Le Cloud de Christophe BOUCETTA

Voici le blog sur les communications unifiées et la collaboration Microsoft par un MVP nominé depuis 11 ans

Microsoft a rendu disponible aujourd'hui une nouvelle version du module powershell pour Microsoft Teams en version 4.5

Date: 30 Juin 2022

Release notes: https://docs.microsoft.com/fr-fr/MicrosoftTeams/teams-powershell-release-notes 

Lien:   https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/MicrosoftTeams/4.5.0

Mise a jour:

  • - Supports IncludeResources parameter for the Get-CsAutoAttendantStatus cmdlet.
    - Supports SoftDeletedUsers parameter for the Get-CsOnlineUser cmdlet.
    - Releases [Get|Grant]-CsTeamsMediaLoggingPolicy cmdlets.
    - Supports AuthorizedUsers optional parameter for the [New|Set]-CsAutoAttendant & [New|Set]-CsCallQueue cmdlets.
    - Fixes shared voicemail prompt parameters where prompt type could not be switched after they have been set for Set-CsCallQueue cmdlet.
    - Fixes [New|Set]-CsOnlineSchedule cmdlets to work in the European date-time format.
    - Releases [New|Get|Set|Remove|Grant]-CsTeamsVoiceApplicationsPolicy cmdlets.
    - Releases Get-CsHybridTelephoneNumber cmdlet.
    - Releases modernized versions of [New|Remove]-CsHybridTelephoneNumber cmdlets.
    - Supports ToneStar and TonePound as value for DtmfResponse parameter in the New-CsAutoAttendantMenuOption cmdlet.
    - Fixes issues with PSListModifier in the AllowedDomainsAsAList parameter in the modernized Set-CsTenantFederationConfiguration cmdlet.
    - Supports Group and Rank parameters for all Grant-Cs<PolicyName> cmdlets.
    - Releases Test-CsTeamsTranslationRule cmdlet.
    - The complete release notes can be found in the below link:

Dans le cadre d'une installation initiale du module, la commande est la suivante

Install-Module -Name MicrosoftTeams

Mise a niveau:

Update-Module MicrosoftTeams


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