Le Cloud de Christophe BOUCETTA

Voici le blog sur les communications unifiées et la collaboration Microsoft par un MVP nominé depuis 11 ans
  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] White Paper: Delivering Lync 2013 Real-Time Communications over Wi-Fi

    As unified communications consultant, one of the most important things to evaluate during a project is the network, offering real-time features with delay, jitter or packet loss directly impact user experience.

    Microsoft released an interesting white paper about it's solution over Wireless environment, he is now available from the Microsoft Download Center.


    Microsoft Lync 2013 communications software on multiple platforms and device types is now validated with voice and video (real-time media) workloads over wireless local area networks (Wi-Fi networks). The guidance and documentation provided here also applies to Lync 2010 deployments and earlier releases. However, full Wi-Fi support will be available only with a Lync 2013 client. Changes in the Lync media stack available with Lync 2013 will improve overall performance on high-loss, high-jitter wired or wireless networks. To optimize the wireless infrastructure, in particular for real-time media traffic, this guide provides details regarding Wi-Fi (WLAN) technology, configuration settings, and optimization. In addition, this guide provides deployment recommendations and evaluates typical enterprise, public hotspot, and home Wi-Fi deployments for real-time bidirectional media quality.

    You can download it here: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=36494

  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] Polycom CX500, Polycom CX600, and Polycom CX3000 cumulative update: January 2013

    The name of Lync 2010 Phone Edition is changed to Lync Phone Edition. The software works with both Lync 2010 and Lync 2013.

    The update fixes this issues:

    • 2703325 Updates are available that enable the "Music on Hold" feature on Lync Phone Edition telephones
    • 2781616 Description of the cumulative updates for Lync Phone Edition that add support for additional languages
    • 2781617 A common area phone that is running Lync Phone Edition does not try to sign in after the Front End server restarts
    • 2802790 Graphic output is not displayed correctly on the screen of a Polycom telephone that is running Lync Phone Edition
    • 2781618 A white screen or a white horizontal line appears on a Polycom telephone that is running Lync Phone Edition
    • 2781620 White lines appear on the screen of a Polycom telephone that is running Lync Phone Edition

    KB description: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2737911/en-us?fr=1

    Lync phone edition firmware: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=203406

  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] Damaka's Xavy Free

    Damaka's Xavy, a Full-Featured Native Mobile Client for Lync, is currently available for FREE on iOS and Android.

    Damaka's Microsoft Certified Xavy app is normally $19.99 for iOS and Android, but is currently being offered for FREE.

    Xavy is a native mobile client for Lync and OCS R2 that provides the full feature set of Lync (white-boarding, application sharing, desktop sharing, file sharing, A/V conferencing, and IM). If you can access Lync without a VPN connection, you can just download it, punch in your credentials and sign on. Xavy Attendee and Xavy Cloud (Office 365) are currently FREE as well.

    How-To Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsUzHuLUsnw&list=PLXkRs6rapUYuxsBrrQMJD41rFpWdSh-aQlist=PLXkRs6rapUYuxsBrrQMJD41rFpWdSh-aQ

    I didn't see any deadline about this offer, therefore, it should be taken immediately!

  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] Office Web Apps Server (WAC) discovery failed, PowerPoint content is disabled

    Un petit dépannage ce matin qui peut faire gagner un peu de temps dans certaines installations:

    Impossible de partager des powerpoints avec Lync 2013. la résolution de cette erreur dans ce cas là est la non présence dans le SAN du certificat installé sur le serveur Office Web Apps 2013 de l'url interne.

  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] SNOM Webinar: Deploying Microsoft Lync with snom's Expanded Lineup of Lync Qualified Phones Featuring the new snom 7xx Series UC Edition Phones

    Snon annonce un webinar pour le 23 janvier 2013: Deploying Microsoft Lync with snom's Expanded Lineup of Lync Qualified Phones Featuring the New snom 7xx Series UC Edition Phones

    Le programme est le suivant:

    • The new snom UC edition lineup – newly  Lync qualified snom 7xx series - snom 710, 720 and 760 IP phones – and the snom 300 and 370, and the snom 821, all of which employ snom’s new Apollo firmware and have successfully passed the Microsoft Compatible Devices Program’s rigorous testing process.
    • The role of each snom UC endpoint in meeting customer needs and budgets
    • The distinct features of the award-winning snom7xx series in both Lync and IP PBX environments
    • Advanced capabilities of new snom UC edition Apollo firmware – Automatic Lync Server updates of snom phones, out of box, easy sign-in via extension and PIN authentication for standard phone applications
    • How to customize snom phones to meet specific business needs and processes – Boss/Admin, custom presence buttons on phones, re-branding and more.

    Pour y participer: http://www.snomchannel.com/education/webinars/webinar-under-the-hood-with-snom-uc-edition-phones-qualified-for-microsoft-lync/

  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] AudioCodes One Voice for Microsoft Lync

    Audiocodes annonce son programme "“AudioCodes One Voice for Microsoft Lync” sur leur site: http://www.audiocodes.com/press-releases/audiocodes-launches-audiocodes-one-voice-for-microsoft-lync?goback=.gde_4622415_member_204215061

    On y découvre leur stratégie vis à vis de Microsoft Lync Serveur 2013 détaillant leur programme et service:

    C'est officiel, le constructeur annonce pour février 2013 l'arrivée sur le marché des téléphones IP qualifiées pour Lync (donc pas un Lync Phone) des modèles 300HD et 400HD qui seront low cost.

