Le Cloud de Christophe BOUCETTA

Voici le blog sur les communications unifiées et la collaboration Microsoft par un MVP nominé depuis 11 ans
  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] Audiocodes EMS: Support de gamme des téléphones 400HD

    Avec la version 7.0, AudioCodes Element Management System (EMS) est capable aussi d'assurer la surveillance opérationnelle de la gamme de téléphone 400HD.

    AudioCodes Element Management System (EMS):

    The AudioCodes’ Element Management System (EMS) is an advanced solution for centralized, standards-based management of AudioCodes’ One Voice™ product portfolio:

    • Mediant VoIP product family
    • MediaPack Media Gateways
    • Microsoft Lync Survivable Branch Appliances
    • 400HD IP phones family

    AudioCodes’ EMS covers all aspects of efficient operation, administration, management and provisioning (OAM&P) of these voice network products. AudioCodes’ EMS enables service providers, hosted services and large enterprises deploying Unified Communications (UC) networks to cost-effectively manage their voice network throughout its complete life cycle.

    Information ici:



    Element Management System (EMS)

  • [Cisco UC] Nouvelle version Jabber

    Cisco a annoncé la disponibilité il y a quelques jours de la version 10.6 de Jabber pour Windows, Mac, IOS et Android.

    Nouvelles fonctionnalités:

    Chat and Presence

        Alert When Available - Set your client to notify you when a contact becomes available. Right-click over the user's name to select the Alert When Available option. You are notified the first time the user next becomes available. A message notification is displayed on the top-right corner of your screen to alert you that the user is available.

        Locations - Create, define, and display your location in your client for your contacts to see. Configure the Locations feature using the Location_Enabled parameter, and users can define their settings in the Options menu.

        Spell Check - For Windows 7 and Windows 8, you can define a default language from the Options menu. From the chat window with another user, you can personalize the language for chats with that user that is different from the default language in your client.

        Print Chat - You can print a conversation with a right-click from a chat window with another user or by pressing CTRL + P. You can also highlight a portion of the text to print it.

        AutoSave Chat - From the Options menu, you can automatically save chats to your computer when you close a chat window. Once the chats are saved to your computer, search the chat files or use your Windows file search capability to search the chat files. You can save peer-to-peer and group chat conversations. This feature is off by default.

        Client Behavior at Start Up - By default, the client opens in a minimized state. However, you can configure the client to open in the same state that it was in when you last closed it. For example, if you last exited the client with the Jabber window open, then the next time you start Jabber, the window is opened. You set the HonourLastWindowState parameter to true. The option to Start Cisco Jabber when my computer starts must be enabled by the user for the parameter to take effect.

        Remove Group Chat Participants - The person who starts a group chat can now also remove group chat participants. Removed chat participants can be re-invited to the chat room at any time.

        Conversation Tab Reordering - You can drag and drop any kind of tab in your conversation window to put them in your preferred order. You can drag and drop tabs from person to person chat, group chat, and persistent chat room conversations. You can also drag and drop tabs from persistent chat room searches and filters, and all types of call tabs for audio and video.

        Conversation Tab Switching Shortcut - You can move between chat tabs by using CTRL+TAB keyboard navigation, or use CTRL+SHIFT+TAB to move up and down between tabs for each conversation.

        Chat Security Labels - Label chats with security labels are now available, such as "secret" or "top secret", or your company can create its own labels. Compliant with the XEP-256 standard.

        Passwords for Persistent Chat Rooms (on-premises deployments only) - Persistent chat room administrators can restrict access to rooms by adding passwords to them.

        Save Chat History to Outlook Folder - Enable saving chat history automatically in a Microsoft Outlook folder. This feature is off by default. Prerequisites: Microsoft Exchange 2010 or 2013.


        Share Menu - A new menu is available from chat windows to share your screen and start instant WebEx meetings. To access these options, select the More button from the conversation window.

        Size Limit for File Transfers - Define a file size limit for Cisco Jabber users when transferring files.

        File Transfer enhancements (on-premises deployments only, prerequisite: Cisco Unified Communications Manager 10.5(2) ) - In addition to standard file transfer between peers, you can now transfer files in group chats or persistent chat rooms. You can also use this feature to enable file transfer compliance, where you can manage screen captures and file transfers to restrict who can send and receive files, and keep a history of the file transfer and screen captures for auditing purposes.

    Voice and Video

        Do Not Disturb - Call alerts and ringers are suppressed when your presence is Do Not Disturb, or in any red presence state. If you receive a call while in Do Not Disturb, you still see a missed call notification on your client. However, if you are using a headset with its own ringer, then the call rings is not suppressed on the headset. Both administrators and users can change settings for this feature.

