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Microsoft a publié la liste des correctifs et améliorations inclus dans le Service Pack 1 de System Center 2012 Service Manager (SCSM) :

1 Setup - Cannot install on SQL 2012

2 DataWarehouse - Reports do not show the relationship details when they are marked deleted in the Fact tables

3 Ability to rate and comment on Knowledge Articles fails with an insufficient rights error message

4 Service Manager 2012 upgrade doesn't check for availability of Analysis Server and new DataMarts

5 Setup - Web Content Server needs ASP.Net 4.5 Windows Feature enabled on Windows 8

6 Transform work item dimension is dropping over 1/3 of the available data during performance runs

7 Transform job failed due to temp table existing in the database and cannot recover

8 Wrong comment time when added from portal

9 Service Manager 2012 Release Candidate - The record number can't be copied out of the form banner

10 Editing an SO (maybe any kind of edit to an MP) causes the export of the MP subsequently to no longer have the icon associated with the SO embedded in the XML

11 When applying a notification template the GUIDs are substituted with bracket symbols ( {} ) which causes problems when trying to pass a GUID on the query string of a URL to the portal

12 VMM Connector - Virtual machine template size is not synchronized if VM template name has spaces

13 Question mark character (?) appears at the end of the title when an incident is created from a message in which Q encoding is used

14 An Invalid string is inserted to a subject in a specific condition when creating a new incident from a mail item

15 The subject is cut off in a specific condition when creating a new incident from a mail item

16 Double-click the search button in the "Assigned To" closes the console

17 SQL 2012 - SCSM 2012 needs to be updated to work with the SQL 2012 Feature Pack

18 ON Service Manager DataWarehouse RTM topology testing upgrade of SQL 2008R2 to SQL 2012 is blocked

19 Service Manager 2012 Setup does fails to install on Windows 8 at the .NET 3.5 pre-requisite check

20 When incidents are created using the SMTP connector and the title of the mail includes Japanese string, the title of the incidents will be cut at the middle of it

21 The attached date of email attachment is 9 hours ahead JST when incident is created through SMTP connector

22 New users submitting tickets through the Self-Service portal are not captured in Service Manager

23 Service Request completed date is not present in Service Manager

24 Some measures are not working in Cubes as slicing on the  outrigger is incorrect in the Calculated Member definition , we need to add the role playing outrigger

25 Update the Analysis Management Objects file

26 After we installed SCSM Server, setup wizard cannot be started on same machine. So that we cannot install SCSM Portal and Server on one machine

27 Setup - should proceed on a system with  SQL 2012 native client

28 Chargeback: Service Manager console crashes when the Associate cloud is tried

29 Discovery Data Processor:  sorting algorithm causes OM Health Service Assert in Network Discovery in Windows 8

30 Price Sheets - Folder Name and Location are incorrect in the Service Manager console

31 MP import fails: localized xml files for all languages for Microsoft.SystemCenter.ServiceManager.Library contain reference to invalid element ID

32 Chargeback: Setup- Chargeback folder containing the MPs is being copied to DataWarehouse system

33 Chargeback: Setup- Chargeback import Power Shell script should spill out the Basic documentation\ version info

34 Chargeback: Service Manager console : Edit link should be disabled when creating the Price sheet

35 Chargeback: Service Managerconsole : Price Sheet -Price tab text fields column widths are all dependent on each other

36 All clouds are shown in picker, even the clouds that already have the price sheet assigned.

37 Chargeback: Custom Transforms are not creating data in the repository

38 Chargeback: Setup- when the MP import fails, user should be shown the MP import error and  also success status message  should not be shown on error

39 When sorting ascending/ descending on Price Sheets view the arrow on all the columns show ascending arrow.

40 Grouping on Price Sheet View using the column - Status terminates the UI Console.

41 Clicking Publish Task on the Task pane - pops up an error message and doesn't publish the selected Price Sheet.

42 "Search for Knowledge Article" - Windows 8 Error

43 Task Pane does not have the task - "Create View"

44 Service ManagerCover Build installation is failing.

45 Price Sheet Form header should show details for Published by, Published date, Modified by and Modified Date

46 Update the SQL Native client and AMO installation requirements to SQL 2012 to enable product install

47 Cloud membership cost is not included in the VM total price

48 Chargeback->Installation: Could not create OM CI connector on clean Chargeback installation with SP1 products installed

