Le Cloud de Christophe BOUCETTA

Voici le blog sur les communications unifiées et la collaboration Microsoft par un MVP nominé depuis 11 ans

Vous pouvez accéder a un retour intéressant concernant l'un des plus importants (en terme du nombre d'utilisateur) déploiement Lync Serveur 2013.

Description sur le blog de HP: http://h30507.www3.hp.com/t5/Transforming-IT-Blog/Success-begins-at-home-How-HP-achieved-the-world-s-biggest/ba-p/162562#.U5SFuMa1apo précisant des chiffres impressionnants et des retours d'expériences:

  • In 2011, we launched PC to PC Voice, Ad-Hoc Conferencing, and Desktop Sharing.
  • In 2012, we launched Desktop Video and Conferencing Service.
  • In the second half of 2012, we commenced deployment of Enterprise Voice, which is on-going. As of March 2014 we had 110K users enabled. Voice deployments are among the most complex and time consuming to deploy, (which is why many of our clients seek help from HP in this area.)
  • In 2013, we launched the Scheduled Conferencing Service
  • In Dec 2013 we launched Lync Mobile, with 146K users enabled to date (this service is available to the entire population).

L'étude de cas est disponible ici "Case study HP fosters global collaboration with Lync":


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