        Call Notifications on Other Device - For users who do not want to interrupt their work to answer the phone, you can now disable incoming call alerts, which requires the call to be answered from a desk phone or a headset.

        Mute Before Answer - When you are joining a call, you can now mute your phone before you connect to the call.

        Audio Device Selection - You can select your preferred headset or other audio device directly from chat windows. A new option allows you to open audio options in the Jabber client, and select your microphone, headset, and ringer preferences.

        Ring on All Devices - You can hear incoming Jabber calls and alerts on your computer speakers and all connected devices. Even if your headphones are plugged in, when you receive a Jabber phone call or IM alert, the sound is played in both your headset and through your computer speakers. This feature is enabled by default, but users can change their ringer and alert preferences in the Audio tab of the Options menu.

        Call Stats - When on a call, users can now view information about the active call from their File menu, under View > Show call statistics.

    Japanese Language

        This release includes improved Japanese localization.

    User Management

        Single Sign On for Expressway for Mobile and Remote Access - You can now use SAML Single Sign On when connecting to the client from outside the corporate firewall on the Expressway for Mobile and Remote Access. Prerequisite: Cisco Expressway VCS-C or VCS-E 8.5(2).

        Mandatory Upgrade Support - You can now enable the client to require users to upgrade their client. To set mandatory upgrades for on-premises deployments, you set the Mandatory parameter in the upgrade .xml file to true. If you do not define mandatory upgrades, or you set it to false, then users can choose to install the update. If you set the mandatory parameter to true, then users can only select to install the update or exit the client. This feature is supported in Cisco Jabber for Windows 10.5(2) and later.

        Flexible Jabber ID - When setting up Jabber, the Jabber ID (which identifies the Jabber user) can be mapped to the Directory URI field on Cisco Unified Communications Manager. This ID allows Jabber to identify the Jabber user by their AD mail attribute or their AD msRTCSIP-primaryuseraddress attribute. A user can log into Jabber with their sAMAccountName attribute, while the Jabber ID is mapped to the Directory URI field. For more information, see the ID Address Scheme section in the Cisco Jabber 10.6 Deployment and Installation Guide.

        Multiple Presence Domains - Also known as Multiple IM Address Domains, Jabber can be deployed into an infrastructure where users are organized into more than one domain, or into domains with subdomains.

    US Federal Government Requirements

        FIPS 140-2 - You can use Cisco Jabber for Windows in compliance with FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standard, Publication 140-2) to ensure compliance with the standards for information security and encryption. When you set your Operating System to run in FIPS mode, Jabber detects FIPS mode and also runs in it. For more information, see the Security chapter in the Cisco Jabber 10.6 Planning Guide

    Release Notes Android: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/voice_ip_comm/jabber/Android/10_6/rn/JABA_BK_CB805EB4_00_cisco-jabber-for-android-10-6-release_notes.html

    Release Notes Windows: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/voice_ip_comm/jabber/Windows/10_6/rn/JABW_BK_C6A8A6C3_00_cisco-jabber-for-windows-10_6-release-notes.html

    Release Notes Mac: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/voice_ip_comm/jabber/mac/10_6/JABM_BK_C6D012D7_00_cisco-jabber-for-mac-106.html

    Release Notes Ios: http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/voice_ip_comm/jabber/iPhone_iPad/10_6/RN/JABI_BK_CF3573C2_00_cisco-jabber-for-iphone-and.html

    Une description est accessible directement sur le blog francais de cisco: http://gblogs.cisco.com/fr-collaboration/2015/02/cisco-jabber-10-6-est-disponible-depuis-quelques-jours-sur-le-site-www-cisco-com/

  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] Lync User Manager

    Paul vient de publier un interessant outil de management pour Lync sur le technet.

    Download: https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/Lync-User-Manager-8bbccb79


    The Lync Control panel is great for general user management BUT..

    it has limitations. Some of these I come across regularly are as follows:-

    • Private numbers are added from the Management Shell ONLY
    • Set a PIN as you create the user in one step
    • Voice mail\Unified Messaging requires a trip to the Exchange servers
    • No way to compare or match users common attributes such as the numerous policies that can be assigned.


    Lync User Manager offers a single window to take care of Lync and Unified Messaging Moves, Adds, Changes and Deletions. Add to that the ability to compare users side-by-side AND even match and save to "copy" another users policies.


    Connecting to the Servers

    1. Launch Lync User Manager
    2. You will be presented with a credentials window to authenticate your admin account against AD, Exchange and Lync.


    3. Fill in your AD, Exchange and Lync Server connection details. Remote PS sessions will be fired off to these in the background.


