AudioCodes Routing Manager est une solution permettant un contrôle centralisé de toutes les décisions de routage de session.
Audiocodes vient de rendre disponible une nouvelle version 9.0: annonce
- Uni-Directional Lock/Unlock of Peer Connection :
In addition to Lock/Unlock of a Peer Connection, ARM 9.0 supportsdirectional basedLock/Unlock of a Peer Connection. The feature allows operators to (for example) stop only traffic towards specific VoIP Peers (for example, specific IVRs) while calls coming from these VoIP Peers will still be routed to their destination. Operators can use the feature to perform a graceful stoppage of traffic for maintenance reasons (for example).
- Combined ARM – SIP based Routing Decision (Route based on Request URI)
ARM 9.0 supports a combination of ARM and SIP based routing decisions. Sometimes, a customer (or a customer’s network) provides routing instructions for a call as part of the SIP Invite message (via Request URI). In ARM 9.0, the ARM supports this combination of routing.To apply it, customers must select the ‘Route based on Request URI’ option in the ARM’s Routing Rule, on a per-action basis. The option is located by expanding the Advanced tab; it’s under the ‘Request URI’ section, under the section ‘Normalization After Routing’.
- Combined ARM and SBC Routing Decision:
ARM 9.0 supports a combined routing decision taken by the ARM and a node (SBC only).The feature enables customers to specify that after a specific number of routing attempts configured in ARM routing, they’d like to continue with the local SBC routing table
- Enhanced SSH Users Management for Security
ARM 9.0 blocks remote root login into ARM VM Linux machines for both ARM Configurator and ARM Router, for security reasons. The feature prevents accidental damage of ARM system files available for the rootuser.
- Routing Rule Matching Notification Enriched with ARM Information
In addition to the previously supported notification on a call matching a specific rule, ARM 9.0 allows operators to customize informationprovided with the notification. The feature - notification on a call matching a rule - is usually applied for emergency calls such as 911 calls.
- ARM Sessions Count Statistic (License Utilization)
ARM 9.0 supports a new statistics counter: Sessions count over time
- Representation of Forking in Test Route
ARM 9.0 displays forking in Test Route. If Test Route criteria match a Routing Rule with Forking Routing Method, it’s displayed accordingly in the Paths section.
- Registered Users Forking
ARM 9.0 supports forking for registered users. If the Routing Rule’s Routing Method is set to 'Forking' and the action is set to ‘Registered Users’ (‘Route to user location’), the ARM will attempt to apply forking if the same user is registered in multiple SBCs.
- Maximum Number of Routing Attempts per VoIP Peer can be Configured
ARM 9.0 allows operators to determine the maximum number of routing attempts per VoIP Peer for a specific call. The default is 4.
- New License Key for Security Queries and Enforcement
ARM 9.0 supports a new license key for security-based routing.
- ARM Machine OS Upgraded with Latest CentOS6.10 Security Patches
ARM 9.0 runs on the latest edition of the CentOS 6 (CentOS 6.10) operating system.
Release Note: