Le Cloud de Christophe BOUCETTA

Voici le blog sur les communications unifiées et la collaboration Microsoft par un MVP nominé depuis 11 ans

Vous utilisez éventuellement le connecteur Microsoft Teams Call Quality Dashboard pour Power BI et si vous n'avez pas jamais essayé les modèles QER (quality of experience) avec Power BI, il est temps de découvrir la version 4.3 qui amène beaucoup de nouveautés ainsi que des informations très pertinentes pour les intégrateurs et les administrateurs d'environnement Microsoft Teams.

Vous pouvez télécharger QER en version 4.3 ici: https://lnkd.in/gmhzXrC

Les nouveautés pour la version 4.3 sont les suivantes:

ASN to ISP translation
Using the free ISP to ASN Lite database from DB-IP.com, this version of the QER will automatically translate the given ASN dimension into the ISP common name for easier troubleshooting.

Better Reporting Visual
Located on the Meeting Health Details page, this custom visual will create a hyperlink for the meeting that will take you to the Call Analytics meeting report located in the Teams Admin Center.

Session Type
Session Type is a new and more reliable dimension for differentiating between a meeting and a 1:1 (also known as Peer to Peer or P2P) call.  The Is Server Pair dimension is now replaced with the Session Type dimension where applicable to more reliably tag a conference and P2P call.  Is Server Pair is now used only to remove server:server based sessions.

Give Feedback for the QER
This update introduces a new Feedback button on the Home page.  This will allow you to provide direct feedback into engineering on the template.  We will use this feedback to help shape future updates to the template and CQD.

This update introduces two new PSTN reports.  These reports are based off the new PSTN dimensions in CQD.  This first update introduces support for Calling Plans and Direct Routing.  Additional features will be supported in future updates.

The update brings more capabilities to the QER for video analysis.  There are now two video classifiers that can be used together to help analyze video quality. 

User Feedback
•    Added a poor feedback by ASN and public network visual to help discover potential poor performing ISPs.
•    User Feedback values are now included in many of the detailed reports as well.

Media Setup
•    Combined separate transport visuals into a single visual to speed up page load times and to allow for interactive reports.
•    Modified layout for better flow and visibility.

Media Reliability
•    Combined separate transport visuals into a single visual to speed up page load times and to allow for interactive reports.
•    Modified layout for better flow and visibility.

•    Added Transport Comparison visual that displays the transports used in the host tenant along with associated KHIs and network metrics for better understanding of the actual impact that a given transport is having on the meeting and calling experience.
•    Removed individual transport visuals and combined them under the Transport Comparison visual to help page load times.
•    Fixed a bug in the TCP filters where the blank and UDP filter values were being applied as an OR statement instead of an AND.

VPN (Both)
•    Added VPN Comparison visual that displays the VPN focused KHIs and network metrics for better understanding of the actual impact that VPN is having on the meeting and calling experience.
•    Removed individual VPN visuals and combined them under the VPN Experience visual to help page load times.

Video Health Details
Added a Poor Due Too and Poor by Direction visual to help admins understand what the primary cause is contributing to the poor video rating.

Sharing Health Details
Added a Poor Due Too and Poor by Direction visual to help admins understand what the primary cause is contributing to the poor sharing rating.

Meeting Health Details
•    Changed Classified Poor Call dimension to Poor dimension as this is stream specific.  Now you can accurately identify which stream tripped the associated classifier.
•    Added Estimated VPN dimension to report to identify potential VPN connections.
•    Added Packet Utilization dimension to report on how many media packets were generated for a given media stream. Useful for determining how active a participant was in the meeting.
•    Added CDR response code to display the CDR code that was returned.
•    Added Recv Resolution Width and Height dimensions to help with video and sharing investigations.

Les étapes d'installations sont les suivantes:

Prérequis: Power BI Desktop

1/ Installation CQD Connector

Il est nécessaire d'installer ou mettre a jour le CQD Connector

Naviguer vers le repertoire (ou créer le si non existant) [Documents]\Power BI Desktop\Custom Connectors 

Copier le fichier MicrosoftCallQuality.pqx vers ce repertorie

Démarrer Power BI Desktop

Naviguer dans les options de sécurité vers Select Fichier > Options et paramètres > Options > Securité

Sous "Extensions de données", sélectionner (Non recommandé) Autoriser le chargement de toutes les extensions sans validation ni avertissement

Redémarrer Power BI Desktop

2/ Publier les rapports QER

Prérequis, il est nécessaire de disposer de privileges permettant d'avoir accès au call analytics

Lancer le fichier QER v4.3.pbit

Choisir anonymous et sélectionner "connect"

Une fois connecté, l'interface d'acceuil est maintenant disponible

Publier les rapports vers votre espace personnel Power BI

Une fois publié, vos rapports sont disponibles dans votre espace personnel, de mon côté, j'affectionne les consommer directement par mon client Teams.

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