Les administrateurs ConfigMgr 2012 vont être comblés. Microsoft adopte une stratégie complétement différentes pour la supervision de ConfigMgr que celle qui avait été mise en place avec SCCM 2007. La précédente version était une version convertie qui n’a jamais été revue. Aujourd’hui avec la sortie de la bêta de System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP1, l’équipe ConfigMgr propose une mise à jour (5.00.7787.1) du pack de supervision ou Monitoring Pack pour ce Service Pack 1. Cette version supporte à la fois System Center 2012 Operations Manager ou System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2.
Il dispose des fonctionnalités suivantes :
- La supervision de la disponibilité des rôles de serveur
- La supervision de l’état de santé des services clés
- La supervision de l’état santé de la réplication SQL intersites
- La collection et la supervision des compteurs de performances des serveurs ConfigMgr
- Un diagramme topologique de la hiérarchie de site ConfigMgr
- Des rapports montrant l’état de disponibilité et les performances des serveurs ConfigMgr
- Supervision de l’état des alertes dans ConfigMgr
Voici le détail :
Monitoring scenario |
Description |
Associated rules and monitors |
Replication Health |
This scenario checks the data replication health status between Configuration Manager sites. It monitors replication between:
Configuration of replication |
Ensures the SQL server is configured correctly. |
Backup and Recovery status monitor |
Monitors Backup status. |
Backup Status Monitor |
Component Availability Monitoring |
Availability is monitored for the following components. These components generate a periodic heartbeat that reports their availability state:
Service availability |
Monitors the availability of Configuration Manager services by using both the Service Availability feature of System Center Operations Manager 2007 or System Center 2012 Operations Manager; and the Service Control Manager events in the NT Event System Log. Service availability monitoring generates the following:
Server Role Availability Monitoring |
Availability is monitored for the following roles:
Compliance Rate of Baseline Deployment monitoring |
The compliance rate of the deployment of baseline deployment checks the rate against the defined threshold. |
Baseline Compliance Rate Monitor |
Discovery Backlog monitoring |
Discovery Backlog monitoring checks the backlog of the inbox on the site server. |
Perf Threshold: Site server auth ddm inbox backlog monitor |
General Health Monitoring |
General health monitoring generates an alert when a health metric on a Configuration Manager server is above a certain threshold over a period of time. General health monitoring checks the following metrics: Processor Time at 95% over 3 hours for:
Database Connection Monitoring |
Monitors that the database connections are valid. |
Site Server Connectivity To SQL Database Server |
Inventory Backlog Monitoring |
Monitors backlogs and outbox conditions. |
Software Metering Backlog Monitoring |
Checks the status of software metering. |
Software Update Synchronization Status Monitoring |
Checks whether software update synchronization is occurring. |
WSUS Synchronization failed |
Distribution Point Configuration Monitoring |
Checks whether the Distribution point is properly configured for connections. |
Forward the Configuration Manager in-console alerts |
Checks the status of Configuration Manager in-console alerts, generates Operations Manager alerts when the corresponding Configuration Manager alerts are active. These monitors are disabled by default. |
En outre, vous devez activer le mode proxy sur les agents des machines ConfigMgr 2012 supervisées. Pour plus d'information sur les classes, règles et moniteurs par rôle, vous pouvez lire la documentation et l'appendix.
Télécharger System Center Monitoring Pack for System Center 2012 SP1 Beta – Configuration Manager