    La brochure est téléchargeable ici: http://www.audiocodes.com/filehandler.ashx?fileid=867287

    Plus d'informations directement sur le site d'Audiocodes: http://www.audiocodes.com/microsoft

  • [Cisco] Windows 8 clients can't associate to Cisco Unified Wireless

    Actuellement, si votre contrôleur Cisco WLC est dans une version inférieur à, les utilisateurs ayant un os windows 8

    c'est un probleme faisant l'objet d'un kb microsoft: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2749073 :

    Les clients Windows 8 n'est peut-être pas en mesure de se connecter à des infrastructures sans fil existantes à l'aide de certains routeurs Cisco, contrairement aux ordinateurs Windows 7 et XP.


    Windows 8 peut rencontrer un problème lorsque vous essayez de vous connecter au réseau sans fil de Cisco Unified. Si le client est à l'aide de gestion des clés WPA ou WPA2 avec chiffrement AES, la connexion peut échouer. Avec « débogage client » en vigueur sur le contrôleur de réseau local sans fil, un message semblable au suivant apparaît :

     *dot1xMsgTask: Jun 12 20:23:37.471: 00:11:22:33:44:55 Retransmit failure for
    EAPOL-Key M1 to mobile 00:11:22:33:44:55, retransmit count 5, mscb deauth count 0

    La résolution est simple, il suffit de mettre à jour le firmware du contrôleur WLC: https://supportforums.cisco.com/docs/DOC-27213

    Windows 8 clients can't associate to Cisco Unified Wireless

    The problem - Windows 8 clients can't associate to CUWN

    Windows 8 wireless clients can encounter a problem when trying to associate to the Cisco Unified Wireless Network.  If the client is using WPA or WPA2 key management with AES encryption, then the pairwise key exchange may fail.  With "debug client" in effect on the Wireless LAN Controller, a message similar to the following is seen:

    *dot1xMsgTask: Jun 12 20:23:37.471: 00:11:22:33:44:55 Retransmit failure for
    EAPOL-Key M1 to mobile 00:11:22:33:44:55, retransmit count 5, mscb deauth count 0
    This is the Cisco bug CSCua29504.  This problem is also documented as Microsoft Support Article ID 2749073.

    The solution: upgrade WLC software

    This bug is fixed in the following releases of WLC software, which are available to download from Cisco.com now:

  • [Microsoft Lync Server] Certification

    Un peu plus d'information est disponible sur le futur des certifications Lync.

    Il retrouve maintenant deux niveaux de certifications:

    - Le niveau "Expert" avec le MCSE Communication, pour valider ce cursus, il faut réussir les certifications suivantes:

    Autant prévenir que le temps pour l'obtenir est conséquent, autant de certifications que pour valider le CCNP Voice, du boulot en perspective.

    - Le niveau "Master" avec le MCSM: Communication:

    Pour valider ce cursus, on retrouve un examen écrit et un lab à l'image du CCIE, pour l'instant, il est encore tôt pour avoir des informations sur le contenu de ces deux examens, mais je devrais en savoir plus bientôt.

    Source ici: http://www.microsoft.com/learning/en/us/lync-server-certification.aspx

    Des points importants à signaler dans la FAQ du processus de certification MCSE:

    Q. What are the recertification requirements for the new MCSE certifications?
    A. To ensure that our certifications remain meaningful and valuable indicators of candidates’ skills, MCSE certifications will require recertification every three years.

    FAQ ici: http://www.microsoft.com/learning/en/us/mcse-certification.aspx

  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] Webinar: Explore Microsoft Lync & Exchange 2013

    Je vais essayer dorénavant de lister les webinars prévus pour Microsoft Lync 2013 ainsi que les technologies gravitant autour.

    Sentri proposes un webinar le 17 janvier: Explore Microsoft Lync & Exchange 2013

    Détail de l'évenement:

    Join Sentri for our technology webinars dedicated to the Microsoft technologies launch wave. Learn, ask and explore the newest releases for Office 365, Exchange, Lync, SharePoint, Office, System Center, Azure and Windows server or Windows 8 so you can drive innovation, save money, increase your overall efficiency.
    Leave each webinar with an understanding the product offering as well as next steps to pilot and deploy a solution and a clear view of the Microsoft funds that are available.

    Topic: Be productive on the go, communicate real time, gain business insights, create content collaboratively and connect.

    Technology: Lync 2013 & Exchange 2013

    Recommended Audiences
    Business Decision Makers, C-Level, Developers, Information Workers, IT Professionals, Technical Decision Makers
  • [Microsoft Lync Server] MVP

    Grande nouvelle pour moi dans ce premier jour de l'an 2013, je fais maintenant partie de la grande famille des Microsoft Most Valuable Professional.

    J'ai le grand honneur à partir d'aujourd'hui d'être MVP Lync pour le Canada.

    Mon profil est accessible ici: https://mvp.support.microsoft.com/profile=BD29C080-FCE9-4A5E-BB53-128284028BC9

    Merci à tous ceux qui, par leur recommandation, a permis cette nomination.