    4. Click 011 and watch the status change from Not Connected to Connected as the different modules are loaded.

    5. Once the connection is completed the User panes becomes active. This means we are ready to start managing our Lync users.

    Adding a new Lync user

    NOTE Currently, the AD user needs to already exist. I may include this in vNext based on demand.

    1. To add a new Lync user, fill in the user name in the user name box (you could click 010to make sure the user doesn't exist).


    2. Fill in the user details as you skip through the Personal AttributesCommon Attributes and UM Attributes.


    3. Once completed, click 013 to send the request to the servers. Wait a few seconds and click 012 followed by 010 to confirm that the user has been created as expected.

    Change an existing user

    1.  Fill in the User Name in the User Name box (either User 1 or User 2 panes can be used - makes no difference at all).
    2. Click 010, the user details will populate the boxes defining the users current setup. TIP If no data is returned then the user does not exist as a Lync\UM user (yet).
    3. Manage changes to the data in the boxes as required and click 014 to commit the changes.
    4. To check that the changes have been made click 012 to clear the search results followed by 010 to re-populate the results boxes

    TIP You may have to wait a few seconds for the changes to reflect as they could take a few seconds to be committed.

    Changing (Adding\Removing or Changing) Line URI

    You could also simply add or remove a Line URI to the Line URI and Private Line URI boxes followed by 014 to commit.

    Setting a PIN

    Type in a PIN in the PIN box, check the Set PIN check box and click 014 to commit the new PIN

    Copy User

    Copy user is perhaps my favorite function. You can use copy both when adding new or when changing an existing user.

    Copy to Add new

    1. Find a template user in User 2 pane
    2. Add a new user in the User 1 pane by copying the common attributes 015
    3. Fill in the Personal and UM attributes and click 013
    4. Check your work, click 012 followed by 010 to see your new user details.

    Copy to Change a user to match another

    1. Find the Template user in the User 1 pane (Remember that the 2 pains are totally interchangeable)
    2. Find the User to change in the User 2 pane.
    3. Click the 015 button in the User 2 pane so that the common attributes and UM Policy of User 2 now mirror that of User 1.
    4. Click on the 014 button in the User 2 Pane to commit the change
    5. Check your work using 012 followed by 010

    Delete User

    1. Type the user name in the user name box and click 010
    2. Click 016 to delete BOTH the Lync User and the UM user details.
    3. You will be prompted to disable the UM mailbox017

    TIP If you intend to only delete UM, simply un-check the enabled Box and click 014. You will be prompted to confirm


    Version History

    V1.0.0.1 - First release

    Only tested against Lync 2013

    And of course, this tool can be run remotely (RSAT may be required in some scenarios)

    Please let me know of any bugs as well as suggestions.

  • [Skype for Business] Introduction: Server Core & Voice Improvements

    Skype for Business est une nouvelle version très attendue. Pour l'instant, cette release est annoncée pour une disponibilité quelque part dans le premier semestre 2015, aucune date fixe est connue a ce jour.

    Skype for Business est le successeur de Microsoft Lync Serveur 2013.

    Officiellement, lors du premier summit Office365 de cet année, Microsoft a commencé a lever le voile concernant les nouvelles fonctionnalités, les améliorations et l'architecture.

    Quoi de neuf pour les nouvelles fonctionnalités pour la partie serveur et voix?

    Core Server:

    Vous pouvez télécharger la présentation du summit ici:

    Skype4B: Server Core & Voice Improvement: summit.office.com/Media/Default/Office%20365%20Summits/ITP31%20-%20Server_Core_and_Voice_Improvements_v04.pptx

    Source: http://summit.office.com/readiness , mot clé "Skype"

  • [Skype for Business] Attendant Pro for Lync: New Features Update

    Matt Landis présentera le 4 février une session avec comme sujet les nouvelles fonctionnalités de leur console de réception Lync Attendant Pro.

    Inscription ici: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/attendant-pro-for-lync-new-features-update-feb-4-2015-10-11am-est-registration-15505167373?invite=&err=29&referrer=&discount=&affiliate=&eventpassword=

    Who's Going

    Connect to see which of your Facebook friends are going to Attendant Pro for Lync: New Features Update - Feb 4, 2015 10-11AM EST.

    Share Attendant Pro for Lync: New Features Update - Feb 4, 2015 10-11AM EST

    Event Details

    Join this online event on Wednesday Feb 4, 2015 @ 10AM-11 EST to get an update on advanced new features Attendant Pro for Lync, the attendant console software for Microsoft Lync that is designed for Lync, is a 1 minute install, supports many devices including Lync Phone Edition devices, brings 1-Click efficiency to most voice functions and still gives console operator access to UC features like video & desksharing. 

