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Les rapports fournis avec System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) peuvent paraître parfois pauvre notamment en matière d’administration quotidienne du produit. Aujourd’hui, je vous propose deux rapports permettant de lister les références entre Management Pack scellés et non scellés. Le but est de pouvoir traquer les erreurs où des overrides auraient été stockés par erreur dans le mauvais Management pack non scellé.

Voici les deux rapports :

  • Management Pack - References by Override MP
  • Management Pack - References by Sealed MP

N’oubliez pas de vous créer une data source pointant sur le data warehouse avec les droits nécessaires pour que le rapport puisse être exécuté. Ce rapport marche pour System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2, System Center 2012 Operations Manager  et SQL Server 2008 RTM/R2.

Télécharger les rapports sur les références entre Management Packs


The reports provided with System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) may sometimes seem particularly poor in terms of daily operations on the product. Today, I offer a report to track references between Unsealed MP and Sealed MP.

Here are the reports:

  • Management Pack - References by Override MP
  • Management Pack - References by Sealed MP

Do not forget to create a datasource targeting to the data warehouse with security rights necessary to generate the report. This reports works with System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2, System Center 2012 Operations Manager  and SQL Server 2008 RTM/R2.

Here is the query:

SELECT distinct Tgt.ManagementPackSystemName As 'Sealed MP', Src.ManagementPackSystemName As 'Override MP'

  FROM vManagementPackVersionReference

  INNER JOIN vManagementPack As Tgt on ReferencedManagementPackRowId = Tgt.ManagementPackRowId

INNER join vManagementPackVersion  on ReferencingManagementPackVersionRowId = vManagementPackVersion.ManagementPackVersionRowId

INNER JOIN vManagementPack As Src on vManagementPackVersion.ManagementPackRowId = Src.ManagementPackRowId

WHERE Src.SealedInd = 0

AND Tgt.ManagementPackSystemName NOT IN






ORDER BY Tgt.ManagementPackSystemName

Download Management packs references Reports

This report is provided "AS IS" without express or implied warranty of any kind.

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