Que la version lync mobile est attendu! C'est une question que l'on me pose en permanence que ce soit lors d'une prestation,en avant-vente, au centre des usages....
Un client "unofficial" est sorti sur le store Windows.
Il est possible de voir une vidéo ici http://forums.thoughtsmedia.com/f398/unofficial-lync-windows-phone-7-client-coming-soon-105200.html
Des screenshots/exemples de fonctionnalités ici: http://www.marketplacebrowser.com/277762/lp?amp&
a. Perform normal chat, presence management, note editing etc.
b. Manage contacts, groups etc. in Lync.
c. View contacts’ calendars.
d. Search contacts in AD.
e. Manage multiple profiles – ideal for ie. Consultants and others who
could connect to multiple locations. Some of you who notice that we
store credentials on the phone (AES enctrypted)…. The server can set a
policy preventing this on the devices, and the devices honor that.
2. A server bundle consisting of:
a. Backend services facilitating Lync integration via UCMA 3.0.
b. Backend services facilitating contact calendar integration via managed EWS.
c. Gateway service exposing all functionality to backend as REST services – called from WP7 app.
Je ne l'ai pas encore testé mais je devrais faire un article plus complet prochainement.