  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2010] Lync Phone Edition Mise à jour Décembre 2012

    KB2703325 Updates are available that enable the "Music on Hold" feature on Lync Phone Edition
    KB2781616 Description of the cumulative updates for Lync Phone Edition that add support for addtional languages: December 2012
    KB2781617 A common area phone that is running Lync Phone Edition does not try to sign in after the Front End server restarts
    KB2781618 A white screen or a white horizontal line appears on a Polycom telephone that is running Lync Phone Edition
    KB2781620 White lines appear on the screen of a Polycom telephone that is running Lync Phone Edition

    Description of the cumulative update for Lync Phone Edition for Aastra 6721ip and Aastra 6725ip: December 2012

    Description of the cumulative update for Lync Phone Edition for HP 4110 and HP 4120: December 2012

    Description of the cumulative update for Lync Phone Edition for Polycom CX500, Polycom CX600, and Polycom CX3000 telephones: December 2012

    Description of the cumulative update for Lync Phone Edition for Polycom CX700 and LG-Nortel IP Phone 8540 telephones: December 2012

  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2010] Response group "a user already exists with the sip address"

    Il peut arriver (rarement) que lors de la supression d'un workflow dans les groupes de réponses, son object contact dans l'active directory n'est pas supprimé.

    Donc il apparaît encore dans la liste de contact et monopolise un numéro.

    Pour le supprimer, avec ADSI edit, dans le conteneur Configuration, aller dans le chemin suivant: CN=Services,CN=RTC Service, CN=Application Contacts, identifier le contact et le supprimer le.

  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2010] Migration OCS 2007 R1 et changement de domaine sip

    La migration d'un environnement legacy vers Lync Serveur 2010 nécéssite déjà une reflexion et de l'anticipation, surtout quand cela concerne 3 800 comptes utilisateurs.

    Si on rajoute le besoin de changer le domaine sip et donc l'uri sip de chaque utilisateur, cela devient un challenge.

    Il y a entre autre, une petite astuce pour vider les contacts récents, la liste étant locale au poste de travail, si cela n'est pas anticipé, les utilisateurs veront les contacts en "présence inconnue".

    Supprimer le répertoire ~~ dans HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Communicator/<current user signinname>/GroupStateCacheU ne suffit, il faut prévoir dans le script de modification de l'uri sip utilisé localement sur le poste de travail de l'utilisateur la suppression entière du profil qui permet donc de vider les contacts récents lors de la reconnexion.

  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] Monitoring Management Pack pour SCOM 2007 R2 et 2012

    Téléchargement et information ici: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35842

    The following features are new to Lync Server 2013 Management Packs.

    • Scenario availability from any location. The Lync Server 2010 Management Pack introduced the concept of monitoring user scenario availability with synthetic transactions—Windows® PowerShell® command-line interface cmdlets that verify that key Lync Server components are working as expected. In Lync Server 2013, synthetic transactions are even more useful. You can run them from a variety of locations inside the enterprise, from remote locations outside the enterprise, against branch office appliances, and against Lync 2010 deployments to add coverage to legacy Edge deployments.
    • Synthetic transaction logs. When a synthetic transaction fails, you have access to HTML logs to help determine the exact nature of the failure. This includes understanding which action failed, the latency of each action, the command line used to run the test, and the specific error that occurred.
    • Increased call reliability coverage. The Lync Server 2010 Management Pack introduced call reliability alerts to detect severe connectivity issues affecting the audio quality of users’ calls. The Lync Server 2013 Management Packs add reliability alerts for peer-to-peer instant messaging (IM) and other conferencing features, to maximize coverage while reducing noise.
    • Dependency monitoring. Lync Server scenarios can fail due to a variety of external factors, such as Internet Information Services (IIS) being offline, limited CPU and memory resources, and disk issues. The new management packs monitor critical dependencies to keep you aware of these impacts.
    • Enhanced reporting. A set of reports, including rich logging, to help you estimate scenario availability, plan for capacity, and see which components experience the most issues.
  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2010] AdvaTel Call Center

    AdvaTel proposes une solution de call center pour Microsoft Lync Serveur basé sur deux "plugins" apportant des fonctionnalités supplémentaires aux groupes de réponses, il s'agit de:

    - Espera Realtime: http://www.advatel.com.au/content/view/241/242/

    - Espera Reporter: http://www.advatel.com.au/content/view/241/242#ER

    Le point intéressant est que cela ne nécessite pas de serveur dédié, cela vient rajouter des fonctionnalités aux responses groups Lync existants.

    Présentation Espera RealTime : http://www.advatel.com.au/Resources/Brochures/Espera%20Click2Advance%20slides.pdf

    Présentation Espera Reporter: http://www.advatel.com.au/Resources/Brochures/Espera%20Click2Advance%20slides.pdf

    Articles ici : http://www.advatel.com.au/component/option,com_mojo/Itemid,197/p,41/

  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] Déplacer le CMS Lync Serveur 2010 vers Lync Serveur 2013

    Les migrations Lync Serveur 2010 vers 2013 commencent déjà, je viens tout juste d'en finaliser une.

    Mettre en cohabitation les deux mondes est très simple, la finalisation de la migration passe par un déplacement du CMS originellement géré par Lync Serveur 2010.

