Sylver SCHORGEN Blog's

Articles, astuces et news sur les technologies Microsoft et plus particulièrement tournant autour de Powershell

It's been a while since I wanted to test Pester and I finally find the time to test it. Pester is a BDD (Behaviour-Driven Development) based test runner for PowerShell ( We want to use this kind of tool when we want to verify that the result of a PowerShell function is really what we are waiting for. It is useful when we are modifying code we want to assure that the result is still the same.

To install Pester, enter the following command : Install-Module -Name Pester

To verify Pester has been correctly installed : Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name Pester

To import Pester : Import-Module -Name Pester

In my next article, I will explain a simple case study !

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