    The event will address:

    • 1-Click Calendar Exchange Calendar
    • Editable Contact Notes Powered by Exchange
    • RGS Agent Group Monitoring Wallboard
    • Custom Contact Layouts (edit with standard XAML)
    • Suppress Lync 2013 Call Toast and/or Conversation Window!
    • More

    Q&A Time to Answer Your Questions (click here and see FAQ / Getting Started)

    Wendell Martin, Business Developement Manager Landis Computer 
    Matt Landis, CEO Landis Computer, Lync MVP

    Matt Landis Wendell martin

    Attendant Pro for Lync http://landiscomputer.com/attendantpro
    simple operator console software for Lync 2013

    -Modern Look & Feel: Designed for Lync 2013
    -Simple to Implement: 1 Minute Install. No Servers
    -Broad Device Interoperability: Lync Phone Edition & Lync Optimized Devices Supported.
    -Maximize Efficiency: One-Click for common voice handling tasks. 
    -UC Functionality Not Compromised: Video, DeskSharing, Conferencing avaialble to Attendant user.

  • [Skype for Business] Expresso 3.0

    Pour vous aider dans la création, l'édition, l'optimisation ou encore la gestion des règles de normalisations Lync/Skype for Business, il existe un outil vraiment très pratique pour vous aider:

    Nom: Expresso 3.0

    Download: http://www.ultrapico.com/ExpressoDownload.htm

    Précisez votre règle et l'outil vous détaille le flux, pratique pour les règles complexes:

  • [Skype for Business] Microsoft Ignite

    Les sessions des Microsoft Ignite se déroulant à Chicago du 4 au 8 décembre sont officiellement annoncés.

    Pour la partie Skype for Business, vous pouvez les trouver ici: http://ignite.microsoft.com/Sessions?filter=|P|0eb205d6-1070-e411-b87f-00155d5066d7|/P|#fbid=eKIoZQMFEwn

    Les sessions Office365: http://ignite.microsoft.com/Sessions?filter=|P|10b205d6-1070-e411-b87f-00155d5066d7|/P|#fbid=eKIoZQMFEwn

    Plus d'information sur l'évenement ici: http://ignite.microsoft.com/#fbid=eKIoZQMFEwn

    J'ai la chance de pouvoir participer a cet Ignite, en espérant que cela soit aussi bien que les lync conférences de Vegas.

  • Groupe des Usagers Communication Unifiée Microsoft Montréal: Session du 31 mars 2015

    Le groupe des Usages Communication Unifiée Microsoft de Montréal se réunira le 31 mars 2015.

    Cette réunion permettra de faire une introduction de ce nouveau groupe et inclura deux sessions:

    - Présentations des nouvelles fonctionnalités Skype for Business dans le cadre d'un déploiement local ou dans Office365

    - Présentations des nouveautés en termes d'architecture/processus de déploiement

    Une période de question sera prévue en fin de session.

    Les sessions seront animées par les deux Microsoft MVP Lync/Skype for Business pour le Québec, Jean-Philippe Breton, Président de Akilon, et Christophe Boucetta, Directeur technique UC de Solulan.

    La session est gratuite et accompagnée de boisson, nourriture offerte par le groupe des usages UC de Montréal.

    Plus d'informations et inscriptions ici: http://www.meetup.com/Groupe-des-Usages-Communication-Unifiee-Microsoft-Montreal/events/219859980/

  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] Sonus SBC 1000-2000 - Release 4.1

    Sonus a publié en début de mois (un peu de retard dans mes publications) une nouvelle release pour sa gamme SBC 1000-2000.

    Version: 4.1

    Lien: https://support.sonus.net/display/UXDOC41/SBC+1000-2000+4.1+Release+Notes

    Nouvelles fonctionnalités:

    FXS Call Waiting Support
    E911: Enable Use of ELIN Numbers In CompanyName Field
    Partial Export-Import in User Interface
    Dynamic Host Resolution
    SIP INVITE Support with Replace
    Software Upload Progress Bar
    TLS v1.2 Support


