Le Cloud de Christophe BOUCETTA

Voici le blog sur les communications unifiées et la collaboration Microsoft par un MVP nominé depuis 11 ans

Ces deux derniers jours, j'ai réussi quelques appels de services en relation avec des problèmes de partage de bureau.

Microsoft a émis une note concernant des problèmes de partage d'applications suite a l'application des correctifs de sécurité Windows du 10 juillet 2018.

Problem: Desktop or Application Sharing fails while in a meeting

The following events might be reported:

Log Name:      Lync Server

Source:        LS ApplicationSharing Conferencing Server

Event ID:      32011

Level:         Error

Description: The Application Sharing Server has failed to create a conference because of an internal failure.

Log Name:      Lync Server

Source:        LS User Services

Event ID:      32026

Level:         Warning

Description: Conference rollover failed.

Resolution:  For any impacted operating system, we recommend you remove the July 10th, 2018 Security Update (KB numbers will vary between OS) and re-apply Windows Updates which contain the fixed replacement security updates.

The table below outlines the impacted KB for each operating system and the associated KB which must be applied to resolve the issue. In the case where there are multiple updates listed for an operating system, only one of the updates should be required. The presence of two updates is indicative of whether a rollup or individual security update is being used to update the operating system.

Operating System Impacted Update Update which must be applied
Windows Server 2016 KB 4338814 KB 4345418
Windows Server 2012R2 KB 4338824 KB 4345424
KB 4338815 KB 4338831
Windows Server 2012 KB 4338820 KB 4345425
KB 4338830 KB 4338816
Windows Server 2008R2 SP1 KB 4338823 KB 4345459
KB 4338818 KB 4338821
Windows Server 2008 KB 4295656 KB 4345397


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