James Cussen vient de publier un article intéressant sur son nouvel outil: Lync Snom Configuration Manager
- Create or Delete Client Policies.
- View all PolicyEntry settings for each Client Policy within a Lync environment.
- Add, Edit, Delete, and Delete All, CsClientPolicy PolicyEntry settings.
- Click the "?" button to go directly to the Snom Wiki page for the selected setting or if no setting is selected go to the base Wiki page.
- The script is code signed! (thanks to Digicert)
- Export settings from a policy to file.
- Import settings into the Snom Config Manager tool. This is useful for copying settings between policies, or just saving copies of settings. Note: You can also import Snom configuration files, however, this is not recommended (see the "What about...?" section for more details).
- Importing configuration files can be done by merging with current policy settings, or replacing any existing policies settings.

Application disponible ici: http://1drv.ms/1yPGt5O
James présente un excellent tutoriel sur son site: http://www.mylynclab.com/2014/07/lync-snom-configuration-manager.html