    L'objectif est de déplacer les bases de données depuis le serveur SQL Lync Serveur 2010 vers ceux de 2013 et de mettre à jour le SCP pour faire pointer l'emplacement du CMS vers Lync Serveur 2013

    Un exemple pour une migration d'un serveur Standard Lync Serveur 2010 vers un serveur standard Lync Serveur 2013:

    Création du nouveau central management store sur le serveur 2013:

    Install-CsDatabase -CentralManagementDatabase -SQLServerFQDN lync.organisation.com -SQLInstanceName RTC

    Faire la commande suivante sur le serveur 2013:


    Déplacement du CMS sur le serveur 2013:


    Il faut ensuite relancer sur le serveur FE 2013 et FE 2010, l'étape 2 de l'installation, ouvrir le wizard Lync Serveur :

    Choisir Install or Update Lync Server System, cliquer sur Step 2: Setup or Remove Lync Server Components

    Vous pouvez vérifier que le basculement se soit correctement effectué avec la commande suivante:


    Voilà, il faut ensuite simplement supprimer le CMS sur Lync Serveur 2010:

    Uninstall-CsDatabase -CentralManagementDatabase -SqlServerFqdn lync2010.organisation.com -SqlInstanceName rtc

    Plus d'information sur le technet: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj688013%28OCS.15%29.aspx
  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] Un problème s'est produit lors de la vérification du certificat sur le serveur

    Les présentations de powerpoints sont maintenant entìerement géré par Office 2013 Web Apps.

    J'ai rencontré récemment le problème suivant dans une organisation ayant une quantité importante d'utilisateur dont le poste de travai n'est pas joint au domaine active directory: "Un problème s'est produit lors de la vérification du certificat sur le serveur"

    La première solution envisagée et fonctionnelle est celle de simplement décocher, dans Internet Explorer, la case:

    Vu le nombre important d'utilisateur, la bonne solution est au niveau de l'autorité de certificat, dans les propriétés, il faut dans l'onglet Extenxtions, cocher la case "Inclure dans l'extension AIA des certificats émis":

    ainsi que cocher les cases suivantes:

  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] KEMP Edge Security Pack

    En plus d'être un load balancer simple, performant et abordable financierement, Kemp devrait arriver sur le marché avec un nouveau module prévu pour Q1 2013: KEMP Edge Security Pack

    L'objectif est clairement afficher de pouvoir remplacer Microsoft TMG 2010 ne pouvant plus être acquis depuis le 1ier décembre, UAG ne supportant pas Lync Mobility, ceci est plutôt une nouvelle intéressante.

    Architecture précédente avec TMG:

    Nouvelle architecture avec le pack Edge Security:


    End Point Authentication for Pre-Auth
    Clients who are trying to access virtual services on the LoadMaster will have to provide Authentication information which will be used by the ESP to validate the clients right to access the service.  In the event of success the client is enabled to access the service and in the event of failure the client will be blocked until valid credentials are provided.
    Persistent Logging and Reporting for User Logging
    When clients try to access a service this will be logged on the LoadMaster as part of the ESP.  This will allow monitoring by the administrator.
    Single Sign On across Virtual Services
    LoadMaster is designed to handle multiple virtual services supporting unique workloads.  These virtual services can be joined together into Single Sign On groups.  The ESP will enable clients to only enter the authentication information for the first virtual service and then this same information will be used to access other services in the Single Sign On group.  Therefore a client accessing Exchange will also be able to access SharePoint and other workloads if they are configured in a Single Sign On group.
    LDAP authentication from the LoadMaster to the Active Directory
    Active Directory is the standard for the Authentication Provider for Microsoft workloads.   LoadMaster will support the key connection types between LoadMaster and the Active Directory.
    NTLM and Basic authentication communication from a Client to the LoadMaster
    LoadMaster with ESP will support key authentication types -- Basic and NTLM -- between client and the LoadMaster providing clients with an optimum authentication experience.
  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] Lync Web App

    Quels sont les nouveautés avec cette nouvelle version de Lync?

    Pour la partie Lync Web App, les nouveautés sont nombreuses, c'était des questions qui revenaient souvent lors d'avant-vente, maintenant les fonctionnalités sont là, ce qui rends la solution lync pour la partie conférence vraiment complète et pouvant être comparé à Cisco Webex.

    Qu'est-ce que Lync Web App ?

    Lync Web App est la version navigateur de Lync 2013 qui permet aux personnes qui ne sont pas titulaires d'un compte Lync et qui n'ont pas installé le client Lync pour participer aux réunions Lync, avec un système d'exploitation Windows ou Macintosh. L'installation simple d'un plugin lorsque l'utilisateur rejoint la conférence permet d'accéder à l'ensemble des fonctionnalités. Seul l'utilisation de la roundtable n'est pas possible dans ce mode.

    Rejoindre une conférence:

    - Join as guest with a single click
    - Quick plug-in installation – user-level install, not dependent on Silverlight

    Voix et vidéo:

    - Audio over IP
    - Video over IP
    - Multi-participant video
    - Speaker indication
    - Speaker video over content
    - Dial out, dial in


    - Collaboration over content
    - Desktop sharing
    - Specific application sharing
    - Give and take control of desktop
    - Real-time note-taking
    - Upload PPT, share and annotate in real time
    - Whiteboard
    - Poll


    - Participant list
    - Manage participants
    - Schedule meeting

    Matrix de comptabilité navigateur:

  • [Cisco] AP Aironet 1600

    Un nouveau point d'accès est disponible, il s'agit du Cisco AP Aironet 1600.

