Un nouveau programme de preview est disponible en relation avec des fonctionnalités a venir concernant le PSTN Conferencing.
Description ici: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/Skype-for-Business-Blog/Skype-for-Business-New-PSTN-Conferencing-Enhancement-Features-to/ba-p/76494
providing administrators with additional user-level controls for toll-free and dial-out destinations for Skype for Business meetings.
Control which users can leverage toll-free numbers
This feature will allow tenant administrators to enable or disable the usage of toll-free numbers for the meetings of any organizer on a per user basis.
When toll-free numbers are disabled for a given user:
- A toll-free number will no longer be included in the meeting invites of the organizer.
- Toll-free numbers will no longer be listed in the "Find a local number" page that is referenced in the meeting invites of the organizer.
- While toll-free numbers will stop showing up on the "Find a local number" page of an organizer, participants won't be able to join the meeting if they dial a toll-free number of the organization.
- Participants can continue joining meetings of the organizer using toll numbers.
Restrict dialing out in meetings for specific users
This feature will allow a tenant administrator to control which users can dial out from within a meeting.
This would include:
- Control dial out capability for organizer's meeting
- Permit dial-outs that are domestic only to the assigned location of the meeting organizer.
- Allow international and domestic dial-outs.
Inscription: https://www.skypepreview.com/