Sylver SCHORGEN Blog's

Articles, astuces et news sur les technologies Microsoft et plus particulièrement tournant autour de Powershell
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  • [POWERSHELL - EXCHANGE ONLINE] Set Default Email Format to HTML

    Hello Everyone,

    If you need to force the default email format to HTML for all your mailboxes, you can do so with one line of PowerShell.

    To do that, you first need to connect to Exchange Online :

    $LiveCred = Get-Credential
    $Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $LiveCred -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
    Import-PSSession $Session

    Once you are connected, you can force the default format to HTML for every mailboxes with this command :

    Get-Mailbox | Set-MailboxMessageConfiguration -DefaultFormat Html