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L'équipe Exchange vient de mettre à jour l'outil Exchange 2010 Mailbox Server Role Requirements Calculator dans sa version 4.5. J'avais parlé de la version 3.2 qui s'est vu succéder les versions 3.4 et 3.5 mais n'apportant que peu d'amélioration. Cet outil est composé de feuilles Excel permettant d'entrer des données relatives à votre architecture.

Le calculateur vous donnera les prérequis de :

  • Role
  • LUN
  • Design du stockage
  • Backup
  • Log Replication

Cette version inclut les améliorations et les fonctionnalités suivantes :

  • Added the calculations to help you determine the minimum number of global catalog cores you need to deploy with your architecture.
  • Added the ability to define different RAID parity settings for your Restore LUN architecture.
  • Improved the calculation of the formatted capacity of a disk drive.

Cette version corrige les bugs suivants par rapport aux versions précédentes :

  • The following issues were identified and addressed in this release:
  • For HA solutions that chose to deploy in JBOD configuration, two fixes were made:
    • In certain scenarios, the calculator would calculate the number of mailboxes per database to be higher than the total amount of random IO available on the disk. As a result the calculator couldn't recommend a JBOD configuration. This has been corrected by rounding down the number of mailboxes per disk from an IO perspective calculation.
    • In certain situations the JBOD disk configuration isn't applicable. In past versions, the calculator would simply tell you this was because of "Insufficient Disk Capacity". This has been corrected to tell you if the insufficiency is based on disk capacity or IO capacity.
  • Addressed several CPU calculation related errors:
    • Fixed the issue where #VALUE was reported in the secondary datacenter processor core ratio table when you deployed only a lagged copy in the secondary datacenter.
    • Fixed the required mailbox CPU calculations to take into account certain site resilient scenarios where neither datacenter could support a single server failure (e.g. 2 member DAG).
  • Fixed an issue with the total disk count calculations with dedicated lagged copy servers as a result of rounding error.
  • Fixed an issue where /DAG LUN space totals didn't take into account the 2 LUNs / Backup Set architecture.

Résumé des changements entre chaque version :
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Télécharger Exchange 2010 Mailbox Server Role Requirements Calculator

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