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Les rapports fournis avec System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) peuvent paraître parfois pauvre notamment en matière d’administration quotidienne du produit. Aujourd’hui, je vous propose un rapport permettant de traquer le nombre d’overrides stockés dans des Management Packs non scellés pour un Management Pack donné. Ce rapport permet par exemple de traquer les erreurs de stockage d’overrides lors de leur création. Vous trouverez enfin le nombre total d’overrides sur votre Management Group

N’oubliez pas de vous créer une data source pointant sur la base de données opérationnelle avec les droits nécessaires pour que le rapport puisse être exécuté. Ce rapport marche pour System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2, System Center 2012 Operations Manager  et SQL Server 2008 RTM/R2.

Télécharger le rapport Management Pack – Unsealed Management Pack and Overrides


The reports provided with System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) may sometimes seem particularly poor in terms of daily operations on the product. Today, I offer a report to track the number of overrides stored in unsealed Management Packs for a given Management Pack. This report allows for example to track down storage errors for an override when he is created. You will also find the total number of overrides on your Management Group.

Do not forget to create a datasource targeting to the operational database with security rights necessary to generate the report. This reports works with System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2, System Center 2012 Operations Manager  and SQL Server 2008 RTM/R2.

Here is the query :

SELECT     MP.MPName, MP.MPVersion, MPSTORE.MPFriendlyName AS 'Unsealed MP', MPSTORE.MPVersion AS 'Unsealed MP Version', COUNT(aov.Id)

                      AS 'Number of Overrides'

FROM         AllOverrideView AS aov LEFT OUTER JOIN

                      --Rules AS R WITH (nolock) ON aov.TargetId = R.RuleId AND aov.OverrideType = 'RuleProperty' LEFT OUTER JOIN

                      --Monitor AS M WITH (nolock) ON aov.TargetId = M.MonitorId AND aov.OverrideType = 'MonitorProperty' LEFT OUTER JOIN

                      --Discovery AS D WITH (nolock) ON aov.TargetId = D.DiscoveryId AND aov.OverrideType = 'DiscoveryProperty' LEFT OUTER JOIN

                      Rules AS R WITH (nolock) ON aov.TargetId = R.RuleId LEFT OUTER JOIN

                      Monitor AS M WITH (nolock) ON aov.TargetId = M.MonitorId LEFT OUTER JOIN

                      Discovery AS D WITH (nolock) ON aov.TargetId = D.DiscoveryId LEFT OUTER JOIN

                      ManagementPack AS MP WITH (nolock) ON


                       WHEN AOV.OverrideType = 'RuleProperty' THEN R.ManagementPackId

                       WHEN AOV.OverrideType = 'RuleConfiguration' THEN R.ManagementPackId

                       WHEN AOV.OverrideType = 'MonitorProperty' THEN M.ManagementPackId

                       WHEN AOV.OverrideType = 'MonitorConfiguration' THEN M.ManagementPackId

                       WHEN AOV.OverrideType = 'DiscoveryProperty' THEN D .ManagementPackId

                       WHEN AOV.OverrideType = 'DiscoveryConfiguration' THEN D .ManagementPackId

                       END) = MP.ManagementPackId INNER JOIN

                      ManagementPack AS MPSTORE WITH (nolock) ON MPSTORE.ManagementPackId = aov.ManagementPackId



ORDER BY MP.MPName, 'Unsealed MP'


Download Management Pack - Unsealed Management Pack and Overrides report

This report is provided "AS IS" without express or implied warranty of any kind.

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