49 Chargeback: Service Manager console : Publish\Unpublish links should be enabled as per the Price sheet status in the form

50 Chargeback: Service Manager console : when Opening the Price sheet form, General tab renders  the  "Price sheet Information "  and then it refreshes to actual contents

51 Chargeback: Service Manager console : when Opening the Price sheet form, General tab renders  the  "Price sheet Information "  and then it refreshes to actual contents

52 Chargeback: Service Manager console :" Unassigned Price Sheets" view is  not showing the correct list of Price sheets

53 Chargeback: Service Manager console : Price sheet  Modified date is not getting set when changes are being done for Price sheet properties(description, costs)

54 Chargeback: PricesheetDetailDailyFactvw Transform is not generating the data

55 Unassigned Price Sheet View - Task Pane does not have the task - "Create Price Sheet"

56 Chargeback->Administration->PS: Pending delete Cloud could be associated to PS

57 Chargeback: Display Strings are missing for relationships

58 PricesheetOwnerDailyFact: need handle the case in which cloud to price sheet association gets deleted

59 Chargeback: ConfigItemChargebackDailyFactvw: Updated Vm properties are not being considered for VM cost calculation

60 Chargeback: ConfigItemChargebackDailyFactvw: when a new Vm is added, the  rows corresponding to it are not getting added to the fact

61 Chargeback: PricesheetDetailDailyFactvw: newly added Price Sheets are not getting added to the detail fact

62 Chargeback: PricesheetDetailDailyFactvw:  Price value measure is not getting updated when the price sheet is updated

63 Unhandled Exception: ... Microsoft_EnterpriseManagement_Packaging!Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller.RemotableNativeMethods.MsiCloseHandle ...

64 ConfigItemChargebackDailyFact: the cost and count must be switched in final fact insertion

65 Form's Task Pane tasks context is managed by Selection in active View, not Form instance

66 ConfigItemChargebackDailyFact: cost value is not updated correctly

67 Price Sheet> Assigned Clouds tab - Assigned Clouds list does not show description

68 Chargeback DataWarehouse: Null entries are shown in PricesheetDetailDailyFact and ConfigItemChargebackDailyFact

69 Chargeback DataWarehouse: Inserted / Updated counts are not correct

70 Chargeback DataWarehouse: UpdatedBatchId should be kept as 0 for inserted entries in all facts

71 Chargeback: Update the Cube  Name,Descritpion fields , Measuregroup Name, Measure Names need to be updated

72 Chargeback: when  VM is Moved from one cloud to another, its being counted in both the clouds for cost calculation there after

73 Chargeback: Cloud  to Price Sheet association changes  for Cost calculation is effective from next day

74 Chargeback: Warehouse Grooming info is not set for Chargeback facts

75 Chargeback: Price Sheet value changes  for Cost calculation is effective from next day

76 Chargeback: Report Initial settings should be modified so that refresh would work automatically- remove Prefiltering

77 Chargeback: Report: Cost Center Dim Name selection need to be updated in the reports

78 Chargeback: Cloud information is lost during ETL.

79 Chargeback: Report dashboard - Top 3 price sheets shows more than 3 price sheets

80 Chargeback: Report details - missing VM name information

81 Chargeback: Double clicking on the publish task for a price sheet - fails to update the status.

82 Chargeback: with VM discovery data only filled, Virtual machine info is not populated in the report properly

83 Fix FxCop Warnings in Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceManager.Chargeback.VmmCloud.dll

84 Dashboards need to be sorted left to right in descending order (Cost Center, Cloud and Price Sheet)

85 Chargeback: Deleted VMs are not being captured during the transform

86 MPBPA Warnings:

87 Memory column shows rounded values, while the cost is using the decimal values for calculations.

88 Chargeback:TransformPricesheetOwnerDailyFact holds the old price sheet association making the older VM's to be charged

89 Chargeback:Domain.Common is being used as facts domain for Chargeback facts

90 Chargeback: Chargeback Transforms are not creating the data for  missing days if the transform is not run for the day

91 Chargeback:  Sort on Price Sheets using Status is not working correctly

92 Chargeback:   Price Sheet name should be trimmed when creating/ editing the price sheet - blank i.e. " " should not be supported for name.

