L'équipe Exchange vient de mettre à jour l'outil Exchange 2010 Mailbox Server Role Requirements Calculator dans sa version 6.1. Cet outil est composé de feuilles Excel permettant d'entrer des données relatives à votre architecture.
Le calculateur vous donnera les prérequis de :
- Role
- Design du stockage
- Backup
- Log Replication
Cette version inclut les améliorations et les fonctionnalités suivantes :
- Message profiles have been simplified in order to be more consistent with the rest of our documentation and partner tools. For example, instead of using "20 sent/80 received", the calculator now simply uses "100 messages". The individual breakdown isn't consequential to the overall design of the mailbox server IO and capacity planning algorithms.
- Added additional column to the "Active Database Configuration / DAG" table on the Role Requirements tab to expose configurations where you will have a portion of your databases activated in the secondary datacenter as a result of a failure event in the primary datacenter.
- Improved "Environment Configuration" table on the Role Requirements tab to indicate the Number of Mailbox Servers and Lagged Copy Servers / DAG in each datacenter.
- Re-ordered tables in the Role Requirements Results section.
Cette version corrige les bugs suivants par rapport aux versions précédentes :
- Fixed an issue for site resilience scenarios that resulted in #DIV/0 errors as a result of determining the number of copies that can be mounted in the event of a double server failure when the solution only has 2 servers in the primary datacenter.
- Fixed an issue for site resilience scenarios that ensures that double failure events don't result in more databases being activated on the remaining primary datacenter servers than possible when only 2 copies exist in the primary datacenter.
- Fixed CPU core calculations to take into account the total number of DAGs being deployed in the situation.
- Fixed active megacycle calculation to exclude database copy overhead for standalone deployments.
- Fixed Lagged Copy Storage Architecture formula to be HA aware.
- Fixed Secondary Datacenter Storage Architecture formula to ensure there is at least 1 HA copy being deployed in secondary datacenter.
- Updated storage design tab improvements based on user feedback and added "in primary datacenter" for input HA/lagged copy instances.
- Fixed formula for JBOD disk type to accurately reflect when there was insufficient database copies vs. requiring RAID.
- Updated comments on various cells.
Résumé des changements entre chaque version : http://msexchangeteam.com/archive/2010/01/22/453859.aspx
Article sur son utilisation : http://msexchangeteam.com/archive/2009/11/09/453117.aspx
Télécharger Exchange 2010 Mailbox Server Role Requirements Calculator