Microsoft a publié un article dans la base de connaissances concernant la mise à jour de System Center 2012 Data Protection Manager (DPM) SP1 vers System Center 2012 R2 Data Protection Manager. En effet, la mise à jour peut échouer en renvoyant le message suivant :
Error: DPM Setup failed to add a user to the local group. Review the error details, take the appropriate action, and then run DPM Setup again.
ID: 4323. Details: A member could not be added to or removed from the local group because the member does not exist
De plus, le fichier Setup.log regroupe les lignes suivantes :
[10/23/2013 11:07:42 AM] Information : Start configuration.
[10/23/2013 11:07:42 AM] Information : Starting Service:MSSQL$MSDPM2012 on machine:DPMServerName flag restart:False
[10/23/2013 11:07:42 AM] Information : Starting Service:SQLAgent$MSDPM2012 on machine:DPMServerName flag restart:False
[10/23/2013 11:07:42 AM] Information : Starting Service:ReportServer$MSDPM2012 on machine:DPMServerName flag restart:False
[10/23/2013 11:07:42 AM] Information : Create a registry containing sql agent account information
[10/23/2013 11:07:42 AM] Information : Querying WMI Namespace: \\DPMServerName\root\cimv2 for query: SELECT * FROM Win32_Service WHERE Name='SQLAgent$MSDPM2012'
[10/23/2013 11:07:42 AM] Information : Sql Agent account name = domain-old\DPMServerName$
[10/23/2013 11:07:42 AM] Information : Create a registry containing the trigger job path information
[10/23/2013 11:07:42 AM] Data : TriggerJobPath = D:\Microsoft System Center 2012\DPM\DPM\bin\
[10/23/2013 11:07:42 AM] Information : Add user: domain-old\DPMServerName$ to local group: Distributed COM Users on server: DPMServerName
[10/23/2013 11:07:42 AM] * Exception : => DPM Setup failed to add a user to the local group.Review the error details, take the appropriate action, and then run DPM Setup again.Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.Exceptions.BackEndErrorException: Exception of type 'Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.Exceptions.BackEndErrorException' was thrown.
at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.NativeConfigHelper.AddAccountToLocalGroup(String accountName, String localGroupName, String machineName)
at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.Wizard.RemoteDatabaseConfiguration.AddSqlAgentAccountToLocalGroups(String sqlAgentAccountName)
at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.Wizard.BackEnd.MachineSpecificConfiguration(Boolean existingDB, Boolean upgrading, Boolean isRemoteDb, String sqlServerMachineName, String sqlInstanceName, Boolean isRemoteReporting, String reportingMachineName, String reportingInstanceName)
at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.Wizard.BackEnd.Configure(Boolean existingDB, Boolean upgrading, String databaseLocation, String sqlServerMachineName, String sqlInstanceName, String reportingMachineName, String reportingInstanceName, Boolean oemSetup)
at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.Wizard.DpmInstaller.ConfigurePostMsiUpgrade()
at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.Wizard.ProgressPage.UpgradeDpm()
at Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Setup.Wizard.ProgressPage.InstallerThreadEntry()
*** Mojito error was: AddUserToLocalGroupFailed; 1387; WindowsAPI
[10/23/2013 11:07:44 AM] *** Error : DPM Setup failed to add a user to the local group. Review the error details, take the appropriate action, and then run DPM Setup again.
ID: 4323. Details: A member could not be added to or removed from the local group because the member does not exist
[10/23/2013 11:07:44 AM] Information : The DPM upgrade failed.
For more details, click the Error tab.
To troubleshoot this issue, see
Ce problème survient si l’environnement a un espace de nom disjoint (le nom NetBIOS n’est pas le même que le nom DNS).
Pour contourner le problème, suivez les instructions de la KB2930276 - System Center 2012 R2 Data Protection Manager upgrade fails and generates ID: 4323: "A member could not be added"