    Updates and Fixes in this Release

    Bug ID
    SYM-18353 Not responding to SIP UNREGISTER challenge when contact modified
    SYM-17243 Alert user when SDP contains SRTP, but SIP signalling has TCP/UDP
    SYM-18165 Expand upper limit for call progress tones to 3400 Hz
    SYM-18279 Allow video call rerouting upon call failure in Survivable Mode
    SYM-18380 Remove SHA384 hardware acceleration
    SYM-17765 MediaStreamController memory leak with certain downstream forking
    SYM-17534 SBC 1000 main board DSP Ethernet packet switching reliability
    SYM-17372 Enhance SIP Server Entry WebUI Dialog
    SYM-18303 SIP INVITE without SDP results in no audio
    SYM-18304 CAS SG call forward options apply to analog FXS only
    SYM-17448 SIP WARNING header not passed through
    SYM-17950 G.722.2 to G.729 transcode call audio quality
    SYM-17417 Contact Registrant table modification take effect only by removing/adding the table to server
    SYM-17616 SIP with DNS-SRV stability improvements
    SYM-17878 Improper handling of received FAX mediastream which contains no FAX codec
    SYM-17365 Alarm grammar enhancements
    SYM-17375 MSC Transcoding and Video Passthrough log enhancements
    SYM-17299 Include "transport=" parameter in REGISTER from UX Contact Registrant Table
    SYM-18113 Microsoft® Lync Setup Emergency Callback Number format does not allow '+'
    SYM-18169 Prevent switch to modem pass-through after T38 is negotiated
    SYM-18218 SMM rule for custom header fails parsing if not configured in lower case
    SYM-18239 Call Routing table name spelling error generated by Microsoft® Lync wizard
    SYM-18114 Decrease delay between Register Requests from 1Sec to 200mSec when not staggering
    SYM-18168 Validate Server FQDN not set to a default value
    SYM-17621 SBC 2000 management bus access enhancements
    SYM-18271 SBA should use static IP during initial setup
    SYM-18003 Persistent socket re-use for outgoing call transfer and redirect transaction flows
    SYM-17308 Microsoft® Active Directory Server may take longer than 15 seconds to respond
    SYM-17386 Suppress erroneous SIP error log message for Music on Hold call flow
    SYM-17049 Support CED/CNG relay in T.38
    SYM-17353 REST SIP Server configuration access
    SYM-17902 Reject non repudiation certificates at run-time
    SYM-17952 Enforce 500ms lower bound for CAS R2 inter-digit timer
    SYM-17227 Incorrect transport used to phones registered with TLS
    SYM-17385 Ensure refreshed ARP cache for active video call endpoints
    SYM-17461 Remove non-alpha numeric characters from AlarmConfiguration.csv
    SYM-17357 Save and Restore SSRC for TX audio stream during call transfer
    SYM-17345 SIP SG Protocol and Listen Port configuration REST validation
    SYM-15731 Eliminate duplicate state change messages for SG and channel state changes
    SYM-16673 Handle optiontags in multiple require header lines sent in SIP Messages
  • [Skype] Skype pour iPhone 5.9

    Skype a publié une nouvelle version pour iPhone.

    Release: 5.9


    - Appelez rapidement des contacts et des groupes à partir du nouveau sélecteur (appuyez sur la nouvelle icône de conversation et choisissez votre interlocuteur)
    - Numéroteur amélioré qui recherche les contacts Skype dès que vous commencez à saisir un numéro de téléphone
    - Améliorations générales


  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] Intégration Skype: appel vidéo désactivé jusqu'au 26 janvier 2015

    Suite à l'annonce du support des appels vidéos entre Skype et Lync et temporairement désactivé par la suite, Microsoft a annoncé officiellement espérer la réactivation de ce service a partir du 26 janvier 2015.

    Les appels seront donc possible entre un client Lync et un Skype étant en version 7.1 ou supérieur (bientôt disponible).


    In December 2014, we announced the initial availability of video calling between Skype and Lync in a blog post on the Office Blogs website. In the weeks that followed that initial availability, we discovered several issues in the Skype consumer client versions that were enabled for video calling with Lync. These include at least one issue that could cause the Skype client to crash. Based on the severity of the issues, we disabled video calling for most Skype consumer users while we work on fixing the underlying issues.

    Specifically, we're advising the following:

    • As of January 20, 2015, video calling between Skype and Lync is disabled for most versions of the Skype consumer client. This is because of issues that were discovered that could cause the Skype Windows desktop client to crash in some cases.
    • We're actively working on an updated Skype Windows desktop client, and we expect to release this on the Skype download page in the coming weeks.
    • We will provide an updated message in the admin center when the work on this new client is completed.
    • After we release a new Skype Windows desktop client, it takes several weeks until most of the end-users have upgraded and are enabled. During this interim period, Lync customers who want to test the new client's capabilities can instruct participants to manually download the new client from the Skype download page.


    Q1: When and how will we re-enable video calling between Skype and Lync?
    A1: We expect to re-enable this functionality no later than the week of January 26, 2015, when we release a new Skype Windows desktop client.

    Q2: Regarding Q1, video calling with Lync will be re-enabled by using a new Skype Windows desktop client. How can I check whether I have the correct client?
    A2: We will re-enable video calling with Lync or Skype Windows desktop client versions 7.1.xx.xxx and later versions. You can check the Skype version number by following the instructions at What version of Skype am I using on my computer?

