Le Cloud de Christophe BOUCETTA

Voici le blog sur les communications unifiées et la collaboration Microsoft par un MVP nominé depuis 11 ans

Poly a récemment publié une notification technique demandant aux organisations la mise a jour des barres vidéos Poly Studio USB vers la version 1.3.


Poly Studio USB video bar logging routines perform higher than expected writes and rewrites causing logging overflow and corruption of the device memory. Symptoms of the issue include being unable to boot the device or complete the startup process.

Actions requises:

To mitigate this issue, the device should be updated to version 1.3 as soon as possible. The latest release includes an enhancement to significantly reduce the logging level. To perform the upgrade, use Polycom Companion version 1.5, PDMS-E or RealPresence Resource Manager (please see Knowledge Base Article 43067 for update procedures)

Lien de le notification technique 179409: https://support.polycom.com/content/dam/polycom-support/products/peripherals/polycom-studio/other-documents/en/poly-studio-tech-advisory-17940.pdf?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWlRNeE5EQTBNek5qWVdObSIsInQiOiJIMG5FVmNMWmFEakVLa0JmS0FBYjd0SVdEYWljYTZNQlpkNm90cWFyU0s3eGc1eitLWklXcHZESGlYRzlYalBaSVdCVzlxT05lb1VtVUw3NHlNVnpyRmJrMjVwUnhEN3lzRnhvREE4RmFZSGNwYzRjREIwaVRBXC8xS0VJWFpOcHEifQ%3D%3D


Does this issue affect Poly Studio X30/X50 systems?

No. This issue is specific to Poly Studio USB video bar.

What if my Poly Studio USB video bar is no longer covered under warranty or I do not have a service contract?

Poly will provide warranty support for all devices impacted by this issue. Please contact Poly at https://support.polycom.com/content/support/contact-us.html or your service partner

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