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Microsoft vient de publier un nouvel article dans la base de connaissances concernant les améliorations pour le dépannage des exceptions de time-out SQL du Data Warehouse de System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager. Ces améliorations sont apportées par l’Update Rollup 5 qui n’est pas encore publié à l’heure où j’écris ses lignes ! Cela signifie que son arrivée est prochaine.

Les erreurs suivantes sont levées dans le journal d’évènements par la source Health Service Module :

Log Name – Operations Manager
Source – Health Service Modules
EventID – 31551/31552
Level – Error
User – N/A
Task Category – Data Warehouse
Keywords – Classic
Details –

Avant l’UR5, le detail comprenait :

Failed to store data in the Data Warehouse. The operation will be retried.
Exception "SqlException": Time-out expired. The time-out period elapsed before completion of the operation, or the server is not responding.
One or more of the following workflows were affected by this:
Workflow name: Workflow_name
Instance name: Instance_name
Instance ID: Instance_ID
Management group: Management_group_name

Après l’UR 5, on retrouve :

Failed to store data in the Data Warehouse. The operation will be retried.
Exception 'SqlTimeoutException': Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation, or the server is not responding.

Les deux messages suivants sont possibles:
Message 1
Timeout occurred while trying to bulk copy data to Table_name table.

Message 2
Timed-out stored procedure: Stored_procedure_name

Current time-out value: Current_time-out_value_in_seconds

This time-out can be increased by adding a registry key (type: dword 32 bit, value: revised time-out in seconds) named: 

at HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Operations Manager\3.0\Data Warehouse

One or more of the following workflows were affected by this:

Workflow name: Workflow_name
Instance name: Instance_name
Instance ID: Instance_ID
Management group: Management_group_name

On en apprend donc beaucoup plus avec la procedure stockée ou la table concernée !

Pour plus d’informations, lire la KB3029227 : How to troubleshoot SQL time-outs in Data Warehouse after you install System Center Operations Manager R2 Update Rollup 5

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