    Source: http://support2.microsoft.com/kb/3034626/en-us?sd=rss&spid=16924

  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] Stencil

    Microsoft vient de rendre disponible des nouveaux stencils:

  • [Skype for Business] Microsoft Surface Hub

    Présenté hier pendant le summit Office 365: http://windowspbx.blogspot.ca/2015/01/first-sighting-microsoft-surface-hub-84.html, vous pouvez découvrir la nouvelle technologie Microsoft Surface Hub ici:



  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] Network Planning, Monitoring, and Troubleshooting with Lync Server - version 2.3

    Microsoft a publié une mise à jour de l'indispensable guide Network Planning, Monitoring, and Troubleshooting with Lync Server.

    Version: 2.3

    Description de la mise à jour:

    Updated Jan. 2015 to include additional WiFi and QoS guidance - Lync Server is a real-time unified communications application that relies on an optimized network infrastructure to deliver high-quality media sessions. This guide provides a model for managing the network infrastructure for Lync Server 2010 and Lync Server 2013—planning, monitoring, and troubleshooting.


  • Lancement officiel du groupe des usagers Communication Unifiée Microsoft de Montréal

    Cela est le fruit de plusieurs mois de discussion avec Jean-Philippe, avec le lancement des présentations Skype for Business prévu ce lundi 19 au summit Office365, il était temps pour nous de lancer enfin le groupe des usagers Communication Unifiée Microsoft de Montréal.


    Le Groupe des Usagers Communication Unifiée Microsoft Montréal est une communauté de partage de connaissances autour des technologies de Communication Unifiée Microsoft telle Lync, Exchange UM, Skype for Business, Office365 ainsi que l'ensemble de l'écosystème partenaire. Les rencontres incluront aussi bien des sujet business que technique. Nos sessions sont ouvertes gratuitement à tous et se dérouleront dans les locaux de Microsoft une fois par trimestre. Les présentations seront animées par les deux Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals (MVP) Lync pour le Québec, Jean-Philippe Breton et Christophe Boucetta.

    Rejoindre le groupe: http://www.meetup.com/Groupe-des-Usages-Communication-Unifiee-Microsoft-Montreal/

    La première session est prévue le 31 mars 2015 (en espérant ne pas devoir changer la date): http://www.meetup.com/Groupe-des-Usages-Communication-Unifiee-Microsoft-Montreal/events/219859980/

    Vous êtes les bienvenues, les sessions sont gratuites.

    Au plaisir.

  • [Skype for Business] Skype for Business Readiness Series

    si comme beaucoup, vous ne pouvez pas assister aux Office365 summit et découvrir les premières présentations de Skype for Busines:

    Une série de webinar est prévu à partir de fin février, vous pouvez vous enregistrer ici: https://infopedia.eventbuilder.com/index.asp?landingpageid=7p1c8p

  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] Intégration Avaya Session Manager: appel anonymous

    Petit bug/irritant de la semaine (un parmi d'autres).


    Intégration directe entre une ferme Lync Serveur 2013 et deux Avaya Session Manager 6.3.


    Lors d'un appel sortant depuis un endpoint Lync vers un opérateur spécifique (Telus pour ne pas le citer) via l'environnement Avaya, le numéro appelant apparait en "anonymous". Des appels vers l'ensemble des autres opérateurs ne présentent pas cet irritant.

    Une trace côté Avaya me permet d'identifier le problème:


    C'est la première fois que je suis obligé d'activer cette option dans une intégration, la résolution consiste a cocher l’option « Enable forward P-Asserted-Identity data » au niveau des jonctions avec les deux Avaya session manager :

    Résumé de l'option:

  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] Plantronics Aware for Lync 2013

    Plantronics propose sur son site un tool plutôt sympathique: Plantronics Aware for Lync 2013


    Plantronics Aware for Lync 2013 is an application that provides enhanced presence capabilities for Microsoft Lync 2013 when used with Plantronics Hub for Windows software and Plantronics headsets. Features include changing Lync 2013 presence status to IN A CALL when you are on a mobile, desk phone or another softphone call using a supported Plantronics headset. Earlier versions of Microsoft Lync and Office Communicator do not require this application.


