En suivant le lien http://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/office/Lync-Certificates-Reporter-502fefaf vous pouvez trouver un script très pratique vous permettant d'afficher un rapport des certificats présents sur chacun des serveurs dans une page web.
Vraiment pratique, je l'ai utilisé ce matin pour faire le tour de l'existant d'un client souhaitant ajouter la téléphonie dans son environnement.
The following script will query for every Lync server in the Environment Which is a Registrar, an EDGE or OWAS, and will pull the following information on the certificates exists under the Local Machine:
- Friendly Name
- Issuer
- Thumbprint
- Subject Name
- Issue Date
- Expiration Date
- Expires In (Days)
Script Features:
- The script pulls the information from every server by query the Local Machine container to an HTML report file
- Certificates which are about to expired in the next 30 days will be colored in Red
- The script can also be configured to send email as well as being a scheduled task in order to be notified on a weekly/monthly basis.
The current caveats in this version of the script
- Does not pull EDGE Certificates information
- Does not have Lync Certificates assignment awareness (Does not know which certificate is currently assigned)