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Quand vous déployez une image Wim contenant une image d’installation de systèmes d’exploitation et une image de données, le déploiement peut échouer et la séquence de tâches renvoi les erreurs suivantes dans le fichier smsts.log :

Opening image file C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\<WIM_Image_Package_ID>\<Image>.wim ApplyOperatingSystem

Image file <WIM_Image_Package_ID> version "" will be applied ApplyOperatingSystem

Image does not contain OS architecture information. Unable to verify that the OS will be compatable with the target machine. ApplyOperatingSystem

Starting to apply image <Image_Index> from <Image>.wim to C:\ ApplyOperatingSystem

Wiping C:\ ApplyOperatingSystem

Set "C:\_SMSTaskSequence" to not be wiped ApplyOperatingSystem

Set "%OSDStateStorePath%" to not be wiped ApplyOperatingSystem

Set "%_SMSTSClientCache%" to not be wiped ApplyOperatingSystem

Set "%_SMSTSNewClientCachePathToCleanup%" to not be wiped ApplyOperatingSystem

Skipping C:\_SMSTaskSequence for wipe ApplyOperatingSystem

Calculating expected free space. ApplyOperatingSystem

Reporting deletion progress. ApplyOperatingSystem

Successfully wiped C:\ ApplyOperatingSystem

Applying image to C:\ ApplyOperatingSystem

Applying image <Image_Index> to volume C: ApplyOperatingSystem

Successfully applied image to C:\ ApplyOperatingSystem

pOs != NULL, HRESULT=80070490 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\framework\osdcore\offlineos.cpp,92) ApplyOperatingSystem

Unable to find a Windows system root at C:\.

Element not found. (Error: 80070490; Source: Windows) ApplyOperatingSystem

OSD::Utility::OfflineOS::CreateInstance( this->targetVolume, true, rpNewOs), HRESULT=80070490 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\client\osdeployment\applyos\installimage.cpp,395) ApplyOperatingSystem

this->getTargetOs(pNewOs), HRESULT=80070490 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\client\osdeployment\applyos\installimage.cpp,892) ApplyOperatingSystem

Failed to find the system root for the applied OS.

Element not found. (Error: 80070490; Source: Windows) ApplyOperatingSystem

SetupNewOs(), HRESULT=80070490 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\client\osdeployment\applyos\installimage.cpp,1434) ApplyOperatingSystem

Configure(), HRESULT=80070490 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\client\osdeployment\applyos\installimage.cpp,1465) ApplyOperatingSystem

Installation of image 2 in package <WIM_Image_Package_ID> failed to complete..

Element not found. (Error: 80070490; Source: Windows) ApplyOperatingSystem

installer.install(), HRESULT=80070490 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\client\osdeployment\applyos\installimage.cpp,1527) ApplyOperatingSystem

Closing image file C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\<WIM_Image_Package_ID>\<Image>.wim ApplyOperatingSystem

Entering ReleaseSource() for C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\<WIM_Image_Package_ID> ApplyOperatingSystem

reference count 1 for the source C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\<WIM_Image_Package_ID> before releasing ApplyOperatingSystem

Released the resolved source C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\<WIM_Image_Package_ID> ApplyOperatingSystem

InstallImage( g_InstallPackageID, g_ImageIndex, targetVolume, ImageType_OS, g_ConfigPackageID, g_ConfigFileName, bOEMMedia ), HRESULT=80070490 (e:\nts_sms_fre\sms\client\osdeployment\applyos\applyos.cpp,373) ApplyOperatingSystem

Process completed with exit code 2147943568 TSManager

!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! TSManager

Failed to run the action: Apply Operating System.

Element not found. (Error: 80070490; Source: Windows) TSManager

The execution of the group (Install Operating System) has failed and the execution has been aborted. An action failed.

Operation aborted (Error: 80004004; Source: Windows) TSManager

Failed to run the last action: Apply Operating System. Execution of task sequence failed.

Element not found. (Error: 80070490; Source: Windows) TSManager


Pour résoudre le problème :

·         Ouvrez la console d’administration de SCCM ("Computer Management" --> "Operating System Deployment" --> "Operating System Images"). Cliquez droit sur l’image et choisissez « Properties ».

·         Cliquez sur l’onglet « Images »

·         Sous l’option « Select image you want to view : », changez entre les différentes images (1-1 ou 2-2). Déterminez quelle image contient l’image d’installation du système d’exploitation. Contrairement à l’image de données, l’image contenant l’OS aura des informations dans les champs « OS version », « Architecture », « HAL Type », et « Description ».

·         Editez la séquence de tâches

·         Sélectionnez la tâche « Apply Operating System »

·         Sous l’option « Apply operating system from a captured image », assurez-vous que l’image contenant le système d’exploitation est correctement sélectionnée.

·         Cliquez sur OK pour sauvegarder la séquence de tâches


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