Le Cloud de Christophe BOUCETTA

Voici le blog sur les communications unifiées et la collaboration Microsoft par un MVP nominé depuis 11 ans

Microsoft à publié le 4 septembre une mise à jour pour les systèmes LRS (Lync Room System):

Lien: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2988623/en-us

This update fixes the following issues of Lync Room System:

  • A contact receives a call in a Lync client instead of on a mobile phone when you dial the contact’s telephone number in Lync Room System. This issue occurs when the number is in the address book.
  • The "loading" message appears in the front of room touch displays in Lync Room System when desktop sharing can be seen in other Lync clients in a meeting.
  • You receive the "Nothing's being presented" message in the Content tab when the content is presented in Lync Room System.
  • The Room PC View icon is still active after the computer connection is lost or is reset

This update provides the following improvements for Lync Room System:

  • Set the "on-screen keyboard" clicks off as default.
  • Replace the "Find someone using the search box" text with the "Find someone or dial a number" text on the invite participant screen.
  • Add the functionality to use Lync Room System without changing any settings, names or domains for an administrator who has different Exchange (SMTP) and Lync (SIP URI) domain names.
  • Provide improved error messages when you check updates.

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