    Les nouveautés sont les suivantes:

    • Cisco Client Link 2.0, qui permet d’optimiser l’utilisation et la portée du WiFi pour les clients traditionnels en 802.11abg, mais aussi pour les clients 802.11n n’utilisant qu’un flux d’émission (Spatial Stream), comme de nombreux smartphones,
    • Cisco BandSelect, qui permet de mieux répartir les clients sur les deux bandes de fréquences 2,4GHz et 5GHz,
    • Cisco VideoStream, qui contrôle la diffusion multicast des vidéo afin de prioritiser ces dernières et d’assurer une qualité vidéo inatteignable en WiFi standard,
    • Cisco CleanAir Express, qui offre un niveau de detection et de classification des interférences permettant de configurer automatiquement les paramètres radio en évitant les interférences. (A noter que CleanAir Express sera activé par une version logicielle ultérieure).
    • Cisco Mesh Indoor, permettant d’utiliser la technologie radio pour interconnecter les AP et atteindre des zones éloignées dans des déployement complexes

    Plus d'information ici: http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/ps12555/index.html

  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] Labs vidéo

    Une série de vidéo présentant l'installation et la configuration de Lync Serveur 2013 est disponible sur ce lient:


  • [Microsoft Exchange UM 2010] Troubleshooting

    On se moment, j'enchaine les projets Microsoft Exchange UM 2010.

    Lors de problématiques, avec Lync, il relativement facile de pouvoir faire des tests vers les fonctionnalités de messagerie vocale ou de réception automatisée, mais qu'en est-il avec une passerelle Audiocodes n'ayant pas de port FXS pour installer un téléphone analogique de test couplé à un système Avaya, Nortel,...?

    Ayant actuellement un ticket ouvert chez Microsoft et Audiocodes pour un problème qui feras, je l'espère, l'objet d'un article très prochainement, je vais répertorier les solutions de troubleshooting proposées par Microsoft:

    Exchange 2010 UM Troubleshooting Tool (Test-ExchangeUMCallFlow) pourra nous fournir plus de détails. Pourtant, puisque le succès de son exécution peut dépendre aussi d’autres facteurs, je préfère le garder en dernière option, après avoir confirmé que la configuration est bien complète.

    Exchange 2010 UM Troubleshooting Tool: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg621148(v=exchg.141).aspx

     Test-ExchangeUMCallFlow: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff630913(v=exchg.141).aspx

     Unified Messaging Troubleshooting Tool (Download): http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=20839

    Enabling Tracing for Unified Messaging : http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb430768(v=exchg.80).aspx

    Active Directory Diagnostic Logging: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc961809.aspx

    Insight for Active Directory v1.01: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb897539

     ExTRA tracing pour collecter la trace du composant MSExchangeUM : http://certcollection.org/forum/topic/107986-use-exchange-troubleshooting-assistant-extra-to-troubleshoot-unified-messaging-issues/

    Unified Messaging Test Phone :

     ZIP Package of UM Test Phone + DLL Files: http://www.shudnow.net/2008/03/17/zip-package-of-um-test-phone-dll-files/

    Testing a Unified Messaging Server with the Unified Messaging Test Phone: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa997146(EXCHG.80).aspx

    How to Test Auto Attendant Functionality with the Unified Messaging Test Phone: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa996332(v=exchg.80).aspx

  • [Microsoft Exchange UM 2010] Plan de numérotation en Français, réception des messages vocaux en Anglais

    Du au contexte bilingue du pays, je suis tombé sur un problème étant, malgré que le plan de numérotation Exchange 2010 UM est configuré en Français (Canadien), les messages vocaux sont reçus dans un emal en Anglais.

    La problème était que les messages de voicemail que Exchange envoyé à l’usager qui n’avait pas de configuration régionale configuré dans Exchange était en anglais

    Ceux-là qui avaient la configuration régionale dans Exchange configurer avaient les messages voicemail en français.

     La solution est la suivante, dans Exchange Powershell. On lance cette commande ::

    Set-MailboxRegionalConfiguration <usager> -DateFormat yyyy-MM-dd -Language 'fr-CA' -TimeZone 'Eastern Standard Time' -Timeformat 'HH:mm'

    On remplace <usager> avec le nom login de l’usager qui a les emails de Outlook Voice Accès en anglais. C’est le paramètre « Language » qui détermine la langue des courriels Outlook Voice Acces.

    Voilà, toutes les balises et sujets envoyées par Outlook Voice Acces sont en français.

    Merci au client pour cette solution.

  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2010] Surveillance

    De plus en plus, venant aussi du fait de concurrence les challengers habituels de la téléphonie IP, les clients souhaitent être en mesure de surveiller en temps réel l'activité des serveurs Microsoft Lync.

    Par surveillance, il est entendu que je fais référence au recueil et l'affichage de toutes les données, des conditions relatives au fonctionnement et au comportement des équipements ainsi que desapplications incluant toutes les informations et les procédures requises pour faciliter
    l'entretien et le bon fonctionnement des applications.

