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L'équipe Exchange vient de mettre à jour l'outil Exchange 2010 Mailbox Server Role Requirements Calculator dans sa version 17.3. Cet outil est composé de feuilles Excel permettant d'entrer des données relatives à votre architecture.

Le calculateur vous donnera les prérequis de :

·         Role

·         LUN

·         Design du stockage

·         Input

·         Backup

·         Log Replication

La version 17.2 corrigent principalement des bugs :

·         Database Copy Distribution fixes:

  • Prevented distribution calculation when Input sheet values are invalid; added row in header for counters for databases assigned to a server.
  • Added conditional formatting to highlight error/problem status messages in white text on red background.
  • Corrected the issue where Non-English operating system locales could not execute the database copy distribution macro.
  • Increased the performance of the Server Failure buttons.
  • Corrected an issue that prevented the Diskpart.ps1 script from working when there was only one server line present.

·         Updated comments for processor input section to help customers understand the correct value to enter for SPECInt2006 rate value when deploying Mailbox servers as guest machines.

·         Fixed CPU percentage calculation formula for lagged database copy servers to use the available megacycles for the Lagged Copy servers as opposed to the primary datacenter Mailbox servers.

·         Added 900GB capacity as an option for disk drives.


Résumé des changements entre chaque version :
Article sur son utilisation :

Télécharger Exchange 2010 Mailbox Server Role Requirements Calculator



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