93 Chargeback:  Help is not available from Service Manager console for Price Sheet

94 Purging takes 1.5 to 2 hours and causes blocking

95 Change Log Grooming stops functioning if a non-periodic subscription workflow is disabled by an override

96 Chargeback: Excel Report does not refresh with 1000 VM data set (dashboard and details page)

97 SM_Chargeback: VMM Cloud Price Sheet class does not have description and icon set in the MP

98 Chargeback: Accessibility- Contrast: High/Los Contrast some of the fields/ text are not visible correctly.

99 Chargeback: Glob - Number formatting not correct on SCSM UI  - Price Sheet> Price Tab.

100 Chargeback:VM slice need to be removed from the sample report for better performance

101 Chargeback: If Price Sheet and Virtual Machine property changes for a cloud on the same day,new price sheet values will be applied for the same day

102 Service Manager setup wizard crashed on norsk language

103 Unit test binaries are not being signed and causing load errors with Nunit tests

104 Fail to import MP

105 Windows 8: DataWarehouse power shell module import is failing  from  the SCSM Power shell  shortcut

106 IT GRC Installer - Typo in Data warehouse Page

107 IT GRC: Readiness Review Wizard: Unable to Proceed while entering the Review Dates Manually

108 IT GRC Connector for SCCM 2012 RTM - Fails to complete

109 IT GRC Transform Fails while advancing the Date on SCSM and DataWarehouse Servers

110 Height issue in Service Manager 2012 Self-Service portal

111 Add hierarchical support for list items (enums/classifications) in Service Manager 2012 SP1 Self-Service portal

112 Operations Manager setup fails in Service Manager SDK merge module on machines w/ no .Net 2.0 - port Operations Manager fix to Service Manager merge module

113 Error While importing Chargeback Management Pack Bundle

114 Service Manager upgrade with portal failed

115 Service Manager VMM management packs imported upgrade failed

116 Chargeback: Chargeback Topology requires Operations Manager debug build that has the new virtualization library

117 Chargeback: Unassigned Price Sheet view is removed from the product

118 Chargeback:  Clicking publish on newly created Price Sheet  shows 'Data Collision' error

119 Chargeback: Connect VMM and OM Servers” step is failing in the SMURF Chargeback topology

120 User is able to unpublish price sheet with assignments to user roles in clouds (non-default assignments)

121 Service Manager 2012: Console crash after upgrade from Service Manager 2010

122 Chargeback: Memory is not getting charged.

123 Service Manager 2012 RTM Can’t be upgraded to Service Manager 2012 SP1 after import VMM MPs

124 Chargeback installation after Service Manager RTM-SP1 upgrade with VMM MPs

125 Chargeback: Cloud Price Sheet Switch scenario -  2 different prices are applied to the cloud for the day when price sheets are switched

126 Service Manager 2012 RTM data warehouse cannot be upgraded to SP1 when additional datamarts are not installed in RTM

127 Chargeback: Failed to assigned a cloud to an exist price sheet

128 Chargeback: Price sheet which is draft mode should not be assigned as a default  PS to a VMM cloud from the Cloud Form

