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L’équipe Exchange vient de publier le 8ème Rollup (KB2734323) pour Exchange Server 2007 SP3 (version 08.03.0279.003). Voici la liste des corrections contenues dans ce package :

  • 2699574( ) Microsoft Exchange Information Store service may stop responding when you perform a search on Exchange mailboxes in an Exchange Server 2007 environment
  • 2701037( ) Events 4999 and 7034 are logged and the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service crashes on an Exchange Server 2007 mailbox server
  • 2730089( ) Microsoft Exchange Information Store service may stop responding when you perform a search on Exchange mailboxes in an Exchange Server 2007 environment
  • 2732525( ) Outlook keeps prompting you for credentials and incorrectly connects to an out-of-site global catalog after you install Update Rollup 6 for Exchange Server 2007 SP3.


Télécharger Update Rollup 8 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 3 (KB2734323)


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