    - Plantronics Hub for Windows version 3.0 or higher
    - Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 or later (will be installed automatically if not present)
    - Microsoft Lync 2013

    Exemple de fonctionnalités:

    - On a mobile phone call:
    If you are using a multi-interface Plantronics headset that can connect or pair with multiple devices, e.g., a mobile phone as well as your PC for softphone calls, this feature will automatically set Microsoft Lync 2013 presence status to IN A CALL* when you are on a mobile call.
    - On a deskphone call
    If you are using a multi-interface Plantronics headset that can connect or pair with multiple devices, e.g., your deskphone as well as your PC for softphone calls, this feature will automatically set Microsoft Lync 2013 presence status to IN A CALL* when you are on a call using your deskphone.
    - On another Softphone call
    If you use other softphones in addition to Microsoft Lync 2013, this feature will automatically set Microsoft Lync 2013 presence status to IN A CALL* when you are on a call using the other softphone. This will happen whether or not you are wearing any headset.
    - Escalate IM to Voice
    This feature allows an IM session to be automatically escalated to a phone call when the user engaged in an active Lync IM session simply puts on their Plantronics headset. The IM session can only be with a single party. This features is only available for Plantronics devices equipped with the Plantronics Smart Sensors technology that can detect when the headset is worn.

    Actuellement non compatible avec Office365.

  • [Cisco] SFTP Cisco Prime Collaboration Deployment

    Précedemment, j'ai déjà écrit deux articles sur la solution Cisco PCD:





    Concernant le dernier article, ayant eu quelques messages concernant l'upload de la partie applicative vers le SFTP de PCD, voici un rapide guide.

    1- Télécharger WinSCP


    2- Connection au SFTP PCD:


    - IP de PCD

    - Username: adminsftp

    - Passowrd: Mot de passe utilisé lors de l'installation du produit

    3- Upload de votre iso vers PCD:

    Uploader votre ISO vers le répertoire nécessaire en fonction de votre projet (migration, mise à jour,...).

  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] MOH - Live Audio Source

    Dans le cadre d'un projet intéressant a venir à très court terme, j'ai du plancher sur la capacité existante d'offrir, pendant la phase de mise en attente d'un appel, un flux live audio venant par exemple d'une station de radio ou télévision.

    Les solutions ne sont pas nombreuses, en fait, qu'une fut retenue.

    Avec les passerelles Sonus SBC 1000/2000, vous pouvez configurer ce type de fonctionnalité.

    To connect a live audio source through an FXS port:

    Connecting an audio source for Music On Hold requires the use of an adapter between the Sonus SBC 1000/2000 RJ11 port and the source device (CD player, radio, iPod. MP3 player, personal computer, etc.). Common adapters include a 3.5mm connector on one end and an RJ11 on the other with an isolation transformer between the two.

    Music On Hold volume is controlled from the audio source device (iPod, MP3 Player, etc.). The preferred volume level can be adjusted by listening to the stream, or by examining the RTP trace captured from the SIP call leg of the call. Use the receive gain settings on the FXS port to make any additional fine-tuning volume adjustments.

    Source: _https://support.sonus.net/display/UXDOC41/Configuring+the+Sonus+SBC+1000-2000+for+Music+On+Hold

    Pour les limitations:

    1 seule source audio par passerelle

    Impossible de centraliser cette fonctionnalité, 10 sites ayant leurs propres sorties terrestres locaux, 10 passerelles SBC1000/2000.

    A l'écoute de toutes autres options possibles!

  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] Audiocodes SPS

    Dans le cadre de projet nécéssitant la récupération du matériel existant, la solution SPS (SIP Phone Support) de Audiocodes pour certain modèles spécifiques peut vous aider à atteindre ce but.

    Pouvant être déployé sur un chassis médiant ou un environnement de virtualisation, SPS agit en tant que B2BUA entre votre téléphone et l'environnement Lync.

    SPS supporte les modèles suivants avec la dernière release 3.0.6:

    Il est possible d'avoir une architecture haute disponibilité:

    La solution supporte:

    • Architecture multi-site: réplication entre les serveurs SPS;
    • mode direct: le flux audio entre deux téléphones SPS est en point à point;
    • Lync media bypass;
    • Lync Call Admission Control: appel entrant seulement;
    • État de présence "ringing": Lorsqu'un téléphone sonne, le serveur SPS envoi un état "ringing" à l'environnement Lync;
    • Auto Answer;
    • P-Asserted-ID

    La release 3.0.6 fixe les problèmes suivants:

    • Handle leak in SPS switch
    • Music-on-hold shuffle mode that played the same file
    • Not allowing direct voicemail access for hosted voicemail over Edge
    • Removed spaces in SPS configuration files that caused setup patch installation to fail
    • Changed installation behavior so that if the patch fails, replace the old configuration file with the new configuration file.
    • DTMF not working when connected to Office365 voicemail.
    • Disconnect when calling destinations over edge server.
    • Presence stuck on “Offline” if the Lync server fails and is restored
    • Exception on unregister user endpoint
    • Crash if CustomHeaders read from the database is null
    • Media relay transfer to hosted voicemail
    • SPS now does not send presence notification when it is up to date
    • Wrong "away" publish for second device after first expires
    • Wrong “phone in call” state if call is answered and disconnected in less than one second
    • Added support for multiple ringing. If SPS receives multiple ringing or early media then now it will pass them all to IP Phone. This is required in case the destination has multiple devices,

    En terme de fonctionnalités, vous pouvez trouver un récapitulatif ici:

    Concernant le licensing, plusieurs options sont possibles. Par téléphone, pour 250 par exemple, le cout de récupération dans un environnement HA est de 44$ CAN.

