Le Cloud de Christophe BOUCETTA

Voici le blog sur les communications unifiées et la collaboration Microsoft par un MVP nominé depuis 11 ans

Un nouveau programme de preview est disponible en relation avec des fonctionnalités a venir concernant le PSTN Conferencing.

Description ici: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/Skype-for-Business-Blog/Skype-for-Business-New-PSTN-Conferencing-Enhancement-Features-to/ba-p/76494

providing administrators with additional user-level controls for toll-free and dial-out destinations for Skype for Business meetings.


Control which users can leverage toll-free numbers

This feature will allow tenant administrators to enable or disable the usage of toll-free numbers for the meetings of any organizer on a per user basis.


When toll-free numbers are disabled for a given user:

  • A toll-free number will no longer be included in the meeting invites of the organizer.
  • Toll-free numbers will no longer be listed in the "Find a local number" page that is referenced in the meeting invites of the organizer.
  • While toll-free numbers will stop showing up on the "Find a local number" page of an organizer, participants won't be able to join the meeting if they dial a toll-free number of the organization.
  • Participants can continue joining meetings of the organizer using toll numbers.

Restrict dialing out in meetings for specific users

This feature will allow a tenant administrator to control which users can dial out from within a meeting.

This would include:

  • Control dial out capability for organizer's meeting
  • Permit dial-outs that are domestic only to the assigned location of the meeting organizer.
  • Allow international and domestic dial-outs.

Inscription: https://www.skypepreview.com/

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