Microsoft vient de publier un article dans la base de connaissance concernant une erreur 14-00000005 lors de la publication d’applications virtuelles App-V via SCCM.
Le log sftlog.txt :
[07/07/2011 11:50:26:571 SRVC WRN] {tid=BB0}
The Application Virtualization Client was unable to initialize the user's profile for a system session (rc 0FD00D14-00000005).
Le fichier de log VirtualApp.log retourne :
Registering the virtual application package [XXX01588] with the AppVirtMgmt client. VAppRegistration 7/7/2011 11:46:43 AM 3652 (0x0E44)
Loading package properties from the manifest file: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CCM\Cache\SSD01588.8.S-1-5-21-00000000-0000000-11111111-1234567\appv1_manifest.xml. VAppRegistration 7/7/2011 11:46:43 AM 3652 (0x0E44)
The package name is AppName 7/7/2011 11:46:43 AM 3652 (0x0E44)
Failed to get the package object [Package.PackageGUID="903AB33A-3547-406C-88C4-6960770A6F2F"] from WMI. Error (0x80041001) VAppQuery 7/7/2011 11:46:43 AM 3652 (0x0E44)
CVAppQuery::PackageInUse() failed for virtual app package [{903AB33A-3547-406C-88C4-6960770A6F2F}]. (0x80041001) VAppQuery 7/7/2011 11:46:43 AM 3652 (0x0E44)
CVAppRegistration::ExecuteAdd failed for the virtual application package. (0x80041001) VAppRegistration 7/7/2011 11:46:43 AM 3652 (0x0E44)
Ce problème est résolu par l’application du package de correctifs 2 pour App-V 4.6 SP1 :
Pour plus d’information, je vous renvoie vers la KB2579122: Microsoft App-V 4.6 Applications Advertised Through Configuration Manager 2007 Fail with Error 14-00000005