129 Chargeback: Failed to remove an User role from the Cloud Form

130 Chargeback:TransformVirtualNicSnapshotFact refers to incorrect source fields and the transform fails

131 Chargeback->PS Form->Assign Cloud Tab: Add and Remove buttons does not have hot keys assigned

132 Chargeback: View “ServiceManager.Chargeback.VmmCloudUsage.View.All” should not be exist

133 Chargeback: Sample report issues

134 Upgrade Failure: System Center Operations Manager agent compatibility change

135 Chargeback:InfraPricesheetDetailDailyFactvw is not detecting a price sheet deletion

136 A Service Request shows different time stamps between Self Service Portal and Service Manager console

137 Chargeback:HighavailabilityCount measure is not getting updated in the Infrachargebackdailyfact

138 CIs->BS->All BSs->VMM Service Map->Service Components tab: Console crashes when expand cloud with usages

139 Fastsync: instances of Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.Network.2012.VNic is not synchronized

140 User Roles picker shows user roles from foreign VMM Servers

141 Service Manager 2012 memory leak: Internal memory usage over 1GB or more

142 Service Manager 2012: Service Catalog if Language set, it is not visible in portal

143 Service Manager Service Request Implementation Notes Carriage Return Not Working

144 Operations Manager Build Change - previous build is deleted from the share, so we have to user newer one

145 Service Manager Localization: Setting OS display language is Korean, SCSM console language still display in English

146 Chargeback: Default Price sheet should not appear on cloud form after not-committed assignments from price sheet form

147 Fast sync: VMM Service map is not synchronized at all

148 Chargeback: Some values of property don't been displayed in Print Preview page

149 VMM 2012 SP1 MPs could not be installed on Service Manager that has VMM 2012 RTM MPs imported

150 Service Manager Uninstall: Service Manager could not be uninstalled after upgrade from RTM to SP1

151 Chargeback install script: Script should not try to install Chargeback if prerequisites is not installed

152 Chargeback: Chargeback installation is blocked by VirtualMachineManager MPs not being fully signed

153 Chargeback: Price sheet form: Clicking on print button clears assigned clouds grid with non-committed added clouds

154 The two services "System Center Audit Forwarding" and "System Center Management APM"  about Agent on upgrade from RTM to SP1 didn't exist

155 Chargeback: localizability and localization testing - In Korean OS,  SCSM still has some areas is not Ploc’d

156 In Chinese, the whole Chargeback part  is English, however other parts display in Chinese

157 Chargeback: Only MeasureGroups IDs are localized in the Chargeback solution

158 Chargeback: User needs to be aware of the fact that price sheet un-assignment takes effect on the next day. (EX- Cloud-Price sheet association change is not getting applied for the current priced VM's)

159 SQL Always On: SM,DataWarehouse  installation fails with  SQL Availability listener

160 The AD and CM connector stop working in signed build, but work well in debug build

161 In Chinese OS, Cloud can't specify default PS

162 SQL Server 2012: Unable to Install Service Manager when using SQL instance with SMB file share as storage

163 Only 1 User Role Price sheet override is created for cloud

164 The symbol "_" is not displayed when it is used in the middle the title of an activity.

165 should be renamed to

166 Service Managerserver install fails, Beta branch, signed build

167 Update display strings for Chargeback Elements

168 Chargeback DataWarehouse MP should be split into sub features for better maintenance

169 Service Manager setup: Collation validation need to be performed on SSAS server too

170 Unpublish task does not work on PS form

171 mappings for Logical Computer computers type between SCCM DB and DataWarehouse staging failed

172 Tracing is not added for the Cloud form

173 Service Manager console installation failure on Windows 7 x86

174 Service Manager CHM help file contains broken links to Chargeback TechNet pages

175 SCSM Server installation fails for builds from in SM_Chargeback branch

176 [CHS][Unloc]The description "Writing system registry values" under the progress bar when set up SCSM Server and DataWarehouse Server

177 FxCop warning for Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceManager.Chargeback.Common.dll

178 [SCSM] Hungarian section is not available for Generic Incident Requests (in file ServiceManager.ServiceCatalog.GenericIncidentRequest.xml)

179 Service Manager 2012 SP1: Rolling back installation does not delete the management group.

180 Service Manager DataWarehouse 2012 SP1: Rolling back installation does not delete the management group.

181 Support Upgrade to Service Manager SP1

182 In Service Manager, the version of the MPs that need to advance import to SCSM are not latest cause OM CI connector couldn't sync data from VMM

183 Service Manager SP1: Cannot install Portal sucessfully, An error occurred while executing a custom action

184 [CHS][Unloc]: Chargeback feature is not localized.

185 SCUI HUN and ZHH files are not localized properly

186 SCUI HUN and ZHH msms were not integrated, so SCUI did not show localized text for those langs

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