AudioCodes Routing Manager est une solution permettant un contrôle centralisé de toutes les décisions de routage de session.
Audiocodes vient de rendre disponible une nouvelle version 8.8: annonce
- Availability from Microsoft's Azure Marketplace
- Support for Distributed Registered Users at the Network Level
- Ressource Group
- Improved Usability and User Experience
- ARM Machine OS Upgraded with Latest CentOS6.10 Security Patches
- Security Based Routing
Release Note: Release Notes 8.8.
Gestion des licences de démonstration:
For the first time, ARM customer can access the demo license, which fully covers the offering’s entire functionality and provides support for up to 100 concurrent sessions, 100 routing rules and 500 users. The Demo license will remain valid for a period of 3 months. Note that migration from ARM Demo to Full Production license retains all your customer settings (e.g. rules).