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L’équipe System Center vient de publier un webcast sur le pack d’intégration System Center présent dans la prochaine version Opalis 6.3.

Le scénario inclut les étapes suivantes :

·         Reading the out put from the Microsoft Assessment and Planning Tool (MAP)

·         Raising Change Requests in Service Manager for each of the virtualization candidates

·         Approving the CR in Service Manager

·         Monitoring Service Manager for the CR approval, then automatically starting the conversion process after the approval has been given to proceed

·         Taking a Data Protection Manager recovery point prior to starting the P2V

·         Adding the server into a new Configuration Manager collection

·         Checking that the server meets the Patch compliance

·         Checking that Forefront is installed and up to date

·         Putting Operations Manager into Maintenance Mode

·         Running the P2V process through Virtual Machine Manager

·         Monitoring for the successful completion of the P2V process

·         Taking Operations Manager out of Maintenance Mode

·         Full failure escalation at each step

Voir la vidéo


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