    Pour une organisation ayant Solarwinds, il existe déjà des templates tout prêt pour effectuer ces tâches pour les rôles suivants:

    Front-End: http://thwack.solarwinds.com/servlet/JiveServlet/downloadBody/155345-102-2-2778/Microsoft%20Lync%20Server%20(Front-End%20Role).apm-template

    Description: http://thwack.solarwinds.com/docs/DOC-155345

    Mediation: http://thwack.solarwinds.com/servlet/JiveServlet/downloadBody/155347-102-2-2779/Microsoft%20Lync%20Server%20(Mediation%20Role).apm-template

    Description: http://thwack.solarwinds.com/docs/DOC-155347

    Edge: http://thwack.solarwinds.com/servlet/JiveServlet/downloadBody/155346-102-2-2777/Microsoft%20Lync%20Server%20(Edge%20Role).apm-template

    Description: http://thwack.solarwinds.com/docs/DOC-155346


    Service: Lync Server Audio Test Service

    This component monitor returns the CPU and memory usage of the Lync Server Audio Test Service. This service offers users the ability to subjectively test the quality of a call before placing the call. The user checks the call quality by making a test call.

    Service: Lync Server File Transfer Agent

    This component monitor returns the CPU and memory usage of the Lync Server File Transfer Agent. The File Transfer Agent is responsible for replicating configuration settings with the Replica Replicator Agent that runs on every Lync Server.

    Service: Lync Server Front-End

    This component monitor returns the CPU and memory usage of the Front-End Lync Server. The Front-End Servers maintain transient information, such as logged-on state and control information for an IM, Web, or audio/video (A/V) conference.

    Service: Lync Server IM Conferencing

    This component monitor returns the CPU and memory usage of the Lync Server IM Conferencing. The IM Conferencing service is responsible for multiplexing the instant messages data feed from the leader to all participants in the session.

    Service: Lync Server Master Replicator Agent

    This component monitor returns the CPU and memory usage of the Lync Server Master Replicator Agent. This service is used by File Transfer Agent for replication configuration settings.

    Service: Lync Server Replica Replicator Agent

    This component monitor returns the CPU and memory usage of the Lync Server Replica Replicator Agent. This service is used by the File Transfer Agent for replication configuration settings.

    SIP Peers: Connections Active

    This component monitor returns the number of established connections that are currently active. A connection is considered established when peer credentials are verified (e.g. via MTLS), or the peer receives a 2xx response. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load. This returned value should be less than 15,000 connections per Front-End.

    SIP Peers: TLS Connections Active

    This component monitor returns the number of established TLS connections that are currently active. A TLS connection is considered established when the peer certificate, and possibly the host name, are verified for a trust relationship. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load.

    SIP Peers: Sends Outstanding

    This component monitor returns the number of messages that are currently present in the outgoing queues. If you receive error message 504, investigate the results from this counter. Doing so will indicate which servers are having problems. To do so, you will need to change the instance from _Total, to the server hostname. You can check this within perfmon.exe

    SIP Peers: Average Outgoing Queue Delay

    This component monitor returns the average time, in seconds, that messages have been delayed in outgoing queues. Check the Outgoing Queue Delay for delays in sending messages to other servers or clients that could be causing messages to be accumulated in the server. The server will drop client connections if it is in a throttle state and messages stay in the outgoing queue for more than 32 seconds.

    SIP Peers: Flow-controlled Connections Dropped

    This component monitor returns the total number of connections dropped because of excessive flow-control. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the server's health. The returned value should be as low as possible.

    SIP Peers: Average Flow-Control Delay

    This component monitor returns the average delay, in seconds, in message processing when the socket is flow-controlled. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the server's health. The returned value should be as low as possible.

    SIP Peers: Incoming Requests/sec

    This component monitor returns the rate of received requests, per second. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load.

    SIP Protocol: Incoming Messages/sec

    This component monitor returns the rate of received messages, per second. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load.

    SIP Protocol: Events In Processing

    This component monitor returns the number of SIP transactions, or dialog state change events, that are currently being processed. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load.

    SIP Responses: Local 500 Responses/sec

    This component monitor returns the rate of 500 responses generated by the server, per second. This can indicate that there is a server component that is not functioning correctly.

    SIP Responses: Local 503 Responses/sec

    This component monitor returns the rate of 503 responses generated by the server, per second. The 503 code corresponds to the server being unavailable. On a healthy server, you should not receive this code at a steady rate. However, during ramp up, after a server has been brought back online, there may be some 503 responses. Once all users get back in and the server returns to a stable state, there should no longer be any 503 responses returned.

    SIP Responses: Local 504 Responses/sec

    This component monitor returns the rate of 504 responses generated by the server, per second. A few 504 responses to clients (for clients disconnecting abruptly) is to be expected, but this counter mainly indicates connectivity issues with other servers. It can indicate connection failures or delays connecting to remote servers.

    SIP Load Management: Average Holding Time For Incoming Messages

    This component monitor returns the average time that the server held the incoming messages currently being processed. This should usually be less than one second, on average, but it is normal to see short spikes of up to three seconds. The server will throttle new incoming messages after going above the high watermark and until the number of messages falls below the low watermark. The server starts rejecting new connections when the average holding time is greater than overload time of 15 seconds.

    SIP Load Management: Address space usage

    This component monitor returns the percentage of available address space currently in use by the server process. The returned value should be as low as possible.

    SIP Load Management: Page file usage

    This component monitor returns the percentage of available page file space currently in use by the server process. The returned value should be as low as possible.

