Jean-Sébastien DUCHENE Blog's

Actualité, Tips, Articles sur l'ensemble des Technologies Microsoft (Microsoft Intune, ConfigMgr, Microsoft Defender, Microsoft Purview, Microsoft Azure, Windows...)


Maik Koster publie la version 7.3 de son Web Service dédié au déploiement. C’est un peu la boite à outils qui va vous permettre de tout interconnecter : Microsoft Deployment Toolkit, System Center Configuration Manager, Active Directory.

Cette nouvelle version apporte :

·         Support de SCCM Client Center et des 55 fonctions proposées par Roger Zander
Voici la liste complète des fonctions :

o   Checks / Status information

o   CheckAdvertisementDownloading (Computername)

Check if an advertisement is currently downloading

o   CheckAdvertisementRunning (Computername)

Check if an advertisement is currently running

o   CheckAdvertisementRequiresReboot (Computername)

Check if an advertisement is pending a reboot

o   CheckMissingSecurityUpdates (Computername)

Check for missing authorized security patches

o   CheckWUARebootPending (Computername)

Check if a reboot is pending because of installed security patches

o   CheckFileRenamePending (ComputerName)

Check if file rename operations are pending

o   Execute actions

o   RunCertificateMaintenance (Computername)

Initiates a Certificate Maintenance task

o   RunCollectFiles (Computername)

Initiates a Software Inventory (Collect Files)

o   RunDCMScan (Computername)

Initiates a Desired Configuration Monitoring Scan

o   RunDeleteOrphanedCachedPackages (Computername)

Initiates a cleanup of all orphaned packages

o   RunDeleteAllCachedPackages (Computername)

Deletes all packages from cache

o   RunDeleteCachedUpdates (Computername)

Deletes all Updates from cache

o   RunHardwareInventory (Computername)

Initiates a Hardware Inventory (Delta Update)

o   RunFullHardwareInventory (Computername)

Initiates a Hardware Inventory (Full Update)

o   RunSoftwareInventory (Computername)

Initiates a Software Inventory (Delta Update)

o   RunFullSoftwareInventory (Computername)

Initiates a Software Inventory (Full Update)

o   RunHeartbeat (Computername)

Initiates a Data Discovery cycle

o   RunLocationRefresh (Computername)

Initiates a refresh of locations

o   RunMachinePolicy (Computername)

Initiates a Machine Policy and Evaluation cycle

o   RunUserPolicy (Computername)

Requests User Policy if a User is logged on

o   RunUserPolicyByName (Computername, Username)

Requests User Policy for the specified User

o   RunResetPolicy (Computername)

Initiates a cleanup of orphaned policies cycle

o   RunFullResetPolicy (Computername)

Initiates a Full reset of all SCCM Policies

o   RunMPRefresh (Computername)

Initiates a refresh of the Default Management Point

o   RunMSISourceUpdate (Computername)

Initiates a Windows Installer source update cycle

o   RunOOBDiscovery (Computername)

Initiates an Out of Band Discovery

o   RunResetPausedSoftwareDistributionFlag (Computername)

Resets the paused Software Distribution Flag

o   RunSoftwareMeteringReport (Computername)

Generates a Software Metering Report

o   RunTimeoutRequests (Computername)

Initiates Timeout Requests

o   RunUpdateScan (Computername)

Initiates a scan for missing software updates

o   RunUpdateDeployment (Computername)

Deploys authorized Software updates

o   RunCreateServiceWindow (Computername, StartDate, hourDuration)

Creates a new Service Window

o   RunDeleteServiceWindow (Computername, ServiceWindowGuid)

Deletes a Service Window

o   Get / Update Client information

o   GetAgentVersion (Computername)

Returns the Agent version of the Client

o   GetAssignedMP (Computername)

Returns the assigned MP of the Client

o   GetCachePath (Computername)

Returns the Cache Path of the Client

o   SetCachePath (Computername, CachePath)

Sets the cache Path for the Client

o   GetCacheSize (Computername)

Returns the Cache size of the Client

o   SetCacheSize (Computername, CacheSize)

Sets the cache size for the Client

o   GetClientID (Computername)

Returns the GUID of the Client

o   GetDNSSuffix (Computername)

Returns the DNS suffix of the Client

o   SetDNSSuffix (Computername, DNSSuffix)

Sets the DNS suffix of the client

o   GetHTTPPort (Computername)

Returns the HTTP port of the Client

o   SetHTTPPort (Computername, HTTPPort)

Sets the HTTP port of the Client

o   GetInternetMP (Computername)

Returns the Internet MP of the Client

o   SetInternetMP (Computername, InternetMP)

Sets the Internet MP of the Client

o   GetProxyMP (Computername)

Returns the proxy MP of the Client

o   GetMissingSecurityUpdates (Computername)

Returns a list of missing authorized security patches

o   GetSecurityUpdates (Computername)

Returns a list of authorized security patches including their current status

o   GetSiteCode (Computername)

Returns the SiteCode of the Client

o   SetSiteCode (Computername, SiteCode)

Sets the SiteCode of the Client

o   GetSLP (Computername)

Returns the SLP of the Client

o   SetSLP (Computername, SLP)

Sets the SLP of the Client  

·         Support de l’exécution d’instruction sur plusieurs domaines Active Directory.

·         Introduction d’un système de sécurité visant à retirer le droit d’exécution sur certaines fonctions.


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