Microsoft a publié une nouvelle version Update Rollup 3 pour System Center 2016 Virtual Machine Manager. Le correctif s’applique au serveur et à la console d’administration.
Il corrige les problèmes suivants :
- A Tenant Administrator cannot create a virtual machine (VM) network by using the UI.
- When an HNV VM is migrated to a host that is in legacy mode, HNV policies are not updated, which causes the VM to lose connectivity.
- Fabric Administrators (Delegated Administrators) cannot delete VMs in a tier if they share a common VHDX file on a host.
- Shared VHDX files are incorrectly used with multiple VMs.
- The deletion of a VM by using a shared disk causes the deletion of the shared disk when other VMs that use that same disk are in a Stopped state.
- Loading the properties page for a VM or Hardware Profile crashes the console when the memory value is set to a number higher than the acceptable range.
- Internal Garbage Collection Refresher fails with the exception "Unable to connect to database."
- For VMware device controllers other than SCSI and IDE, Virtual Machine Manager displays a "Bad controller type" exception message instead of skipping the device controller and displaying a warning message.
- A template that is imported by a tenant administrator is not visible in the administrator console.
- The attestation monitor gives false alarms if it's enabled for hosts other than Host Guardian Service (HGS) hosts.
- The VMM Cloud disappears from the Create Wizard if a user selects another cloud before the previous operation of creation/display of VMM cloud is complete.
- An update agent on a network controller-managed host changes the host certificate, and the network controller is not updated with new certificates.
- An unexpected host restart warning occurs while updating the networking properties of a guarded host, even though the HGS settings are not changed.
- The Get-SCGuestOSPofile cmdlet does not return the expected results.
- The AddCluster cmdlet hangs while adding a cluster to Virtual Machine Manager when the communication to the Virtual Machine Manager server is lost.
- Virtual Machine Manager does not recognize the SET switch and displays the external standard switch (SET) as internal.
- HNV policies are not updated on VMs that are moved through Failover Cluster Manager (FCM).
- The F5 load balancer is not working and displays an exception when the static IP address is used together with service templates.
- Software Defined Networking (SDN) service template deployment completes even though it failed during script execution.
- Importing of service templates fails with an XSD validation failure error.
- Tenant users are not able to View or Update properties for VMs having a disk attached to SCSI ID7.
- NAT rules are not applied, which causes issues on VMs that are part of a similar tenant network.
- Cannot set the inbound and outbound bandwidth for VPN connections.
- When removing a host vNic from a Network Controller (NC), the corresponding Network Interface JSON in the Network Controller is not removed.
- The maximum limit of the attribute VMNetworkSubnets per Gateway is incorrectly set for a Network Controller.
- The Network Controller service template fails when a password contains reserved characters, such as the ampersand (&), comma (,) and double quotation mark (") characters.
- When Gateway settings are configured through the Virtual Machine Manager UI (where traffic selector settings are not visible), Virtual Machine Manager sets VpnTrafficSelector values as Empty.
- The FQDN of REST endpoint is treated as case-sensitive, which is not true, as FQDN is not a case-sensitive entity.
- SDN VMs created (such as NC, Mux, and GW VMs) are not being added to the cluster.
- When a Network controller is updated, the Host vNic policies are not set correctly in Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).
- The creation of NAT connections by using a public IP address displays an exception.
- The deletion of Network Controller nodes is restricted if the remaining instance count goes below 3.
- When a volume is created on the platform, it does not appear in Virtual Machine Manager until the refresher executes.
- Storage utilization is displayed incorrectly in Overview. It should display the (total-committed) value.
- The creation of a file share in Storage Space Direct (S2D) SOFS backed by using SAN displays an exception message.
- In Storage Space Direct (S2D) SOFS, the Add Volume command opens the Create Logical Unit wizard instead of the Create Volume wizard.
- Cannot assign a classification to a host disk when the HC Cluster and CSV are not created by using Virtual Machine Manager.
- A user cannot set IOPS Maximum on a VHD from Virtual Machine Manager.
- Removing a CSV removes its corresponding LUN when in hyper-converge.
- In the UI, the remove CSV button is disabled for hyper-converge.
- System Center Operations Manager returns no value for the IsClustered property for a Host Volume.
- This update adds an alert for warning state change for HBA port monitors.
- Virtual Machine Manager Management Pack creates an Alert when a VM is put into paused state.
- The System Center Operations Manager dashboard displays incorrect performance data for vPort.
Pour obtenir le correctif et plus d’informations, rendez-vous sur la KB4014528 – Update Rollup 3 for System Center 2016 Virtual Machine Manager
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