specified server failed.

    Installation of one or more roles, role services, or features failed.

    The source files could not be downloaded.

    Use the "source" option to specify the location of the files that are required to restore the feature. For more

    information on specifying a source location, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=243077. Error: 0x800f0906

    At line:1 char:1

    + Add-WindowsFeature NET-Framework-Features, NET-Framework-Core, NET-HTTP-Activati ...

    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

        + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (@{Vhd=; Credent...Name=localhost}:PSObject) [Install-WindowsFeature],


        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : DISMAPI_Error__Cbs_Download_Failure,Microsoft.Windows.ServerManager.Commands.AddWindowsF



    Success Restart Needed Exit Code      Feature Result

    ------- -------------- ---------      --------------

    False   No             Failed         {}


    Préciser une source, monter une image, en fait, la plupart des solutions proposées sur des blogs furent des actions vaines.

    La solution fut venue du client qui a trouvé ce KB: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2966827

    Il faut donc supprimer le KB, et la commande fonctionne!

    Une personne se reconnaitra surement dans cette résolution :)

  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] Polycom UC Software 5.2.0

    Polycom vient de publier une mise à jour du logiciel Polycom UC.

    Cette version 5.2.0 est compatible avec les systèmes suivants:

    • VVX 300/310 business media phone
    • VVX 400/410 business media phone
    • VVX 500 business media phone
    • VVX 600 business media phone
    • VVX 1500 business media phone
    • SoundStructure VoIP Interface
    • VVX ® Camera
    • VVX ® Expansion module

    Nouveautés ou améliorations:

    • VOIP-94647 Added support to a web page to sign-in to Lync.
    • VOIP-92769 Upgraded ICE stack for Lync.
    • VOIP-92727/92899 Added support for back ground image lockdown.
    • VOIP-92480 UI optimization on call input screen.
    • VOIP-92343/93014 Added support to addition control over subscription expiry timer.
    • VOIP-92279/90820 Added support to Genband Personal Address Book (PAB) and Global Address book (GAB).
    • VOIP-90822 Added support for Genband E911.
    • VOIP-90821 Added support for Genband MADN-SCA.
    • VOIP-89193 Reduced sip.ld file size by about 23%.
    • VOIP-78521 Added support for gate keeper FQDN.
    • VOIP-62378 Added support for server independent Intercom.

    Vous pouvez trouver l'ensemble des correctifs dans la release notes disponible ici:

    Téléchargement software: http://support.polycom.com/PolycomService/support/us/support/voice/polycom_uc/polycom_uc_software_release.html#5.2.0

  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] Nouvelle version du SDN Lync

    Microsoft vient de publier une nouvelle version du SDN (Software Defined Networking) Lync.


    The Lync SDN (Software-Defined Networking) API allows developers to build applications and services that can monitor, isolate and correct issues on the network that affect Lync quality of experience. The installer application also provides customers with the ability to interface with qualified 3rd party applications built on the Lync SDN API. Lync Server 2010 and 2013 provide customers with an unmatched unified communications and collaboration experience. Since Lync relies on the underlying network, sometimes the quality of experience can be affected by underperforming or improperly configured network elements. Applications built on the Lync SDN API provide the ability to quickly detect quality-affecting issues on the network, and deliver prescriptive resolutions and traffic prioritization.

    Lien: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=44274


    Évolutions de cette nouvelle version:

    • Evolved the architecture to better support High-Availability topologies.
    • Simplified deployment and configuration of the SDN interface.
    • Extended the device information presented to network management systems for better diagnostics and event correlation.
    • Qualified functionality across Lync Server 2010, 2013 and included IPv6 topologies.

    Vous pouvez trouver une intéressante description ici: http://blogs.office.com/2014/09/29/new-version-lync-sdn-interface-now-available/