Jean-Sébastien DUCHENE Blog's

Actualité, Tips, Articles sur l'ensemble des Technologies Microsoft (Microsoft Intune, ConfigMgr, Microsoft Defender, Microsoft Purview, Microsoft Azure, Windows...)

L’équipe ConfigMgr a publié un billet sur son blog concernant un problème touchant System Center 2012 Configuration Manager et les Management Points configurés en HTTPS. Ces derniers peuvent échouer à vérifier l’état de santé et renvoie les erreurs suivantes dans le log MPControl.log :

Failed in CertStrToName(...) API: 0x80092023      SMS_MP_CONTROL_MANAGER              8/29/2014 10:07:29 AM  20132 (0x4EA4)

Failed in GetCertificate(...): 0x80092023 SMS_MP_CONTROL_MANAGER              8/29/2014 10:07:29 AM  20132 (0x4EA4)

Failed in GetCertificateBySelectionCriteria(...): 0x80092023          SMS_MP_CONTROL_MANAGER              8/29/2014 10:07:29 AM       20132 (0x4EA4)

Failed to retrieve client certificate. Error -2146885597      SMS_MP_CONTROL_MANAGER              8/29/2014 10:07:29 AM         20132 (0x4EA4)

Call to HttpSendRequestSync failed for port 443 with -2146885597 error code.    SMS_MP_CONTROL_MANAGER                8/29/2014 10:07:29 AM  20132 (0x4EA4)


Failed to retrieve client certificate. Error -2147467259      SMS_MP_CONTROL_MANAGER              8/29/2014 10:09:59 AM         20132 (0x4EA4)

Call to HttpSendRequestSync failed for port 443 with -2147467259 error code.    SMS_MP_CONTROL_MANAGER                8/29/2014 10:09:59 AM  20132 (0x4EA4


>>> Selected Certificate [Thumbprint 03a02d8e1a391b163ff5ce07cfe5990b296ecf5f] issued to ‘’ for HTTPS Client Authentication               SMS_MP_CONTROL_MANAGER              8/29/2014 10:41:42 AM       2884 (0x0B44)

Call to HttpSendRequestSync failed for port 443 with status code 500, text: Internal Server Error                SMS_MP_CONTROL_MANAGER              8/29/2014 10:41:42 AM  2884 (0x0B44)

Sent summary record of SMS Management Point on ["Display=\\\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=Site1"]\\Server.contoso.local\ to \\ Server.contoso.local \SMS_PRI\inboxes\\file1.SUM, Availability 1, 142978044 KB total disk space , 98413112 KB free disk space, installation state 0. SMS_MP_CONTROL_MANAGER              8/29/2014 10:41:42 AM         2884 (0x0B44)

Http test request failed, status code is 500, 'Internal Server Error'.            SMS_MP_CONTROL_MANAGER                8/29/2014 10:41:42 AM  2884 (0x0B44)

STATMSG: ID=5436 SEV=E LEV=M SOURCE="SMS Server" COMP="SMS_MP_CONTROL_MANAGER" SITE=PRI PID=12820 TID=2884 GMTDATE=Fri Aug 29 14:41:42.456 2014 ISTR0="500" ISTR1="Internal Server Error" ISTR2="" ISTR3="" ISTR4="" ISTR5="" ISTR6="" ISTR7="" ISTR8="" ISTR9="" NUMATTRS=0   SMS_MP_CONTROL_MANAGER              8/29/2014 10:41:42 AM  2884 (0x0B44)

StateTable::CState::Handle - (5436:3 2014-08-29 14:41:42.456+00:00) >> (5460:1 2014-08-29 14:14:51.802+00:00)                SMS_MP_CONTROL_MANAGER              8/29/2014 10:41:42 AM  2884 (0x0B44)

Les erreurs citées montrent un problème avec le certificat. Vous pouvez ouvrir la console d’administration puis naviguez dans Administration – Site Configuration – Site Properties. Ouvrez l’onglet Client Computer Communication. Modifiez les propriétés du certificat client et sélectionnez Client authentication capability. Pour l’option de sélection en cas de certificats multiples répondant au même critère, choisissez l’option  Select the certificate with the longest validity period.

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