    IM Conferences: Active Conferences

    This component monitor returns the number of active conferences. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load.

    IM Conferences: Connected Users

    This component monitor returns the number of connected users in all conferences. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load.

    IM Conferences: Throttled Sip Connections

    This component monitor returns the number of throttled Sip connections. If the value is greater than ten, it could indicate that Peer is not processing requests in a timely fashion. This can happen if the peer machine is overloaded. Peer is defined as the connected servers, adjacent Front-End servers, or MCUs in the same EE Pool. The same set of counters apply.

    IM MCU Health And Performance: MCU Health State

    This component monitor returns the current health of the MCU.

    Possible values:
    0 = Normal.
    1 = Loaded.
    2 = Full.
    3 = Unavailable.

    IM MCU Health And Performance: MCU Draining State

    This component monitor returns the current draining status of the MCU.

    Possible values:
    0 = Not requesting to drain.
    1 = Requesting to drain.
    2 = Draining.

    When a server is drained, it stops taking new connections and calls. These new connections and calls are routed through other servers in the pool. A server being drained allows its sessions on existing connections to continue until they naturally end. When all existing sessions have ended, the server is ready to be taken offline.

    User Services - DBStore: Queue Latency (msec)

    This component monitor returns the average time, in milliseconds, that a request is held in the database queue. This counter represents the time that a request spends in the queue of the Back-End Database Server. If the topology is healthy, this counter averages less than 100 ms. Occasional spikes are acceptable. The value will be higher on Front-End Servers that are located at the site opposite the location of the Back-End Database Servers. This value can increase if the Back-End Database Server is having performance problems or if network latency is too high. If the returned value is high, check both network latency and the health of the Back-End Database Server. Server health decreases as latency increases to 12 seconds, when server throttling begins.

    User Services - DBStore: Sproc Latency (msec)

    This component monitor returns the average time, in milliseconds, it takes to execute a stored procedure call. A healthy state is considered to be less than 100 ms. Server health decreases as latency increases to 12 seconds, when server throttling begins.

    User Services - Https Transport: Number of failed connection attempts / Sec

    This component monitor returns the rate of connection attempt failures, per second. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the server's health.



    Service: Lync Server Replica Replicator Agent

    This component monitor returns the CPU and memory usage of the Lync Server Replica Replicator Agent. This service is used by the File Transfer Agent for replication configuration settings.

    Outbound Calls: Current

    This component monitor returns the total number of active calls going through the Mediation Server.

    Outbound Calls: Active media bypass calls

    This component monitor returns the total number of active calls going through Mediation Server that are in Media Bypass mode. Calls using Media Bypass use significantly fewer Mediation Server resources because the media is not flowing through the Mediation Server.

    Inbound Calls: Current

    This component monitor returns the number of inbound calls in progress.

    Inbound Calls: Active media bypass calls

    This component monitor returns the number of media bypass calls in progress.

    Media Relay: Media Connectivity Check Failure

    This component monitor returns the number of calls where media connectivity between the Mediation Server and the remote endpoints could not be established. The returned value should be as low as possible.

    Health Indices: Load Call Failure Index

    This component monitor returns the scaled index between zero and 100 that is related to all call failures due to Global Health Index as a heavy load.

    Global Counters: Current audio channels with PSM quality reporting

    This component monitor returns the total number of active channels that are having Phase Shift Modulation (PSM) quality reported. Calculating PSM quality has a processing overhead so this should be taken into account when measuring performance.

    Total failed calls caused by unexpected interaction from the Proxy

    This component monitor returns the number of calls that failed because of an unexpected response from the Front End Server. The returned value should be as low as possible.

    Total failed calls caused by unexpected interaction from a gateway

    This component monitor returns the number of calls that failed because of an unexpected response from a gateway peer. The returned value should be as low as possible.


    Service: Lync Server Replica Replicator Agent

    This component monitor returns the CPU and memory usage of the Lync Server Replica Replicator Agent. This service is used by the File Transfer Agent for replication configuration settings.

    SIP Peers: Connections Active

    This component monitor returns the number of established connections that are currently active. A connection is considered established when peer credentials are verified (e.g. via MTLS), or the peer receives a 2xx response. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load. This returned value should be less than 15,000 connections per Front-End.

    SIP Peers: TLS Connections Active

    This component monitor returns the number of established TLS connections that are currently active. A TLS connection is considered established when the peer certificate, and possibly the host name, are verified for a trust relationship. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load.

    SIP Peers: Average Outgoing Queue Delay

    This component monitor returns the average time, in seconds, that messages have been delayed in outgoing queues. Check the Outgoing Queue Delay for delays in sending messages to other servers or clients that could be causing messages to be accumulated in the server. The server will drop client connections if it is in a throttle state and messages stay in the outgoing queue for more than 32 seconds.

    SIP Peers: Incoming Requests/sec

    This component monitor returns the rate of received requests, per second. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load.

    SIP Protocol: Incoming Messages/sec

    This component monitor returns the rate of received messages, per second. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load.

    SIP Load Management: Average Holding Time For Incoming Messages

    This component monitor returns the average time that the server held the incoming messages currently being processed. This should usually be less than one second, on average, but it is normal to see short spikes of up to three seconds. The server will throttle new incoming messages after going above the high benchmark and until the number of messages falls below the low benchmark. The server starts rejecting new connections when the average holding time is greater than overload time of 15 seconds.

