Le Cloud de Christophe BOUCETTA

Voici le blog sur les communications unifiées et la collaboration Microsoft par un MVP nominé depuis 11 ans

Je vais faire part d'un problème que je viens d'avoir suite a une mise a jour effectué sur mon front end OCS R2 qui empeche le service de demarré :

Source: OCS AppDomain Host Process, ID: 50007

An unhandled exception was encountered.

Exception Details. System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
2 Microsoft.Rtc.Server.McuFactory.McuFactoryHost.Main(String[] args)
2 Microsoft.Rtc.Server.McuFactory.ExecutableEntryPoint.Main(String[] args)
2 System.AppDomain._nExecuteAssembly(Assembly assembly, String[] args)
2 System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssemblyByName(String assemblyName, Evidence assemblySecurity, String[] args)
2 Microsoft.Rtc.AppDomainHost.Launcher.AppDomainLauncher.RunThread()
2 System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
2 System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()
Cause: One of the applications identified in the eventlog description failed.


Restart the server. If the problem persists contact product support.


Pour résoudre ce problème :


1. Uninstall all Frameworks on server.
2. Download and install a last version of Framework (3.5 SP1) from Microsoft site.
3. Download and install NDP20SP2-KB958481-x64.exe, NDP30SP2-KB958483-x64.exe, NDP35SP1-KB958484-x64.exe updates.
4. After that Windows update installs to updates to Communication Server (April and some for Monitoring Server, before that it don't want to install April updates).
5. Reboot server, services started.

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