    L'exemple des 250 téléphones est dans un cadre de récupération de téléphones Cisco dans mon cas, la question ensuite d'investir dans la conservation de modèle 79XX EOL releve plus d'un aspect économique qu'autre chose.

  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] Guide Troubleshooting pour Lync

    Thomas Poett vient de partager un guide intéressant pour le troubleshooting Lync.

    Le document de 130 pages est disponible ici: https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/office/Skype-for-Business-and-7857597d


    The free ebook is about troubleshooting Skype for Business and Lync.

    A complex solution in unified communication marking people's life more simpler, connecting to others at any point of time, staying in contact with fellow friends and family members. Developing a set of skills, supporting and analyzing issues in this environment is an advanced task. I describe the troubleshooting work flow from general understanding of Skype for Business and Lync Server and Services.

    In the Troubleshooting Guide the following areas are covered:

    - General Approach to troubleshooting

    - Logging, Tracing and CLS

    - TCP and SIP Protocol

    - SIP Session Establishment

    - Lync/ Skype for Business Call Setup (entire process)

    - Troubleshooting IM

    - Troubleshooting Call with A/V

    - Diagnostic Headers

    - Monitoring

    - Troubleshooting Voice

    - Troubleshooting Conferencing

    - Troubleshooting Web Services

    - Troubleshooting Edge (external/ remote)

    - Health Monitoring

    - Troubleshooting Exchange Integration

    (Autodiscover, Exchange Web Service EWS, IM Integration OWA, Unified Contact Store UCS, Unified Messaging)

    - Troubleshooting Mobility Services

    - Troubleshooting Mobile Clients

    - Troubleshooting Office Web App Server (OWA)

    Troubleshooting Enterprise Voice will be released during a future update of this document (Version 2.0)

    I'm looking for lecturer who is will to support this writing. He should be experienced in lecturing documents.

  • [Microsoft Lync Server 2013] Expérience Lync Web App pour les utilisateurs Google Chrome

    La mise à jour suivante permet de corriger les problèmes rencontrés avec Lync Web App pour les utilisateurs Google Chrome: 


    Mais quel avenir de cette fonctionnalité avec Google Chrome?

    On a eu la chance d'avoir de l'information en avance que je peux partager sans briser mon NDA:

    Recent and upcoming Google changes to the Chrome browser affect the Lync Web App on both Mac and Windows platforms, and require us to make changes to Lync Server and Lync Online in order to deliver a great experience for Chrome users.  We have begun making these changes, and expect to complete them in the first quarter of 2015; in the meantime, when needed, we will provide users with manual work-around instructions as part of the meeting join experience.

    For Mac users:  Google discontinued support in October for the 32 bit version of Chrome on Mac.  Because the existing Lync Web App works only in the 32 bit version of Chrome, Mac users must for now use either Safari or Firefox to join a Lync meeting.  When joining a Lync meeting, users with Chrome set as their default browser will see a message instructing them to copy the Lync meeting URL, open Safari or Firefox, and paste the meeting URL into the new browser window.  The Lync meeting will then begin.  We plan to remove this manual step for Chrome users by adding support for the 64 bit version of Chrome early in 2015.

    For Windows users:  The most recent update to Lync Server 2013 (Cumulative Update 5.0.8308.857) provided manual work-around instructions to Windows users with the 32-bit version of Chrome set as their default browser, even though the 32-bit version of Chrome is still supported on Windows.  On 12/31/2014, we released a new update to Lync Server 2013 (Cumulative Update 5.0.8308.866) to remove the manual work-around instructions and to allow the Lync Web App to run in Chrome as it did previously.  We encourage administrators to apply Cumulative Update 5.0.8308.866 as soon as is practical to avoid the manual work-around.  We have already begun applying this update to Lync Online.

    What’s next?  As noted above, we plan to add support for 64 bit Chrome on Mac early this year.  We are also working on solutions to minimize the impact on Chrome users with the planned deprecation of the so-called “Netscape Plug-In API”, or NPAPI, targeted by Google for April, 2015.