    SIP Access Edge Server: External Messages/sec With Internally Supported Domain

    This component monitor returns the per-second rate of messages received at the external edge with an internally supported domain.

    SIP Access Edge Server: External Messages/sec Received With Allowed Partner Server Domain

    This component monitor returns the per-second rate of messages received at the external edge with an allowed partner server domain.

    SIP Access Edge Server: External Messages/sec Received With a Configured Allowed Domain

    This component monitor returns the per-second rate of messages received at the external edge with a configured allowed domain.

    A/V Edge UDP: Active Relay Sessions - Authenticated

    This component monitor returns the number of active relay sessions over UDP.

    A/V Edge UDP: Active Relay Sessions - Allocated Port

    This component monitor returns the number of active relay sessions with a UDP port allocation.

    A/V Edge UDP: Active Relay Sessions - Data

    This component monitor returns the number of active relay data sessions over UDP.

    A/V Edge UDP: Allocated Port Pool Count

    This component monitor returns the number of UDP ports available in the Allocated Port Pool. This monitor should be more than zero. If it reaches zero there is a resource issue.

    A/V Edge UDP: Allocate Requests/sec

    This component monitor returns the per-second rate of Allocate Requests over UDP. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load.

    A/V Edge UDP: Authentication Failures/sec

    This component monitor returns the per-second rate of failed attempts to authenticate with the relay over UDP. The returned value should be as low as possible.

    A/V Edge UDP: Allocate Requests Exceeding Port Limit

    This component monitor returns the number of allocate requests over UDP that exceeded the port limit. If the value is greater than zero, this could indicate an attempt to misuse the port.

    A/V Edge UDP: Packets Received/sec

    This component monitor returns the number of packets, received per second, by the relay over UDP. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load.

    A/V Edge UDP: Packets Sent/sec

    This component monitor returns the number of packets sent per second by the relay over UDP. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load.

    A/V Edge UDP: Average Data Packet Latency (milliseconds)

    This component monitor returns the average latency for a valid data request over UDP in milliseconds. The returned value should be as low as possible.

    A/V Edge UDP: Packets Dropped/sec

    This component monitor returns the per-second rate of packets over UDP dropped by the relay. The returned value should be as low as possible.

    This error occurs when an unexpectedly high rate of User Datagram Protocol (UDP) packets is received at the Media Relay (A/V Edge server)  causing some packets to be discarded. This could be the result of system overload or an indication of an attempt to misuse the MR.

    To resolve this, check that the profile of network traffic to the MR is in line with expected usage. If the traffic exceeds 250 Mbps per interface, increase the Receive and Transmit buffer size on the associated network adapter network adapters to three times the default values.

    If the cause is a general system overload, increase the capacity of the deployed MR function. A network level trace can be used to determine if there is an unusual amount of traffic originating from a single source. If the situation persists, enable tracing to check the network source of sessions exceeding the bandwidth limits to allow further troubleshooting of the cause.

    A/V Edge TCP: Active Relay Sessions - Authenticated

    This component monitor returns the number of active relay sessions over TCP.

    A/V Edge TCP: Active Relay Sessions - Allocated Port

    This component monitor returns the number of active relay sessions with a TCP port allocation.

    A/V Edge TCP: Active Relay Sessions - Data

    This component monitor returns the number of active relay data sessions over TCP.

    A/V Edge TCP: Allocated Port Pool Count

    This component monitor returns the number of TCP ports available in the Allocated Port Pool. This monitor should be greater than zero. If zero is reached, a resource issue exists.

    A/V Edge TCP: Allocate Requests/sec

    This component monitor returns the per-second rate of Allocate Requests over TCP. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load.

    A/V Edge TCP: Authentication Failures/sec

    This component monitor returns the per-second rate of failed attempts to authenticate with the relay over TCP. The returned value should be as low as possible.

    A/V Edge TCP: Allocate Requests Exceeding Port Limit

    This component monitor returns the number of allocate requests over TCP that exceeded the port limit. If the value is greater than zero, this could indicate an attempt to misuse the port.

    A/V Edge TCP: Packets Received/sec

    This component monitor returns the number of packets received per second by the relay over TCP. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load.

    A/V Edge TCP: Packets Sent/sec

    This component monitor returns the number of packets sent per second by the relay over TCP. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load.

    A/V Edge TCP: Average Data Packet Latency (milliseconds)

    This component monitor returns the average latency for a valid data request over TCP in milliseconds. The returned value should be as low as possible.

    A/V Edge TCP: Packets Dropped/sec

    This component monitor returns the per-second rate of packets over TCP dropped by the relay. The returned value should be as low as possible.

    This error occurs when an unexpectedly high rate of User Datagram Protocol (UDP) packets is received at the Media Relay (A/V Edge server)  causing some packets to be discarded. This could be the result of system overload or an indication of an attempt to misuse the MR.

    To resolve this, check that the profile of network traffic to the MR is in line with expected usage. If the traffic exceeds 250 Mbps per interface, increase the Receive and Transmit buffer size on the associated network adapter network adapters to three times the default values.

    If the cause is a general system overload, increase capacity of the deployed MR function. A network level trace can be used to determine if there is an unusual amount of traffic originating from a single source. If the situation persists, enable tracing to check the network source of sessions