Le Cloud de Christophe BOUCETTA

Voici le blog sur les communications unifiées et la collaboration Microsoft par un MVP nominé depuis 11 ans

Voila qui peut etre tres utile quand comme moi, le lien pour ce connecter a CWA n'est pas le fqdn hébergeant le role, d'ou l'erreur :



La solution :


  1. Open ADSIEDIT and navigate to the OU where your CWA service account is stored.
  2. Locate the CWA service account (mine is called 'CWAService') and right-click then choose Properties.
  3. Turn on the checkbox to 'Show only attributes that have values' and scroll down to an entry called 'servicePrincipalName'.
  4. Click the Edit button.
  5. Type in the SPN using the following format (http/). For example, if your site is called “cwa.intel.com” then type in “http/cwa.intel.com”. NOTE: Do NOT type http://.
  6. Click OK and you're done!
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